A question for Budman33 and others that would like to see guidelines enforced more......

Whispers's Avatar
I agree. There IS a problem. Are you truthfully interested in having a real dialogue about that problem?

They are "guidelines"... NOT rules....

Except for certain "nuclear violations" before A MOD takes action in regards to a guideline they need to consider the overall situation and all members participation in what's going one.

Some members bring shit down on themselves and when they do they seldom get any reprieve from the self-moderating nature the boards also posses.
Originally Posted by whispers
i disagree. There's a certain group that constantly shits on anyone they don't agree with.

Do you consider me one of those? Because I certain disagree with you but do not tend to shit on you.

It really needs to end. If the guidelines for decorum are so loosely followed or enforced.... its just sort of sad. Everyone knows it.

But have you looked around at really how many are guilty of it? Or just the ones you tend to disagree with?

But let the circle jerk continue.

and there is little "self-moderating" ... self appointed moderating is more accurate and rarely close to never even gets close the guidelines as they were written by the owners. Originally Posted by budman33
Are you and others capable of taking an honest look at things? Because if you do I believe you will have a pretty long list of people that are guilty of regular and flagrant violations of guidelines.

Take a look through recent threads for those that tend to disagree with me and repeatedly post responses. Read the nature of those responses and apply the very same guidelines you are complaining about not enforcing to them and others.

There are a few handles here that seem obviously created for the soul reason of following me around commenting and I believe if you and others were to apply the same "letter of the law" analysis of the guidelines that you want enforced against a few here to everyone you would see a lot more violations.

I enjoy a lively debate at times and over the years I have seen many members "lose it" and get personal in the nature of their remarks leading to accumulating points and eventually getting themselves banned. There was a time when a good debate yielded multiple bans.

But as the board grew in numbers over the years so did the workload on the MODs in regards to housekeeping tasks and the nature of heated discussions seemed to lose out along the way. Members got into the habit of hitting each other pretty hard with the insults.

I truthfully lodged the same complaint you have raised a little over a year ago as I felt many of the players in several threads should have earned some timeouts along the way but were being let run rampant.

How fair can you and a few others crying out for guidelines to be enforced in applying those guidelines?

Here is a challenge to you and those others.....

1) Set aside what you THINK you know about me or my motivations as well as that of others in that group you feel are the reasons for all the problems.

2) Pick a few threads I've started or posted to a few times in the first couple of pages and read through it making a list of what you perceive to be violations based on what you read and not on who is making the post and what you might think their motivation is.

3) Bring that summary back here and summarize all the offenders by offense and how many offenses in a post to this thread.

In doing so pay attention to which members immediately attack others in a personal manner and compare it to how long it takes others being attacked to respond in same.

I am interested in seeing just how fair your eye is as well as what you see as offenses and how those outside a few should be handled in regards to the guidelines. I would be interested in seeing the others making a similar plea as yours try the same challenge.

If you and others will seriously take that challenge up and do so here in this thread I will join you in a frank discussion of the problem minus any and all name calling.

The major flaw in the "ignore" feature is that it constantly gives you that option to see the post by the member ignored, and human curiosity being what it is....

Honestly, on ASPD I earned points and timeouts from time to time for being baldy honest, and several times felt it was unjustified because while I was stating strong opinions, I never resorted to name-calling or direct personal attacks. My major objection to what I saw in the hours between joining and ignoring you was how quick you were to go to both of those things, and your VOCAL absolute intolerance of activities that fell into your personal category of wrong, or disgusting, or, I dunno, "against nature". In that respect you're really no worse than 75% of the people I've met over the years who have their own personal, very narrow category of what is "acceptable" and what is not, and they always are so vocal that their views are the only "obvious" choice. Speaking personally, I'm so very very unattracted by penises that I can't even imagine enjoying a MFM threesome ever seeming attractive to me again. (Yes, again, because in the spirit of open-mindedness I tried it once. It was not premeditated, just happened one drunken night. No contact between me and him, and we both kind of flinched every time we made skin-to-skin contact.) But I can have a man hit on me at a bar, and smile, say no thank you, and even continue to drink with the guy without cringing or being disgusted, because I know I have.....interests, that would repel other folks the same way as the idea of having a dick in my mouth repels me. But my morals are different from a lot of people, and it's arrogant and stupid for anyone to assume that their way is "right". You seem to look down on any man who even likes things up his ass, even by a woman, and have repeatedly used the word "fag" to describe them, and I don't get why you can't just ignore discussions involving it, and why, even if you can't refrain from commenting, can't be polite and less judgemental about it. In fact, why can't you just be polite in general, rules be damned?
Whispers's Avatar
The major flaw in the "ignore" feature is that it constantly gives you that option to see the post by the member ignored, and human curiosity being what it is....

Honestly, on ASPD I earned points and timeouts from time to time for being baldy honest, and several times felt it was unjustified because while I was stating strong opinions, I never resorted to name-calling or direct personal attacks. My major objection to what I saw in the hours between joining and ignoring you was how quick you were to go to both of those things,

Please provide an example of what you feel is a personal attack and Name calling attributable to me

and your VOCAL absolute intolerance of activities that fell into your personal category of wrong, or disgusting, or, I dunno, "against nature". In that respect you're really no worse than 75% of the people I've met over the years who have their own personal, very narrow category of what is "acceptable" and what is not, and they always are so vocal that their views are the only "obvious" choice. Speaking personally, I'm so very very unattracted by penises that I can't even imagine enjoying a MFM threesome ever seeming attractive to me again. (Yes, again, because in the spirit of open-mindedness I tried it once. It was not premeditated, just happened one drunken night. No contact between me and him, and we both kind of flinched every time we made skin-to-skin contact.) But I can have a man hit on me at a bar, and smile, say no thank you, and even continue to drink with the guy without cringing or being disgusted, because I know I have.....interests, that would repel other folks the same way as the idea of having a dick in my mouth repels me. But my morals are different from a lot of people, and it's arrogant and stupid for anyone to assume that their way is "right". You seem to look down on any man who even likes things up his ass, even by a woman, and have repeatedly used the word "fag" to describe them,

I believe you are getting poster's mixed up sir. Please provide a link to a post where I used the term "fag". It is not a term I typically EVER use much less "repeatedley" use.

and I don't get why you can't just ignore discussions involving it, and why, even if you can't refrain from commenting, can't be polite and less judgemental about it. In fact, why can't you just be polite in general, rules be damned? Originally Posted by Txcruiser

You are new and have not been around to know but I ignore many conversations of material presented by others in all of the forums I participate in. You need to understand the dynamics of personalities that have been making claims that are not accurate and issues that have developed over time to understand why there is less tolerance shown a select number of posters on my part.

AT all times though I tend to stay within the guidelines of the board as I understand them.

The major flaw in the "ignore" feature is that it constantly gives you that option to see the post by the member ignored, and human curiosity being what it is....

Honestly, on ASPD I earned points and timeouts from time to time for being baldy honest, and several times felt it was unjustified because while I was stating strong opinions, I never resorted to name-calling or direct personal attacks. My major objection to what I saw in the hours between joining and ignoring you was how quick you were to go to both of those things, and your VOCAL absolute intolerance of activities that fell into your personal category of wrong, or disgusting, or, I dunno, "against nature". In that respect you're really no worse than 75% of the people I've met over the years who have their own personal, very narrow category of what is "acceptable" and what is not, and they always are so vocal that their views are the only "obvious" choice. Speaking personally, I'm so very very unattracted by penises that I can't even imagine enjoying a MFM threesome ever seeming attractive to me again. (Yes, again, because in the spirit of open-mindedness I tried it once. It was not premeditated, just happened one drunken night. No contact between me and him, and we both kind of flinched every time we made skin-to-skin contact.) But I can have a man hit on me at a bar, and smile, say no thank you, and even continue to drink with the guy without cringing or being disgusted, because I know I have.....interests, that would repel other folks the same way as the idea of having a dick in my mouth repels me. But my morals are different from a lot of people, and it's arrogant and stupid for anyone to assume that their way is "right". You seem to look down on any man who even likes things up his ass, even by a woman, and have repeatedly used the word "fag" to describe them, and I don't get why you can't just ignore discussions involving it, and why, even if you can't refrain from commenting, can't be polite and less judgemental about it. In fact, why can't you just be polite in general, rules be damned? Originally Posted by Txcruiser
Thank you for your comment.
budman33's Avatar
I'm in... I will take an objective look at posts. I am a research analyst by trade so it appeals to me. However, My Professional life takes precedence and this is turning out to be a pretty busy week for me. But I promise in my copious free time I will Go back through your postings as well as others and call it like I see it. For good, bad or ugly.

Whispers's Avatar
I'll watch for it.
sixxbach's Avatar
I agree. There IS a problem. Are you truthfully interested in having a real dialogue about that problem?

I truthfully lodged the same complaint you have raised a little over a year ago as I felt many of the players in several threads should have earned some timeouts along the way but were being let run rampant.

Originally Posted by Whispers
What?? You didn't get what you wanted from us Mods? I am sure there are plenty who won't believe that.

Some more truth is that people want more enforcement as long as that doesn't include them. What's funny is when we get RTM's to point out alleged violations, but neglect the comments that are actually worse than what they RTM'd in the same thread.

FoulRon's Avatar
What?? You didn't get what you wanted from us Mods? I am sure there are plenty who won't believe that.

Some more truth is that people want more enforcement as long as that doesn't include them. What's funny is when we get RTM's to point out alleged violations, but neglect the comments that are actually worse than what they RTM'd in the same thread.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
So Sixx,
What you are saying is an RTM doesn't raise a flag on the thread as a whole? I've noticed that, or at least that it doesn't always appear to have done so. My take is you guys would rather not see a dozen RTMs from the same thread but for different posts, since your probably busy enough as it is.
I've also noticed that mods will edit a post to address guideline issues, but then not look through the rest of the thread for quotes of that post that still have the same info. I know it's a pain to do so, and being a mod is generally a time consuming and thankless task, but it really should be part of the process once an RTM is issued (or you notice it yourselves).
BTW: it's really isn't said enough, thanks to you and the other mods for taking on this task.
So Sixx,
What you are saying is an RTM doesn't raise a flag on the thread as a whole? I've noticed that, or at least that it doesn't always appear to have done so. My take is you guys would rather not see a dozen RTMs from the same thread but for different posts, since your probably busy enough as it is.
I've also noticed that mods will edit a post to address guideline issues, but then not look through the rest of the thread for quotes of that post that still have the same info. I know it's a pain to do so, and being a mod is generally a time consuming and thankless task, but it really should be part of the process once an RTM is issued (or you notice it yourselves).
BTW: it's really isn't said enough, thanks to you and the other mods for taking on this task. Originally Posted by FoulRon
Wonder who holds the record in the RTM'ing category?
Neither of us I'm sure....
That would probably be one of the girls who post in ISO's

Bet I can guess the 5 top posters that get RTM'ed.
budman33's Avatar

Bet I can guess the 5 top posters that get RTM'ed. Originally Posted by rockerrick

is this one of the Posters?
FoulRon's Avatar
Wonder who holds the record in the RTM'ing category?
Neither of us I'm sure.... Originally Posted by Observing
Do you mean "being RTMed" or "hitting RTM"?
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some crossover within the top 10 of each list.
Whispers's Avatar
What?? You didn't get what you wanted from us Mods? I am sure there are plenty who won't believe that. Originally Posted by sixxbach
I actually took it higher to an Admin that explained to me the basic acceptance of "The Houston Effect" and it's effect on the enforcement of guidelines.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm in... I will take an objective look at posts. I am a research analyst by trade so it appeals to me. However, My Professional life takes precedence and this is turning out to be a pretty busy week for me. But I promise in my copious free time I will Go back through your postings as well as others and call it like I see it. For good, bad or ugly.

Cheers! Originally Posted by budman33
You find any time for that fair assessment yet?