Have you signed the petition to decriminalize sex work?

  • Grace
  • 09-28-2011, 09:46 AM
Please take a few moments to register & sign this petition to decriminalize sex work: http :// wh.gov/45S (remove the spaces)

Thank you in advance,
waydown's Avatar
Please take a few moments to register & sign this petition to decriminalize sex work: http :// wh.gov/45S (remove the spaces)

Thank you in advance,
Grace Originally Posted by Grace
Signed! I have always supported decriminalization efforts and support it whole-heartedly. What surprises me most is how I often hear providers who don't wish sex work to be decriminalized. Thank you for providing this link Grace.
Most of those who don't support decriminalization either don't understand what it is (I've heard some say "I want full legalization", which would subject us to onerous restrictions) or fear that it would make the price drop too much (which it only would for the low-quality ladies; there are still plenty of women in Europe and Australia who charge at American escort levels).
waydown's Avatar
What I have seen written (and this was from quality providers) is if it was decriminalized then alot of women would be entering the business. And that would make the price go down.

I couldn't see how not having competition was preferable to having providers get arrested. I was interested in hearing more about that but its not discussed often.
The idea that decriminalization would bring many more women into the business is nonsense; prohibitionists always claim that it will happen, but it never does in any country where the profession has been decriminalized. The reason for this is simple: women are pragmatic by nature, and if a woman thinks sex work is the best way to pay her bills and/or feed her kids no stupid law made by men is going to stop her.
YEAH, let me know how that goes.
wcdann's Avatar
Ive thought about this a lot if it was legal the gov. could mandate a provider to get something like an adult entertainement license or something. If one of the qualifications was to have a monthly blood test for std's and a requirement for potential clients to get a blood test for like vip status then i think it would make things much safer and funner for everyone and the gov. can get the taxes to help the economy when renew the licences. These are just some of my thoughts on the subject
  • Grace
  • 10-13-2011, 10:19 AM
Still indeed of signatures: http://wh.gov/45S
I would rather charge less and not have to worry about LE , we need more signatures !!! C'mon there are so many members on this board we need over 3,000 to even ever be considered .Guys should want this more than the ladies ,Wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about LE behind the door or a setup + be able to try that new girl w no reviews w/o worrying ?And Ladies prices wouldn't be much less that is on you no one can tell you what to charge ,and if they were less there would be so many more men interested because it would be safer and less of a risk so it would not matter . It's something we need desperately in the US !!
Gladiator69's Avatar
I signed it!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Please take a few moments to register & sign this petition to decriminalize sex work: http :// wh.gov/45S (remove the spaces)

Thank you in advance,
Grace Originally Posted by Grace
that link took it to whitehouse.gov.

I didn't see a petition.
good point Angel
anaximander's Avatar
Asking for trouble.
Whatevet the percentage of tax declared
today will be shadowed by tomorrow.
Only making it harder on the true
You're signing a petition to make
Uncle Sam your pimp.
Protection, percentage, enforcement
that story sounds familiar.

Live free or die
Asking for trouble.
Whatevet the percentage of tax declared
today will be shadowed by tomorrow.
Only making it harder on the true
You're signing a petition to make
Uncle Sam your pimp.
Protection, percentage, enforcement
that story sounds familiar.

Live free or die Originally Posted by anaximander
Everyone pays taxes, Anaximander; the independents who don't are fools because they are opening themselves up for audit and seizure of everything they own (if not criminal charges). Remember, the IRS even took down Al Capone.

You are confusing decriminalization (what they have in New Zealand) with legalization (what they have in Nevada). The latter sometimes makes government a pimp, the former does not. But right now, the cops are brutal, predatory rapists, and that power needs to be taken out of their hands and that of CPS, who can abduct a woman's children WITHOUT TRIAL merely because she is accused of working to support them in a way the law doesn't like.
anaximander's Avatar
NZ doesn't have a rapacious legislature
bent on pissing it's citizens $$$ down
the proverbial crapper.
Too much money involved for the
govt not to be also. Hence NV's set up.
Make no mistake there NV LE has
had it's share of predatory cops
muscling the working girls.

Even if decriminalized a provider
would still be at a disadvantage
in family court. Cultural mores
have not evolved to the point
that this would be beneficial.

To that point you would be made
more vulnerable. This is a version
of Mao's let a million blossoms bloom
campaign to out dissidents for later
elimination. Tobacco is legal, fat
lot of good that does them. A pack
of cigarettes costs $.85 to put
on the shelf. It was 1977 the last
I remember cigs costing that much.

The govt uses taxes to curtail
and destroy industries. Low taxing
would be viewed as encouraging
the activity. So rest assured pol's
of all stripes would leverage the
price not to dissimilar from tobacco.
Who want's to run as the "pro-whore"

Lastly this is wasted effort.
A keep it illegal petition could be
circulated at Cornerstone Baptist
one word from Hagee and not only
do you get 5 k sigs overnight;
the phone banks get melted.

This ain't gonna happen.