Worst movies

what the hell's Avatar
We have favorite movies/tv shows threads, what about the worst? And why are they so bad?

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Walked out of the theater after about 15 minutes. What was it about? It didn't look like it was going anywhere, and fast.

The Fisher King - Robin Williams naked, enough said. Walked out. Actually the movie was terrible long before that scene.

Apt Pupil - Stupid plot and bad acting. A 16 year old boy discovers his neighbor is an ex N azi by getting a DNA sample from him. Dumb. Wait until you see the part where the 16 year old orders the ex N azi to wear the uniform. Worst scene in almost any movie. The movie was awful.
I'm assuming that you don't mean really bad, budget films like "Blonds Have More Guns" or "Attack of the Giant Tomatoes".

Cradle 2 the Grave. Normally I like Jet Li's movies but this movie was just awful. The action was pretty good but the acting was beyond suck.

Battlefield Earth. Do I really have to go into it?
bigmofo's Avatar
Any movie with Steven Segal in it...

Outside of him being one of the worst actor EVER am I the only one that noticed he has NEVER LOST A FIGHT in any of his movies. I dont even think he has ever even been hit in any movie he stared in.
SirThomasTew's Avatar
Wickerman except the scene where Nic Cage is dressed in a bear suit and punches a woman. I recommend the "Chariots of Fire" soundtrack to that rolling GIF.

Otherwise bad to worst movies include any movie with the line "I'm too old for this shit" unless it's security footage from the Pancake House Chronicles or outright satire.

Any western containing Josh Brolin.

Any cop movie containing Ice T.

Anything after "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" containing Sean Penn.

Any movie containing snakes and planes.

Any movie where I must check my critical thought at the door to believe whatever role Tom Cruise is playing to not have a brain hemorrhage. I checked out on him after "Risky Business" because he let a hooker empty his house and no gun play was involved - even in Chicago.
Dumb and Dumber

What about Bob
Guest042715's Avatar
Caddyshack 2. should be erased from my memory.
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 06-29-2010, 09:20 AM
i saw a movie called "from Hell" on HBO the other day... WTF pretty retarded...

All the spoof movies are pretty stupid also...

Also,, John Travolta has been putting out some horrible movies lately... just horrible... old dogs, wild hogs, hairspray,... after pulp fiction it has pretty much sucked...
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-29-2010, 10:57 AM
Most sequels although The Sting 2 gets special notice for going from Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the original to Jackie Gleason and Mac Davis in the sequel.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Showgirls - The worst! Bad story, bad acting, bad everything. Except for the tits. And the ass. And the naked stuff. Hmm, I think I better watch again just to make sure.

Anything with Christopher Lambert. He sucks.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
i saw a movie called "from Hell" on HBO the other day... WTF pretty retarded...

All the spoof movies are pretty stupid also...

Also,, John Travolta has been putting out some horrible movies lately... just horrible... old dogs, wild hogs, hairspray,... after pulp fiction it has pretty much sucked... Originally Posted by mrod
I thought "Wild Hogs" was funny. But I know what you're saying.

The first movie that I ever walked out on was "The Wiz". The music was good but Diana Ross as Dorothy was too much. Even during my somewhat "lost" years that I was going through as a 20 something year old, I thought the movie was ridiculous!

Other films that I don't like, well I see so few of them that it's hard to tell of any. "Fear and Loathing..." was a real disappointment since I loved the book and Thompson's writing so much. I didn't finish watching the film

The English Patient. My gawd. I actually lost track of the characters and have NO idea why anybody wanted to bone anybody. This movie won "Best Picture?"...ridiculous...

Most Disney animated movies after 101 Dalmations...why? THEY'RE THE SAME MOVIE! Ernest boy or girl with physical malady but 'secret talent' falls in love with good looking boy or girl with higher social standing but is ignored until they fall in love and then the person's malady disappears. Wedding follows. Lots of talking animals or inanimate objects.

The second Chronicle of Narnia. Talking animals. The protagonist's father (the king)is killed by his uncle and the protagonist cannot kill his uncle for no real explanation other than not killing him drags him down to his uncles level. Multiple chances to kill him. The uncle is killed anyway. Because this guy doesn't kill his uncle, thousands of people and animal/people die in battles that would be averted. Utterly stupid.

That movie where the penguin dances. Dumb concept pushed further down by inappropriate music (gangsta rap) for a kids movie. Love Grandmaster Flash's "The Message" but it doesn't belong in a movie aimed at 6-10 year old. Nobody is pushing penguins 'close to the edge...'
scooterpie's Avatar
M. Night Shyamalans "The Village" was a gigantic steaming pile of suckitude.
Other than "The Sixth Sense"(which was excellent) I've thought that most of his movies sucked.

I have to agree that "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" was incomprehensible and agonizing to watch.

"Van Helsing" with Hugh Jackman was pretty terrible as well.
what the hell's Avatar
Dumb and Dumber Originally Posted by Tara Evans
One of my favorites of all time, although I forgot to put it in my post in the favorites thread.
Any movie with Tom Cruise.. But his all time worst... Magnolia
Battle Field Earth is Travolta's worst and may be the worst film ever...
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I can pretty much slog through any movie... but there was one I turned off about thirty minutes into it - "The Prairie Home Companion." I thought it was moronic self indulgent garbage. I have seen a lot of bad movies, even low budget Z level films and can usually find something redeeming about them. But not this movie...

I saw "Nine" last weekend... it was pretty bad too. I fell asleep during parts of it.