Place to neet my married girl friend

I have a new girl friend who happens to to married and I would like to find a desecrate hotel , motel in Lincoln that does not ask questions were we can meet. We met at work and need to keep it very secret for both our employer and her Husband. Any suggestion.
What kind of questions do you think a hotel is going to ask you? You can check into any hotel in Lincoln and they only three questions they will ask you would be:

1. Can I see your drivers license
2. How do you plan on paying
3. How many keys do you need

You can meet her at any hotel that isn't busy and close to your work I'm guessing. Are there any hotels/motels close to your work?
You can do anything in Lincoln this week but wear University of Georgia regalia and you will be fine (but do not drink and drive). People are appreciative of the business.
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I guess if its a car thing, don't want 2 cars seen in a motel parking lot then probably any of the downtown hotels. You get a room let her know what it is and thats that. Probably do not want to sit in hotel bar. Kinda strange ?
I have a new girl friend who happens to to married and I would like to find a desecrate hotel , motel in Lincoln that does not ask questions were we can meet. We met at work and need to keep it very secret for both our employer and her Husband. Any suggestion. Originally Posted by Charlescp

What I hear when I read this is: Hi, I'm LE and I would like you lovely ladies to tell me which hotels you use!

Not saying your LE, just my observation...
I agree. 2 out of the 3 posts he's made insist he's not LE. 1 says he doesn't work, while this post says he met a woman at work.

Just a few red flags.
The Lincoln police are pretty sharp guys and gals. All college grads. They really are above this kind of trolling BS, and they already know every motel / hotel in town and who does what, where and when for the most part in any event. They concentrate on drugs, burgalries and violent crime - and thankfully, they have little patience when it comes to such stuff. But, you never know.

My favorite was the reference to a "desecrate" hotem or motel. Probably a droid/i-phone spell correction mistake. lol