Should she cancel?

Clouddancer's Avatar
Okay, not sure of the wisdom of posting this but here goes.

A very lovely provider I know has planned to be in Dallas around the Superbowl dates.
Plane tickets are already purchased. With all the buzz of LE etc. its pretty scary. I'm thinking with proper screening and discretion, she'll be okay.

I have also noticed some guys say they are zipping it up until the Superbowl is over. It would sure be shame for her to come to Dallas and have no fun.

If she is not booked already, how is she going to contact clients? I assume shes not a SW or going to sit in bars to get picked up?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
personally id stay the hell away if i didnt already live here. i think a lot of guys will stick to the wonderful ladies who are already here although the temptation of new pussy is always a plus.

just tell her to be extra careful and screen screen screen!!

i for one will be seeing people i already know or know of and can screen the hell out of this week... all money is not good money.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Actually, she is a VP here, has P411.
She sent an email to me expressing her concerns as she's never been to Dallas and I took it upon myself to post this.
Gosh, I don't know. I'm kind of trying to avoid the whole thing. I'm not seeing anyone new that doesn't have a multi-okayed P411 account for the two weeks surrounding the SB. Seems to be one big giant headache mostly.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Contrary to what the news is suggesting, I don't believe that there is going to be a big rush of business during the time. The guys who are stellar clients will still be around. Maybe one or two new guys will contact us in the normal fashion.

But I've been saying this all along. There is isn't going to be a rush of men who are attending the Super Bowl calling escorts. Some? Sure. But there just isn't going to be a throng of men calling us up.

Don't know where that leaves your friend. If she is cute or already has a board presence, she might do fine. But to come up JUST to be visiting during this time, is probably unwise. Too many family and business parties, etc., going on. But there could be opportunities for men to have a break and visit a warm and willing woman!!!

Shrug. But who can predict this, really?

Good luck to your friend.

Clouddancer's Avatar
[QUOTE=tracibrooks;977754]Gosh, ........I'm not seeing anyone new that doesn't have a multi-okayed P411 account for the two weeks surrounding the SB.........

Excellent point Traci
My point being if she does not have any prebooked appointments or some marketing plan to get them when she gets her how is she going to get work? She can come here and hope her ECCIE and P411 ad gets some response but depending on how she screens, that may not work either
I'm one of those who's planning to zip it up for the next couple weeks. The ladies I usually see are in hotels or studios. I do not feel comfortable going to either at this time. I set this Tuesday as the cut off point for appointments.

There was a visiting lady I wanted to see later, but it just is not worth the risk. Too much heat.

Does this lady already have a lot of booked appointments? Is she at a discrete hotel or have a high percentage of outcalls? To Bubba's point, if she doesn't already have a lot of appointments lined up, she might be facing an uphill battle.
Guest062512's Avatar
Gosh, I don't know. I'm kind of trying to avoid the whole thing. I'm not seeing anyone new that doesn't have a multi-okayed P411 account for the two weeks surrounding the SB. Seems to be one big giant headache mostly. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Glad I have a multi-OK P411 account.

(Reconsidering my retirement for that booty up there.)
elgato111's Avatar
Being this is first time she has been to dallas, now is not the time with all the extra LE lurking behind every hotel room door. Too much going on to risk either you or her getting taken away.

I am only seeing my local provider who I know is safe since we have been seeing each other for some time now. She is not taking any new clients either during these next 2 weeks just to be safe.
LovingKayla's Avatar
If she has intimate knowledge of the guys she books and has backup plans for all contingencies, and if she already has bail out emergency money, then come on babe. Good luck. This is the hobby mecca, new arrivals form a line to the left, you will be called one at time. Please be prepared for invasive body cavity searches as are custom. Thank you.
TinMan's Avatar
Does she have her hotel booked? If not, where is she going to stay?

I've not done my own research to confirm this, but my impression is that hotels are booked solid, or are charging exorbitant amounts for available rooms.
BigPurdy's Avatar
I heard from an "in the know" individual that the expectation for the SB will be an influx of ~30,000 out-of-town providers/strippers. That's a lot of competition for anyone coming to the area "cold", even if that number is high by 50%. However, I also know that there are already more than 1200 private planes/jets that have space booked at the local airports. They are all full within a 50 mile radius of DFW. That's a lot of new money in the area even if it is only for a week or so. I for one am leaving town on Friday and won't return until some degree of normalcy returns.
Nope she should not cancel.

She can advertise on TER, here, P411, and EROS. If you know her suggest a discreet hotel nowhere near a certain city. Has she posted ads yet? Booked Hotel?

She may come here and do well.