Babblin; Bernie sues DNC over voter rolls

Notice how the sites lyin liberals won't touch the story over how Babblin Bernie is sueing the DNC over access to their voter rolls. Might this kerfuffle show the disharmony in the LYING LIBS house of clowns ? Now, Bernie's campaign staff ( woomby ? ) did take an " unauthorized " peek at some of the murdering Shrillary's hard core voters ( looks like Lil Cotex will be getting some Bernie mail soon ! ) and supposedly the weasel that violated the dumbascrap's anointed choice of the murdering Shrillary for Prez's voter info was fired and another " reprimanded for such Clintonian cheating ! Does this mean that Babblin Bernie will now come out swinging on Shrillary in their next media love fest ( debate ) ?
Wonder how many of those Shrillary supporters are " absentee " cemetery voters ? Box 13 redux, anyone ?
LexusLover's Avatar
I think he's gonna have to sue Hillarious too.
bambino's Avatar
Geez, wonder what the ratings will be for tonight's debate. When is it airing? 2am?
LexusLover's Avatar
They've already been "rated." Hillarious won!

Hopefully Bernie will call her out on the data mining bullshit .... and she will respond:

"I'll have to get back to you on that one after consulting my attorney."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They should ask her in the debate who she will choose as VP so we will know who will be pres when you are indicted and forced to resign.
LexusLover's Avatar
They should ask her in the debate who she will choose as VP so we will know who will be pres when you are indicted and forced to resign. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I suspect the FBI director will be courteous enough to issue "the report" about a month before the convention, but if he thinks The First Black AG will actually "approve" an indictment on THE REPORT, he may a couple of months ahead....

... before he goes venue shopping for a "friendly" U.S. Attorney to timely indict!

He'll be toast after that.
Sorry old bastard was so nice during that first debate.

If he had any balls at all he would look right at her and call her out for being the lying sack of shit money grubbing bitch that she is.
They're Re-tarted... watching the 0zombie debate now... she has side burns, WTF? American Communists.

FUCKING CLOWN SHOW!!! She should put her clown pants on... call 911 on suspicious 0muhammadans... look in the camera Cankles... Cankles be blind... don't give up freedom but we get your guns... I like how they insult muslims by calling them "moslems" LOL!
Cankles creates isis and she tells us how to destroy them... more refuges, yea baby... MORE! MORE!... Mussies on the ground... Cuntcack says her support of isis was a big mistake... democrats have a orgasm ... she says turks and iraqs can defeat her isis...
no fly zone/barrel bomb BS... fuckers be clueless... Russia joined us? schizophrenia is rampant with these 0zombies... canckles regrets Libya blunder... Sanders WON! ... BITCH PISSED, LOL! Sanders wants to punch her bad! ... al-Assad good... 0mally crushes the establishment cunt.... #'s quoted... shes pissed ... we are stupid... we created isis... she created isis...

BREAK... good, I got to piss...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wonder how her supporters would feel about her beating up on an old man?
Wonder how her supporters would feel about her beating up on an old man? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Same as they feel about her getting an Ambassador and 3 others killed - " What difference does it make now ! " . The crooked Clinton's can do no wrong in their eyes. Just ask Lil Cotex !
bambino's Avatar
Sorry old bastard was so nice during that first debate.

If he had any balls at all he would look right at her and call her out for being the lying sack of shit money grubbing bitch that she is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh, he apologized and made up. They both agreed to have an independent investigation to get to the bottom of things. Lmao! Hillary looks like shes wearing a burlap sack with a hole in it. OMalleys a twit and Sanders is a kook. I'm forced to watch the Cowboys. Jesus tap dancing Christ.
K-thru college... clean energy makes vaginas wet... raise minimum wage ... reubs suck... Yankee land doing great... everything should be FREE! ... warren gonna pay! Squawk Squawk Squawk... wall street greed... pointy ears, bla, bla, bla... says canckles lied... break up the banks... canckles is cackling... 0malley eating nasty snatch... Bernie, wall st sucks... un-affordable health care is great... SUCKERS... more regulate of the gamed suckers... shut down emergency rooms, let them die in the streets... Shitty healthcare rules... and is a right... fuckers... take everyones money... we will be happier... svae thousands of $$$ a year... FREE! FREE! FREE! College... K-16, FREE! dumb asses... it's all FREE, tax payers just need to bend over. it only hurts for a life time... Hillary stole 0mallies ideals... Canckles has skin in the game... Match? Debt free tuition? ... Communism is gushing, the damn just broke... eehhbuhhrrrssss ass just got wet... waste of time...
Can't take no more... turned it off!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Found a fascinating episode of Quantum Leap about rock and roll in 1959.