Have you seen the news about the tornado victims?

I am not sure if you have been watching the news for the past 2 days, but a tornado hit Moore, OK and has left it utterly devastated. There have been so many deaths, many children have been killed, houses flattened.... people in dire need of medical help and general assistance.

I am sorry to bring such sad news to an otherwise happy and fun board, but I felt as though this is important.

My heart and prayers goes out to the families affected by the Moore tornado.
Please help them with your own prayers and with donations. You can help by signing ontomoore.recovers.org or by texting the word FOOD to 32333.
Here’s another link with good info:

Thank you!
Looks like the yahoo link I posted didn't work, try this http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/...182314098.html