House Democrats Just Made It Clear They Don't Care How Many Americans Are Stranded in Afghanistan

  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 09:49 AM

Source: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) brought the House of Representatives back in session this week for a rare set of August votes on partisan legislation to advance Joe Biden's radical Democrat agenda. And while they're trying to revive portions of the disastrous H.R.1 federal takeover of elections, a woke infrastructure bill, and the massive $3.5 trillion Biden Budget, there was one thing Democrats didn't want to discuss on Tuesday: Americans left stranded in Afghanistan by the Biden administration.
Not only did they not want to discuss the fate of U.S. citizens facing abandonment, they outright blocked consideration of a bill from Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) that would have provided critical information about Americans in Afghanistan so far not divulged by the Biden administration.
By a vote of 220 to 212, House Democrats blocked Gallagher's H.R.5071 that would have required Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to report daily to Congress on the status of the airlift and withdrawal efforts. Included in the information that would have been required is:
  • the total number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan
  • the total number of U.S. citizens in Afghanistan
  • the total number of U.S. citizens seeking evacuation
  • the total number of U.S. citizens who have been evacuated
  • the total number of U.S. citizens who have been unable to evacuate
  • the total number of U.S. citizens who have been detained by the Taliban
  • the total number of U.S. citizens injured or killed in Afghanistan since August 13th
  • the total number of Afghan nationals evacuated on DOD aircraft
  • the total number of Afghan nationals eligible for evacuation on DOD aircraft
"Over the past week we have all seen the horrifying images coming out of Kabul," Gallagher said on the House floor Tuesday. "Babies being passed over barbed wire. Two-year-olds trampled to death. Bodies falling from C-17s. These pictures are now forever painted onto American history. And they don't depict the orderly withdrawal that the President promised."
Calling the scenes created by Biden's mismanaged exit "portraits of chaos — of tragedy — and dishonor," Gallagher asked "Was the plan for America to give billions of dollars worth of U.S. military equipment to the Taliban? Was the plan to put terrorists effectively in charge of security around the Kabul airport? Was the plan to leave more than 10,000 American citizens stranded behind enemy lines?"
"It's time for this body, this congress, to act — to hold the administration accountable and save lives," Gallagher explained. "Make no mistake: If we get out on August 31st we are going to condemn thousands to death. I don't care what secret side deal was struck with the Taliban. This is America, we don't leave anybody behind."

BREAKING: Biden Caves to Taliban Spencer Brown

The Biden administration — from the White House to the State Department to the Pentagon — has remained intentionally vague on the information Gallagher sought to obtain, failing to provide specifics beyond "a few thousand" when asked how many Americans have been safely evacuated and refusing to answer questions about Biden's negotiations with the Taliban even after he dispatched the CIA director to grovel before its de facto leader in Kabul this week.
Without oversight like Gallagher proposed, it seems Biden and his administration will be able to reveal only what they want in attempts to spin its Afghan disaster as a success by heralding generic numbers of individuals evacuated. But no matter how many Americans and Afghan allies are safely evacuated before Biden halts the airlift in order to meet the Taliban's withdrawal deadline, the only thing Americans will remember is how many were left behind.

True - nazi Pelosi and the marxist DPSTs care only about caving in to teh tlaiban and China - and transferring our military security to them
They care not about thousands of American citizens - no more than they care about citizens ho pay taxes so DPST marxists can import hundreds of thousands of disease ridden illegals to vote for their marxist rule.

This is what a marxist tyranny is - nazi pelosi and DPSTs already are murdering - de facto - thousands of innocent Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

Innocent American blood is on their hands - and they Like It!!!

DPST's - Che' is dead

From my cold deaddhands - DPSTs and beta boy!
Fake news.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This cocksucker is abandoning thousands of your fellow citizens to get raped, killed and mutilated and you support it. WTF? Party affiliation is really so important that you don’t mind people getting slaughtered to prop it up? Fucking disgusting.
adav8s28's Avatar
Over 70,000 evacuated so far. Approx 1,500 Americans left with five days to go.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Same old same old ,, if its against this admin fake, T fault the conditioning is complete in some peeps
offshoredrilling's Avatar
most stuck vote GOP???
adav8s28's Avatar
Same old same old ......... Originally Posted by rexdutchman
There have been planes leaving just about every hour on the hour. There won't be a need to extend. Going to get over 100,000 plus evacuated,most of it since Aug 15th. Plus no casualties, not even a scratch to USA and NATO troops. Remarkable.
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2021, 08:07 AM
Thank u 'a'

totally divorced from Reality
Just a parrot of Xinn and Comrade Xi!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right buy a news paper ,, That's really shocking to me