The worst drivers

As I drive through and around Rochester and Buffalo I have noticed a trend where certain vehicles tend to be driven by bad drivers. I will throw out my top few. What are your worst drivers vehicles?

#1: Scion TC: most likely to be driven by a twenty something that has a lot to prove to the world. Ok you have a decent car, but it's no Porsche and the 90 is not the autobahn. And do you really have to fly down the left lane the cut off three lanes of cars so you can make the exit?

#2: Hyundai Tiburon: really dude, if it doesn't cost as much as a Ferrari, or look like a Ferrari, it's not a Ferrari. You drive a piece of shit, you don't have to drive like one.

Honorable mention: any middle aged woman in a mini van. Stop curling your hair, put down the smoothie, and drive.
jokacz's Avatar
Trophy wives in Clarence or Pittsford in a Lexus or Benz with iPhone permanently attached to their skull. Clueless!

Honorable mention, any geriatric of either sex in a champagne colored Buick.
How about the older man or woman in their full size GM or Ford sedan driving in the far left lane on the 90 going 50 mph with their left bllnker on.
guess my answer would depend solely on the driver of the car I'm in..
those hood cars
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 06-07-2012, 07:57 PM
guess my answer would depend solely on the driver of the car I'm in.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Nita in the car makes for a distracted driver!
I think this man's personal opinion has some merits:
  1. Any BMW
  2. Any Jaguar
  3. Jeep Grand Cherokee
  4. Any Mercedes Benz
  5. Ford Mustang
  6. Ford Expedition
  7. Chevy Camaro
  8. Any Accura
  9. VW Beetle
  10. Ford Explorer
and those junkyard cars that always die on the road or get pulled over

those ppl got nothing to lose...hit n run!
people in hybrids, especially sporting the preachy "cohexist" sticker, or the "peace" sign... when you see that just roll your eyes like I do and just know whenever you have the misfortune of having one of these preachy self righteous people get in front of you,its going to be a stupid next five minutes or so, that if they just never existed your life would actually be easier.
.Had one the other day trying to beat the light turning left into a two lane main road out of a plaza , ended up stradling two lanes so the people trying to make a right at the next light could not flow, cause the next light was red but had the right turn arrow going, plus right turns can go right on red and traffic flows easier eigher way, and is designed so it empties the lanes to try and prevent idiots that are oblivious from causeing gridlock..
Now normally, I would just jump the curb and watch the dissappointment on the idiots face that they couldnt actually hold me up any longer, but there was a utility pole I would have to had rip it down and there where too many whitneses.

these idiots really dont want to cohexist or have peace AT ALL, otherwise they would just drive correctly . Or maybe they dont have any peace in their lives cause they spend their lives getting in the way of people that are just trying to get somewhere and be productive and experience the hostility that naturally gets reciprocated because of their own idiocy.
They also will try and prolong the agony by waving people in front of them out of other driveways, if they can, usually a failed and veiled attempt to come off as someone thats just "kind" and is considerate when in all actuality is a nuisanceand in reality only causes more danger to all the people behind that are stacking up and wondering WHAT THE FUCK is that ASSHOLE doing,,,this is a ROAD! for DRIVING!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Jeep Grand Cherokee prof you and take the U out of SUV

hybrid I want

ya put a overland train engine on the road
  • Sam54
  • 06-08-2012, 06:08 AM
...are the one's in front of me! I find them all! "Get off the FN road"
roscoe14850's Avatar
guess my answer would depend solely on the driver of the car I'm in.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Nita likes my U turns....or was that an O turn?

Anybody in Ithaca with a Subaru in the winter, they think the all wheel drive makes them safer, but are always in the ditch.

Prius drivers, where the hell you think those batteries and electricity come from you putz!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its a tie. of hooks driving to a call and driver driving a hook to a call. That is why I want a overland. mmmmm did I just run over a errr never mind
Gotyour6's Avatar
Anyone not riding in my truck.

Its a simple thing, get the fuck out of my way.

Anita, comments?
hey i wore my seatbelt and i was in the back i had buffering ...
and your got us there in record time..with like an hour to spare..

this covo sounds familiar..(snicker snicker)