Reporting NCNS's

Friendly and helpful Mods, Administrators, and other people of authority: If this question/info has already been posted/discussed, I apologize.

Where is the proper place to report repeated NCNS's? I know that these type of posts often degenerate into nasty he-said, she-said disputes, but on the other hand, if a Provider has a habit of repeated NCNS's, then that info needs to be posted.

(And, of course, we all know that a dawg would NEVER, EVER not keep an appoinment! )

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 03-18-2010, 09:08 AM
I've always said that since no session took place, then the proper place to report a NSNC would be in the Discussion Section (and some guys with PA like to report it in the ML).....
GneissGuy's Avatar
I wish more guys would simply report the fact of an NCNS. No need to let the rage build up and post a flaming diatribe.

Just post in the appropriate coed section.

"I had a session scheduled with Typhoid Mary. I confirmed two hours before the appointed time, drove to the incall location 10 minutes ahead of time as agreed. No answer to phone calls. Tried again for an hour, then left."

It might we worthwhile to give her 24 hours or so to respond to calls, give a (probably phony) excuse, offer a makeup, etc.
Musman's Avatar
I wish more guys would simply report the fact of an NCNS. No need to let the rage build up and post a flaming diatribe.

Just post in the appropriate coed section.

"I had a session scheduled with Typhoid Mary. I confirmed two hours before the appointed time, drove to the incall location 10 minutes ahead of time as agreed. No answer to phone calls. Tried again for an hour, then left."

It might we worthwhile to give her 24 hours or so to respond to calls, give a (probably phony) excuse, offer a makeup, etc. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
I believe in giving a provider 48 hours after an NCNS to get in touch, explain and offer to make amends before making a public posting. Meanwhile, you can send her a PM or e-mail asking what happened. There are few excuses that would cover not answering calls or calling the hobbyist back once she realized she couldn't make the session. Amends for the scenario you summarized should be significant in my book - a free session or at least an extended or double session at a steep discount. In many cases, the hobbiest would have had to arrange an absence from work and/or his family. In addition, most guys would also take extra care in grooming, maybe pick up a small gift for her along the way - only spend the travel and wait time before realizing he wasn't going to get laid with no time left for a plan B. An NCNS is real frustrating, but they happen to almost all of us who play in the hobby at some point.

I agree that the NCNS post should stick to the facts and not appear to be a blatant attack on the lady. The extra wait time before posting also gives the guy enough time to cool off a little more before he writes it. Posting in anger hurts the poster as much as the subject in the eyes of other providers.

My two cents...

coolman1965's Avatar
I totally agree with posting NCNS'S......for me this happen twice in one night.....both involving agencies....aubrey elf....then lauren with thomas babb.....being familar with the elves, i tend to think it's the girl who's dropped the ball....but i could be wrong.....with thomas babb i can't say, but and indicator may be the fact they posted the wrong number on bp for say wanna be in business...bush attention to detail.....perhaps the machine is getting to seems to me that the hard working independent girls are much more reliable .....
coolman1965's Avatar
i just realized i didn't put this in the proper bad
I totally agree with posting NCNS'S......for me this happen twice in one night.....both involving agencies....aubrey elf....then lauren with thomas babb.....being familar with the elves, i tend to think it's the girl who's dropped the ball....but i could be wrong.....with thomas babb i can't say, but and indicator may be the fact they posted the wrong number on bp for say wanna be in business...bush attention to detail.....perhaps the machine is getting to seems to me that the hard working independent girls are much more reliable ..... Originally Posted by coolman1965
coolman1965's Avatar
QUACK QUACK QUACK Originally Posted by tbe
....truth hurts.....
....truth hurts..... Originally Posted by coolman1965
It would.... "IF" it was true. lol .

annie@christophers's Avatar
Do you have a problem with agency ?? Last I knew 30 mins was ok??? Or are you just to busy to FREAKIN CALL ??? annie P.S Nobody is forcing anyone to call agency's.... ANNIE
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 04-06-2010, 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
Yeah, I concur that some hijacking is going on and I am bad enough to rescue this thread by saying "GET BACK ON TOPIC SO I DON'T HAVE TO LAYETH THE SMACKETH DOWNETH ! ! ! ! !".....How's that???.....
coolman1965's Avatar
Do you have a problem with agency ?? Last I knew 30 mins was ok??? Or are you just to busy to FREAKIN CALL ??? annie P.S Nobody is forcing anyone to call agency's.... ANNIE Originally Posted by annie@christophers
No, I have nothing against agencies Annie....the problem I encountered was a non call following screening...a simple courtesy call would've been sufficient whether I was approved are not....after waiting forty-five minutes I called back...just to get a voicemail....
Enterprise to Big C:

Please close this thread. There's no longer any sign of intelligent life.

stavin out...