Marisa of Dallas Morning News Article

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My story in the Dallas Morning News

Please take a minute to view it and share it if possible

The more views and shares, the more likely I am to have more of the story told .I am seeking help with funding for therapy and possibly attention from a medical professional or group

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret a minute that I've spent, the years actually that I spent being an escort, I have so many good memories ...more good than bad

But admittedly. ..I come to you now, to apologize, to ask for mercy for anything I may have done or said In emotional haste or bad judgement. .

it's taken a long time, but I can clearly see things more clearly now, and I'm hoping to have some closure and forgiveness

I was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma and something called spinal epidural Lipmitosis..

I don't know whether I'll ever be an escort again,but I would like to think that I had your complete support and forgiveness,

the last year I wasn't doing so well but lately I have been doing better,I have attempted to hold down a job at a little restaurant down the street from my home , and even be a part of a dance troupe,but admittedly when I have good days they are great days, but when I have bad days they are downright BRUTAL

to put it simply, I'm losing ability especially in my lower extremities, I have something called paraparesis that happens, spastically and unexpectedly

sometimes I cant feel my legs, my feet, my arms Orfingers

And the worst symptom of all is losing the ability to walk, which can last for 30 minutes or days or weeks

but this isn't intended to be a sad post,it's simply to say two things, thank you, and I'm sorry

if you are someone in the medical field, or someone that has any advice for my particular situation, please contact me..

feel free to also view my personal Facebook for More, including pictures of my diagnosis letters, doctor visit, etcetera
please remember that my friends my family and my children are on this facebook, so please be respectful publicly



moderator if I have posted this in the wrong area, please let me Know
Never have met you and wish you only the best. But if you are sincere about this, you really need to get your account disabled. Every post made by you here, every review, is easy to be found by anyone doing an internet search. Your article says you have been out of the business for 18 months yet you have posted ads during that time period.

Trust me, anyone interested in helping you including employers are going search for your name on the internet. Seeing posts well past the time you "quit" the business is not helping you change your life around.

Everyone deserves to change their life for the better. I hope this is your fresh start.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
Thank you for the advice, yes I would disable my account that anyone can tell you, even though I posted the ad, I never SAW anyone..

it's almost like I posted the ad just to know whether or not I was still wanted, this illness has taken everything from me, even the sexy Person I used to be..

I don't feel pretty anymore,all my life I was such a sexual human being, I'm angry that that was taken away from me

so hopefully you can understand what was going through my mind as I posted those I had even without intentions of seeing anybody

sounds silly, huh? It's really hard for me to admit that

I'm too sure, there are still people here that can attest to the fact that when they called me for an ad I ended up telling them the truth about my condition, lol..

it took me a long time, to accept the fact that I was no longer able to perform..

I would get the nerve up to try and work, and then fear would take over

the simple process of getting ready, honestly exhausted me

hiding my conditions has been exhausting, I'm still having a lot of trouble emotionally being realistic with myself

but I'll tell you that I have been 100 percent honest with everyone, my employer is included, well I say my employer, but as of last week I was put only on call, I am devastated, torn, wishing I could go back to beIng provider

but I can't, thank you so much for your support and kind words
I wish you the best! And hope you have good health from here on out.
Take care of yourself!
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technically, I'm disabled, but I refused to pursue disability, I wanted to work,I still want to work, but then I found out I could lose my MEDICAIDmedical benefits if I work, so most of the work I do is not All for pay, its for meals, food, etc

and it's only to work 3 days out of the week, I'm on call, because I cannot promise I can be there on a regular schedule

for now, I cannot actually have full-time employment, nor can I promise anyone that I will be well everyday enough to show up for a job

So I'm finally facing the music in applying for disability

I don't know why, but I never expected to have a long term illness, I thought I would have surgeries Or some kind of treatment and get better

I've really made things really hard on myself by being in denial of what's going on with me, sometimes I wonder if I'm pushing myself too hard to still try to be apart of the working and social world,
bored@home's Avatar
I hope you find the help you are looking for but as a suggestion; ditch the nudes from the showcase and anywhere else prying eyes may look.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
I appreciate your response very much, and especially the concern you guys have for my future, but I promise you, don't think you guys are understanding, being an escort and a famous sex worker is not something that is a secret, it is a very public story being told, it is part of my life, it was 15 years of my life being one of the most highly reviewed Sought after providers...

all of my videos on xvideo have now been shared on hundreds of international porn site, I was someone that was never very secretive about my true identity, there was never a definition drawn between the two of us

FOR Years, if you look at my real name, you will find marisa of Dallas
EVERYONE KNOWS what I have done for 20 years, it's part of my story, and not one that I'm ashamed of nor is it one that I'm being dishonest about,

I have a story to tell, and it's a brutally honest one, & I hope that someday it will help somebody

I hope you guys know how much I appreciate your responses
I wish you the best and hope you find someone to help you get your health back on track.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
thank you again, there is so much more of the story that needs to be told, this is a small portion, to see what kind of attention it would receive before deciding to put it into a print form where there could be a lot more added

I'm having a serious issue with the public health care system, the length of time it is taking to perform tasksget results

I had a doctor ordered physical therapy almost 8 weeks ago, neither I nor the Administrative Office of the physical therapy at Parkland can't get a Dr.s much needed signature, even though the patient advocacy and administrative office of parkland has been contacted, it still has not been resolved... I was doing water therapy at Baylor Tom Landry center, but it cost me $150 twice a week,

it really seemed to help my mobility, but my friends and family just can't afford to help anymorebecause of extra summertime expenses they are having with their families

I have a much needed an MRI of my knee and left leg scheduled for the end of October, I have been trying for 5 weeks to get a doctors appointment with any doctor available, they only scheduled Outtwo weeks at a time, yet every single time I call, they tell me if there are no appointments available, I feel ignored, abandoned, frustrated I am scared that this is the best health care that I can get?

I'm hoping that my story will attract someone that can help me, thank you so much for your well wishes and for responding, it means alot to me
love_jones's Avatar were one of the ladies I so wanted to see and by you being real and transparent speaks volume. We "ALL" have a story to tell and if the truth be told some of us do not want the story told. One can never answer the question why does bad things happen to good people???? Maybe to teach others that even on your worst day there is always someone in a worse situation than you.... I appreciate your willingness to be straight up. My hope is that you find strength to endure the fight.....
You can send an email to and explain your desire to get your account disabled.

The point I was trying to make dear, is your article states you quit doing this 18 months ago. By making posts and ads here after your "quit" harms your credibility. That will impact your ability to get things moving in the right direction. Maybe you cannot undo what you have done but you sure as heck need to quit doing it.
I appreciate your response very much, and especially the concern you guys have for my future, but I promise you, don't think you guys are understanding, being an escort and a famous sex worker is not something that is a secret, it is a very public story being told, it is part of my life, it was 15 years of my life being one of the most highly reviewed Sought after providers...

all of my videos on xvideo have now been shared on hundreds of international porn site, I was someone that was never very secretive about my true identity, there was never a definition drawn between the two of us

FOR Years, if you look at my real name, you will find marisa of Dallas
EVERYONE KNOWS what I have done for 20 years, it's part of my story, and not one that I'm ashamed of nor is it one that I'm being dishonest about,

I have a story to tell, and it's a brutally honest one, & I hope that someday it will help somebody

I hope you guys know how much I appreciate your responses Originally Posted by marisaofdallas
marisaofdallas's Avatar
Thank you , I agree fully... very appreciated
marisaofdallas's Avatar

I strugled when I found out that backpage was still posting ads of mine without my permission,I would have them removed and three or four weeks later they were back up,

the newspaper article says that I retired 18 months ago, and truthfully I did,I was a full-time provider, then I went to a very sporadic or rare provider, Then and now....things would get so bad at home, that I would post an ad, but I never did anything,

if you look at my Facebook and see all of the terrible traumatic things that have happened because of my lack of finances, the need for me to volunteer at a food bank to get food every week, eating at a church every evening to make sure I get a meal, this doesn't sound like someone that is making any kind of money being a provider, I've had to move three times in less than 4 months, it could've been avoided if I would have simply gone back to being a provider, but I didn't..

I've lost everything because of my decision to no longer be a provider, but I just physically can't, all the proof is around me, verifying that I have not work regardless of what ads are posted

so I don't worry about my credibility

there were plenty of people that if called me at last year that know that when they called me I was honest with them about the fact that I had retired and that I didnt know why the ads are up,

Please excuse me for being brutally honest, but I do not want my account disabled, I almost 20 years of my life into this business, many clients and providers here are people that I like to call Friends, I would appreciate your support more than feeling like you are kicking me out of here because I am no longer a practicing provider. There are many providers that no longer practice being a provider but stay apart of the community because they have something else to offer even though they are not offering services, I hope you understand, I will say again, there is not one person on the face of this earth that does not know that I was a provider, its not a secret, and I was very honest about why I posted the ads, and there's not 1 person and I have seen,

my credibility would be harmed if I was dishonest abouthow hard it was to fully leave my business,my credibility would be harmed if I wasn't honest about the facts that sometimes things got so hard, that I posted an ad, but I've never pulled that trigger

trying to hide and erase things so that people can't see them, now that's harming your credibility

I deserve to be apart of this community after the 20 years I have given, & I won't let anything take that from me, there is nothing I can lose by still being a member here, now still being a member here and posting ads is another story, I am NOT doing that, I am simply sharing what is going on with me right now why I haven't been around and what I am experiencing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being part of a community that I consider friends and family

I hope you understand, I mean no harm, but I know perfectly well what I am doing, I'm very intelligent, I have thought very long and hard about things before I do them,

and Besides, with whom will my credibility be shot? People I don't know or have never met? People that have never been there for me anyway? I came here because I needed your support as a community, ...

you can look at how long my website has been disabled, and it's funny because on those ads and ask you to look at my facebook, and from July of last year through now, all you see is that I've been very sick, I'd say that's pretty bad Advertising...

but I get where you're coming from sweet heart, and it's very much appreciated that you're looking out for me..
Sorry for confusing you aboutmy
Stealthguy's Avatar
PM sent.
Sorry to hear about your struggles...stay strong...good thoughts being sent your way!!