Very Sad—Please Read

It deeply saddens me to have to write a post like this. As you know I have opened a studio in the last few weeks. I opened Suite A because I thought I could run a professional operation and help girls make their way in the business. My intention was to have a place that provided excellent service and provided a safe and clean environment for the girls to work in. As a single mother I understand the struggles a lot of girls go through as I have been there myself. I have been a well-respected member of the board and the hobby community for many years now and thought I could use that experience to run a place that is great for hobbyists and providers alike. I spent a lot of time picking out a location and making the renovations I felt were needed in order to have the best operation in town.

Those that have been here know that it is not a large operation, but it is very well appointed. We have a limited number of rooms and as such have a limit on how many girls and clients we can have. I never set out to be the largest studio, I just wanted to run a classy and professional operation and run my business the best I could. Apparently I am now seeing the other side of the hobby. The darker side. I was always under the impression we were in a free market economy here on ECCIE, P411, etc. And I believe that is the case on the independent side. Yes I know that some girls out there have “management” but all in all I have never heard of independents, managed or not, threatening one another simply for existing and trying to run their business.

A couple of weeks ago the alarm at the studio was triggered in the middle of the night. Nothing was taken or bothered inside, but the glass side door was broken. All in all I chalked it up to just bad luck and was thankful I had an alarm system that likely had scared off the intruders before any meaningful damage was done. And I continued running my business. Tuesday night a very good friend of mine from the hobby was lured into a bad situation under false pretenses. He has helped me with getting the business set up, getting the LLC set up for the business, book keeping, and many of the legal aspects of running a business. He assisted me in getting the lease and utilities set up as well as I have a rough credit history. As such his name ties back into the business in several places, and he is a silent investor as well. I believe the AMP/Studio/Agency segment of the industry is all very closely tied in together. All are competitors in the market for clients whose Plan A and B may fall through and those that need something on a short notice due to their schedules. One such competitor had lured my friend into a scenario where he thought he was going to meet a young lady. In reality it was ownership of a competitor in the AMP/Studio/Agency market. They told him they knew of his involvement in my studio through records, etc. They knew about his primary job/business, his home address, names of his family members etc. They added in my real life name and that of my daughter. I will not go into full detail but in short it was insinuated that if the studio was not closed down in its current state that he would be exposed to his company for his role in the studio and CPS would be notified of mine. He got up and left the establishment he was at and then in the parking lot was greeted by 4 men who insisted on breaking and stealing his phone (in case the conversation had been recorded) and he was threatened further by the men who threatened to kill him if we did not shut down. For the record he did record the conversation, on a voice recorder in his pocket though and not on the phone.

He proceeded to a phone store where he then called and informed me of the situation. Not too long after that call I got a call from my alarm company. Something had triggered the alarm. Turns out our front windows were broken out. I am certain the two incidents are related, as well as the first break in. As such I closed down Wednesday because I couldn’t be open with busted out windows in front. The needed repairs have been made and we are open today.

I am posting this to let everyone know of the situation. I know sharing it probably will hurt our business as much as anything else. I have always strove to be a private person and keep drama free here on the board. I am not planning on being any more specific on what happened or who did these things. I don’t want the drama and I do not want to see things escalate any further than they have. But the severity of the situation makes me feel the need to vent and share. I would like to see this put to rest and everyone go about running their own business and I believe everyone can be in the market place and be successful. I also want to put the offender on notice that we can play detective too and have done so. Also the incidents of that night were both reported to the authorities. Upon speaking with an attorney today I have been told that the security footage from inside the establishment and it’s parking lot can easily be obtained via a subpoena. I will not stoop down to threats of violence and exposure, but I will use any and all legal means at my disposal to protect myself and my business. I will not answer questions to anyone on who did these things, at this point. I just want to run my business and be left alone. If the harassment and threats continue though then I will have no choice to be more specific. So please let’s all put this to rest and be successful.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

So you did it the right way, but unfortunately left a paper trail, and that allowed the competition to finger you and your partner, right?

That completely sucks. There's no easy way to deal with this, is there? They got the drop on you, and now you deal with unknowns if you (or, more particularly, your partner) do what would undoubtedly be the right move (call authorities and report what easily qualify as terroristic threats, if not worse) in virtually any other circumstance. I mean, the odds are high that LE would leave both you and your partner alone, given your status as "victims" of a far more serious offense, but that's not a certainty, is it? At a minimum, you put yourself on the radar for future contacts with LE. And then there's the CPS thing. My Lord. I genuinely feel for you.

Dang. Just dang. If it's any consolation to you, I don't doubt your story and I'm certain that most of the informed members of this board know exactly who you and your partner are dealing with. Whether those informed members will do the "right thing" themselves and cease any and all further business contacts with those folks, well, that remains to be seen. Some will, but just as many (and probably more) will simply parlay this "situation" into discounted sessions. That's the way it always works, and this will be no exception.

God bless you for trying to do it the "right way." But the sad reality of this subculture is that you're almost always (and prolly just plain "always") gonna open yourself up to problems any time you try to comply with the "legal aspects" of business and link your real world name on paper to a concern that is inherently illegal by its nature. Guard your real name like it's your most prized possession, ladies, because, in the end, it really IS your most prized possession.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
That sucks. It's crazy how scumbags strong arm competition in this industry. It would never fly if you were selling cars or tv's or whatever. But sell some pussy and you better be watching your back.

I think this is what they mean when they say "pimpin ain't easy."

Now your "muscle" is supposed to go retaliate and show em how hard you are.

But there is a huge difference when people involved actulally have something to loose. That's why the scumbags usually win these things.
daty/o's Avatar
(best Scottish accent) "They send one of your's to the hospital; you send one of their's to the morgue"
blue3122's Avatar
That is called Blackmail and is illegal. Go directly to the police and tell them you are being blackmailed and possibly extorted. They don't care about your past. As long as you do not bring your child to the establishment, you are not violating any child endangerment statutes for CPS to worry about.
At the very least consult an attorney.
^^^^^^ Exactly! Report it, do not worry about the CPS threat, they will not care.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
But her investor might care if he gets reported to his company.
Like I said, lots of unknowns.

Be very careful about taking aggressive action at the urging of folks who do not stand in your shoes and literally have nothing to lose in offering such advice (Yeah, yeah, I know -- the same could be said of the advice I'm offering, too, except I'm not urging aggressive action with potentially dire consequences, so.....).

Best thing I've read above is "consult with an attorney." That's safe. Do that and follow his/her advice, assuming you luck out in the lawyer lottery and pick a good one.

I imagine your biggest concern is your child. That being the case, I'd be looking for a firm with attorneys who are board certified in both criminal and family law (one of each), since both fields are implicated in this mess. Very odd situation here, and this combination of factors is going to be "new" to most attorneys, so make sure the lawyers you interview are aware of EVERYTHING -- hold nothing back, so that they can get a full picture of the potential risks you face -- and then make your decision on whether they're worth retaining for anything over and above the initial consult. This is not a time to be shy or evasive in "telling your story." Tell 'em everything, or don't even bother making the call or walking into the office. And I mean literally walk in, and the first words out of your mouth are, "I'm a provider." And use the other "p" word, or even the "h" word, if he/she doesn't seem to understand.

As for future communications on this board regarding this matter, I'd suggest you consider going into stealth mode. You've fired your shot across the bow. Now let 'em squirm a little while you're deciding what you're gonna do.
Many amps especially have a strong association to criminal elements. In Dallas, several well known pimps actually run some of the amps and studios for the real owners. None of these groups like competition or losing their girls. They have no problem hurting people. Be very careful how you procede.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Beware the mafia. I do not mean the Italian kind. They are not here. The advice about seeking a criminal attorney is sound. I have another thought. PM me if you wish to hear it.
I smell bullshit
I smell bullshit Originally Posted by Extreme
You think she should Relax?

Think this might be a sympathy/publicity grab?


Kind of easy to check whether there was a police response to that business address (which is already well known within the community).

meh, I'm gonna keep an open mind.

For now.

Gonna have some fun, though, if it's bullshit. And I don't mean a little bit.....
First of all thanks for the supporting comments and advice. I don’t plan to comment much on the thread or the topic. I have said most everything I need to get across at this point. I am not looking for publicity or sympathy, just letting everyone in the community know of the situation as I think these types of threats are quite serious. I have never been a believer in all publicity is good publicity. I said it on the first post and I do believe this hurts my business as much as anything else. I have never been one to draw unnecessary attention to myself, and I think it is easy to look at my posts since I have personally been on the board to see I don’t cause drama or post threADs. As I said I am not naming names at this point and hope to not need to. The only ones that know who the other party is are those that are directly involved and assuming this is the end of things then it will stay that way. I just want to run my business and hope to be allowed to do so in peace.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Here's the thing, the investor/partner has to make the decision to out himself to his wife/so or to wait for someone to do it for him. These kind of people won't care if he divests himself or not. They're just out to hurt others as a way make themselves feel better. As for you, if you plan to fight this prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best. If the people threatening you went into the business with eyes wide open they won't care what info gets out in them. Either be "all in" or get out, you cannot fight a limited war and expect to win. (Iraq! Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea) and I'm not political. Fight to win or you're just losing SLOWLY!

All easy for me to say, from past experience don't linger on your decision. Or worrying will eat you up and they win anyway. Figure out the worst you and you're partner are willing to face and decide "yes or no" based on fact not emotion. Emotionally everyone wants to win, wanting to win and doing whatever it takes to win are not the same thing.

Good luck!

Text sound you hear will be me stepping of my soap box!
What the fuck is wrong with people? It makes me sick to think that it's possible some of my money went to support assholes like this.