ASP/Client age spread

Wanted to get some general feedback on this issue. Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but there is a lot of experience here.

I'm starting to get up there....upper 50's. For the most part, I've been seeing ladies within 10 to 15 years of my age. Two reasons: 1) These ladies seem to "get me" 2) I am painfully aware of what the ravages of time are doing to my body.

But, I'll admit to some attraction to some of the providers in their 30's....maybe late 20's. Saw one once, got the feeling she was afraid she was going to break me. LOL.

So...for the guys.....Is there an age differential at which you begin to notice that service slacks off?

For the ladies.....very carefully worded here.....I know that YOU would never let your service level be affected by the age of your client.....but in general conversations with other providers, is there an age differential where the provider finds it difficult to perform?

I'm clean, reasonably fit, and polite. I like to think I'm doing everything properly that is under my control. I just don't want to cross the line where the "ickyness" factor sets in due to age. Any input from both sides will be helpful.
As someone in the same life stage, I am really interested in hearing the ladies' responses to your questions.
In the real world, many younger ladies find an older man "hitting" on them to be representative of the "dirty old man syndrome." Yet....many younger ladies also seem to be attracted to older, mature men. So....does this line of thinking also carry over into the hobby? It probably does to some extent. However, I believe most ladies are more turned off by men who are unattractive physically than they are those who are significantly older. If you remain in reasonably good shape, are conversant and pleasant, AND HAVE THE ENTRANCE FEE, most all ladies are pleased to be with you despite the age differences.
In all honesty, when a client makes ME feel like I might break him, thats when it gets uncomfortable. A man in his 50's is still quite capable of rumbling like a stud. Hell, I still remember the guy I saw a few times that had an inflatable penis. Seriously, just push a button in the testes, and boom, rock hard fun stick. He had to be late 70's, but he enjoyed the hell out of me, and I him; Cause he still had the spark in his touch. For me, drive means more than age. I want to feel wanted in a big way, so if he can deliver that feeling, I'm usually enthused. Beside, best DATY I've *ever* experienced came from a man who could easily be my grandfather. What can I say, sometimes experience really is king.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Follow the dating age rule: [ (Your Age) / 2 ] + 7.

Or, you can just do whatever makes you happy
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-24-2013, 02:03 PM
Wanted to get some general feedback on this issue. Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but there is a lot of experience here.

I'm starting to get up there....upper 50's. For the most part, I've been seeing ladies within 10 to 15 years of my age. Two reasons: 1) These ladies seem to "get me" 2) I am painfully aware of what the ravages of time are doing to my body.

But, I'll admit to some attraction to some of the providers in their 30's....maybe late 20's. Saw one once, got the feeling she was afraid she was going to break me. LOL.

So...for the guys.....Is there an age differential at which you begin to notice that service slacks off?

For the ladies.....very carefully worded here.....I know that YOU would never let your service level be affected by the age of your client.....but in general conversations with other providers, is there an age differential where the provider finds it difficult to perform?

I'm clean, reasonably fit, and polite. I like to think I'm doing everything properly that is under my control. I just don't want to cross the line where the "ickyness" factor sets in due to age. Any input from both sides will be helpful. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Personal experiences and opinions:

--I would not worry about it. Especially the "ravages of time" part. Be honest from the beginning and let the ladies decide.

--My preference is usually for the 30s-40s year groups; I am 60-ish. I just find ladies in that period cn generally hold a better conversation, and as you say, the get me better. I can be a bit unusual at times! My ATF is now 48, and probably 4 of my all time favorite 6 ladies are in thier 40s.

--Having said that, occasionally a 20-something lady catches my attention because she sounds more mature than her years. I have had only one lady say "you're too old" when I tried to meet her. Quite the opposite after I meet them: they are often amazed that a gentleman will open a car door for them, wants to know what they think, and doesn't consider Denny's to be fine dining. I have never had a problem seeing any young lady a 2nd time if I wanted to.
Follow the dating age rule: (Your Age) / 2 + 7.

Ohh Goody, I can be a real cougar if that applies!!

I like men over 35, seems to make more sense to me if they know what I like, want and talk about, same music etc...
And don't be afraid of us ladies in our 30's. Some of us get your historical and pop culture references, and love the fact that older men are more considerate lovers, and know their way around a woman's body, I might add.
I am in my early 40s. When I started I would see 28 to 45. Since then I have seen 20 and 22. I say go for it. They showed me the same amount of loving.
Cool thing about my age is all the milfs and cougars the youngsters are drooling over are just hot young chicks to me.
RedLeg505's Avatar
occasionally a 20-something lady catches my attention because she sounds more mature than her years. I have never had a problem seeing any young lady a 2nd time if I wanted to. Originally Posted by Old-T
I have generally stayed with the 30-40 range, however I did recently enjoy the company of a young 23 yo who was quite mature for her chronological age and it was breathtaking. As good as the more mature providers. So, while I'm more comfortable and happy with the providers closer to my age (will see one next week at 48), there is nothing wrong with seeing the maturity appropriate 20-something too.
I have been with ladies from 19-54 and the mature ladies have the experience that gets me off. The young ones are great but with age comes the skills to spark lightning in me.
Men 50+ possess the skills and experience that only maturity can provide. Granted, some may have erectile issues, but I don't care whether they pump, inject, tie wings around it to keep it up, or able to even have an erection. I have shared many a memorable moment with older gentlemen regardless. As long as the desire and need are there, not many are more capable of pleasuring a woman than an unselfish and seasoned lover.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm in my mid 40s. I've seen ladies ranging from 19-mid 50s. When I was in my late 20s/early 30s, I would get snookered by ladies telling me that they were in their 30s only to find out that they were more like in their 50s. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just don't like being lied to. If and when I want a mature lady, I will go for it. Anyway back to the point, as a guy, I don't mind the age difference. The way I look at it is like this. If I want to be with a lady my age, why try and buy it? I could hook up with a civie girl anytime. When I participate in the hobby, it is to get what I normally would be unable to get in the real world. I prefer younger providers. My biggest turn on is to be with the college co-ed type-- 18-23. I've been with a few and none of them seem to be grossed out that I'm twice their age. Most seem to think of it as a turn on.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Shit I am in my 60s, and I schedule with who appeals to me. The youngest was 18, the oldest 48. This is FantasyLand not the real world. I had a beautiful 27 year old who lived with me, a knockout 34 year old blonde who wants to marry me, and currently a 20 year old beautiful brunette, and also a 22 year old provider who calls me all the time. Matter of fact I just got off the phone with her. I am not rich, I don't look like a movie star, and I am not a player, but I have much more luck with younger women. I will probably settle down with the blonde because I have a great relationship with her 3 year old son who goes crazy every time he sees me.
Shit I am in my 60s, and I schedule with who appeals to me. The youngest was 18, the oldest 48. This is FantasyLand not the real world. I had a beautiful 27 year old who lived with me, a knockout 34 year old blonde who wants to marry me, and currently a 20 year old beautiful brunette, and also a 22 year old provider who calls me all the time. Matter of fact I just got off the phone with her. I am not rich, I don't look like a movie star, and I am not a player, but I have much more luck with younger women. I will probably settle down with the blonde because I have a great relationship with her 3 year old son who goes crazy every time he sees me. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Well, if you wanna be rich, figure out how to bottle & sell what you got. 'Cause guys like me will pay a bundle for it.

I know I'm paying for fantasy. Just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.