“Rapport” - [noun] Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity;
a sympathetic relationship or understanding.
“an” - [indefinite article] The form of “a” used before words beginning with a vowel or
with an unpronounced “h”: an elephant; an hour.
“and” - [conjunction]
1. Together with or along with; in addition to; as well as. Used to connect words, phrases, or clauses
that have the same grammatical function in a construction.
2. Added to; plus: Two and two makes four.
3. Used to indicate result: Give the boy a chance, and he might surprise you.
4. Informal To. Used between finite verbs, such as go, come, try, write, or see: try and find it; come and see.
5. Archaic If: and it pleases you.
“ad” - [noun] short for advertisement
“add” - [verb]
1. (Mathematics) to combine (two or more numbers or quantities) by addition
2. (Mathematics) (tr; foll by to) to increase (a number or quantity) by another number or quantity using addition
3. (tr; often foll by to) to join (something) to something else in order to increase the size, quantity, effect, or scope;
unite (with) to add insult to injury
4. (intr; foll by to) to have an extra and increased effect (on) her illness added to his worries
5. (tr) to say or write further
6. (tr; foll by in) to include See also add up