Hey guys - were can I find a doctor who would give me a Lysol injection?

I heard that someone high up in government said that it kills the virus.

Precious_b's Avatar
Did you try contacting the usual duo on this site for feedback?
Little Monster's Avatar
Did you try contacting the usual duo on this site for feedback? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Seriously! Or just go check the political forum. No shortage of Asshats who believe everything that man says in that forum.
Precious_b's Avatar
Seriously! Or just go check the political forum. No shortage of Asshats who believe everything that man says in that forum. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I don't go to that place since they rubberstamp any hair brain idea there.

I figured they'd be hear setting up tables for the other sheep to follow.

I sure as hell hope ellen and why didn't do as he *prescribed*.

sportfisherman's Avatar
Yes I am worried about Granny and Jethro cause they certainly are some of the idiots Chump talks to.

Remember when Chump was at the CDC and he was espousing how he really gets this stuff and all the doctors were surprised at his quick study of things.

What a fucking joke !! Look what our country has come to with this incompetent buffoon Reality TV personality and failed businessman illegitimately in the presidency.How is it working when you have real grown up shit to address ?

Recently a bi-partisan Senate group concluded the origins of and findings of the Intel on Russian interference was all on point and it seemed Russia favored Chump.
Precious_b's Avatar
Or how he tried to back pedal his disinfectant statement by saying he was being sarcastic. Don't buy that for a second since he said he doesn't want to start a panic.

Just another example of his lying.
You mean sticking a bright UV light up your ass and adding bleach to your IV doesn't actually work?

Well he did say he'll talk to the "People in medicine" about this fantastic idea.

The most moronic human being I've ever witnessed actually represents the ideas of at least 1/2 of this countrys' voters. Perhaps the Corona was sent by God after all. Got to start over somehow.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Or how he tried to back pedal his disinfectant statement by saying he was being sarcastic. Don't buy that for a second since he said he doesn't want to start a panic.

Just another example of his lying.
such. Originally Posted by Precious_b
If Trump on Friday had said he was misquoted he had a case.

If Trump on Friday had said his statement was taken out of context he had a case.

Instead he claimed he was making a sarcastic statement to a reporter while looking directly at Dr. Birx and asking for her confirmation. The express on Dr. Birx face was something like "WTF are you saying?".