Certain mods bullying and foooking definition of spam!

I'm having quite an issue point wise with two mods, I'm asking for some relief from the powers that be. If I post a question, a legitimate question in coed how is that considered to be spam. All of my coed posts ask a specific hobby question, just because it's not a question certain people want to see does not necessarily make it spam. I believe soulmanike and cryptkicker have a personal issue with shine da great as I get along quite swimmingly with everyone else. Please admins look into this abuse of power. Tooodlez....
Slitlikr's Avatar
Hey Shino-

How's mom doing?

...asking for a friend.
Are you saying you don't have mod ties with those two?

Actually shine.....it is very hard to tell what your threads are about. There is so much bullshit, drivel, and poor use of words that it is almost impossible to understand your threads. You try to hide your question in the spam in order to try and legitimize your thread. Sc does the same thing. So did px
Please admins also look into the thread hijack points that cryptkicker has assessed me. I'm not one to foooking whine but if one remark constituted a thread hijack literally no one would be here. 5 points for one comment. On this very serious thread, slitlkr hijacks the thread and mentions a topic I have asked repeatedly to be left alone but I'm assessed 10 points for thread hijacking with zero warning. You guys always issue warnings to everyone else, now the tactic is to be overly heavy handed with shine which screams point targeting. At the end of the day the rules have got to be applied evenly across the board or what is the purpose of having rules. Cryptkicker should have issued me a warning because that is what you guys do. On both threads I should have been issued a warning before punitive measures are taken. If going forward shine is simply a target for points then make that clear,and let your conscience be your guide on that but this is getting ridiculous and truly needs to be looked into. Every thread I start is hijacked and members are given ample warnings, but shine is given none. That screams unfairness and I know this isn't what the admins want nor what is stated in the directives that this is a place for people of all walks of life to come and participate. That all members would be treated equally and fairly or did I read that long ass rule list for no reason. But the rules now are being skewed to point me out and if that's the intention then an addendum should be added to the rule list stating we reserve the right to be heavy handed with certain members if they aren't liked by a few. Please look into the thread hijack points. All of them. Thank you. Tooodlez....
This community is already under enough scrutiny outside of us, and for cryptkicker to be so heavy handed with me is something that I truly believe needs to be reversed. I get you'll point you don't like me because I'm different. But according to the rules that you guys set forth in this thing of ours different people are welcome and I'm no longer getting that vibe. Everybody else who consistently posts gets several passes on thread hijacks and everyone sees that. If everyone was assessed a thread hijack 5 points this place would be a ghost town. No one would be here. I couldn't rtm enough all the thread hijacks neither do i want to because I don't rtm shit. But if I'm assessed a thread hijack for one statement on each thread then that screams point targeting which is something the rules implicitly stated that wouldn't occur. So please help me understand the rules or just put in parentheses we apply the rules differently for certain people. Thank you very much. This is point bullying and I'm kindly asking my points to be looked into and the points retracted and that the point harassment of shine stops. Thanks. Tooodlez....
Wow. He can be coached.

Shine - take Bone's advice to heart, and I bet the heat is off.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
You spam the fuck out of oh2 and ecc. Now youre talking about the mod bullying you?!?!?! Just this post shows how truly psychotic you are.
I have no clue how anyone associates with you. We all wait for the day youre banned off both sites. The sites will be a much better place.
Guys sign up on these sites read your post and then think it's okay for them to act as ornery as you do because you continue to get away with it. it's not cute... it's unattractive af... it's ungentlemanly. couldnt pay me to be with you. Hell naw to the naw to naw naw naw heeeell naw.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
You cause more problems on this site than anyone you do more spamming than any one you have lost the right to speak on anyone in this way because you are the problem you'd rather be a Spam King then the actual credible guy
This community is already under enough scrutiny outside of us, and for cryptkicker to be so heavy handed with me is something that I truly believe needs to be reversed. I get you'll point you don't like me because I'm different. But according to the rules that you guys set forth in this thing of ours different people are welcome and I'm no longer getting that vibe. Everybody else who consistently posts gets several passes on thread hijacks and everyone sees that. If everyone was assessed a thread hijack 5 points this place would be a ghost town. No one would be here. I couldn't rtm enough all the thread hijacks neither do i want to because I don't rtm shit. But if I'm assessed a thread hijack for one statement on each thread then that screams point targeting which is something the rules implicitly stated that wouldn't occur. So please help me understand the rules or just put in parentheses we apply the rules differently for certain people. Thank you very much. This is point bullying and I'm kindly asking my points to be looked into and the points retracted and that the point harassment of shine stops. Thanks. Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro
What Tbone & HR said, and additionally:

1. If you worded all your posts the same as you did the OP of this thread, you wouldn't have 10% of the problems you have now. That annoying ghetto-speak crap needs to go; this isn't FaceBook. You've already shown that you can speak/write real English, so why not do it all the time?

2. Stop the baiting BS, like your "jumbo shrimp & ribeye" posting. That was an insult to anyone who pays taxes, regardless of their race.

3. Quit referring to yourself in the third person, and as "the great"

We get that you like to be different, but in reality how's that working out for you? You've been banned multiple times from two different boards and you're well on your way to being banned here again and very few will be sorry to see you go. Most of us are probably wishing/hoping the management here will be less tolerant this time and your ban will be permanent like it is at OH2.

The thread I started with a poll on who wants you permabanned was at 20 for the permaban and 1 against (probably you?) before a mod or admin closed it a few hours later.

Is this really the reputation you want to have? You're your own worst enemy.
Perma ban him please and thank you
CryptKicker's Avatar
Members who have a history of repeated violations rarely ever get warnings.
I'm pretty much foooking done here in all honesty. I said what I had to say and at da end of da day being a member here puts no food on da table, which in all honesty that's all shine da great cares about. I stand by the fact that I'm not the problem at all out of your own mouth cryp you said in pxo's thread that they cried for change and still started drama and shine da great was nowhere to be found and you gave da membership ample warning but you choose to point bully me and not come out and say dude I flat out don't like you and I'm going to point you every opportunity I get. That I would respect. This shit is silly to me, how this thing has transpired so in all honesty I'm still here but I have other shit to do and this site at the end of the day is for those who constantly press the rtm button and stay on here day and night on every post. They can have it. Tooodlez....
CryptKicker's Avatar
You have no clue as to what points other members may have received sir.
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
I see the same long-winded posters,giving themselves credit over and over,for trying to change Coed for the better
You can't create multiple boring threads a day unless shine,SC and px are banned??
You spend more time in the threads they create,arguing with them than on creating your own
Why not bury their threads in page 4 by peppering the first page with better content?
Because they hijack the new threads, That's why they stopped