Can you bring them back

I have a friend who is a very commited Lesbian but not in a significant relationship at this time. She is so hot it's crazy, what are the odds of being able to get her back to play on this team but understanding that it is not likely to be a long term deal.
You'd be a better friend if you didn't try. If you try, you just might jeopardize your friendship. What does that say about how much you value your friendship?
I have a friend who is a very commited Lesbian but not in a significant relationship at this time. She is so hot it's crazy, what are the odds of being able to get her back to play on this team but understanding that it is not likely to be a long term deal. Originally Posted by turboteko
My guess is, that if she is a all out lesbian, than I would think she will not be up to playing on this team at least not with the guys any way Lol.
I have a friend who is a very commited Lesbian but not in a significant relationship at this time. She is so hot it's crazy, what are the odds of being able to get her back to play on this team but understanding that it is not likely to be a long term deal. Originally Posted by turboteko
My BFF was a very committed lesbian for about 10 years and came back. The only thing about it is guys that she'd become friends with while a full lesbian were off limits because it was too close for comfort for her. They were stuck in the dreaded "Friend Zone".
john353's Avatar
They were stuck in the dreaded "Friend Zone".
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
I HATE that...LOL.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Unless she is bi, I would just stay friends.
They were stuck in the dreaded "Friend Zone".
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Maybe friends with benefits????
Sad... but all good advice, it's just greed or lust on my part but in the long run it's better to have her as a friend i'm sure. Thanks
Maybe friends with benefits???? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Friends with benefits works with new friends. Previous friends can be like siblings or cousins for some people.
Ok turbo here's how you find out the truth. get her to your house to hang out or whatever. Get a fifth of tequila (any liquor can work but tequila IMO works best) by the time you're halfway through the bottle you'll know for sure if she's a switch hitter. and no ladies getting her drunk is not taking advantage in this case. I don't want to be with a man when I'm drunk, I just think it will get her to show her true feelings. If she doesn't want any dick after shooting tequila she never will.
Just stay her friend.

Do you really want a lesbian to sleep with you. Because, I imagine she would not have a good time, since you don't have a vagina.

Waste of to just wait.......she may go back to men.
Friends with benefits works with new friends. Previous friends can be like siblings or cousins for some people.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Yes trust me, if she does revert back to being straight, OP prob won't be on that list.
Just stay her friend.

Do you really want a lesbian to sleep with you. Because, I imagine she would not have a good time, since you don't have a vagina.

Waste of to just wait.......she may go back to men. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Ok here's the harsh truth. As much as I and most men adore women as the beautiful and graceful beings you are, men really don't want to be your friends. We will be your friend but that's only because we want to sleep with you. The OP even stated this about the lady in question. He knows she a lesbian, but she is so HOT that he is waiting for the one moment in time where she may want a man and he may be that man if he plays his cards right. I've been in the "friend zone" before and I'm sure you ladies have guy friends as well. These guys want to sleep with you trust me. He may say " Your friendship means too much to me to ruin it with sex" translation " I won't make the first move but if you wanna fuck just say the word". So my opinion is the OP should go for it. I know I was being silly about getting her drunk but its gonna kill this guy to see her with some other dude 5 years from now or to hear the dreaded " you know I had a little crush on you, but you never seemed interested so....."

Go for it Turbo. If she says no you're still in the same position you're in now.
john353's Avatar
^^^ YEP!! LOL

The only women that I honestly think that I could be "friends" with...without wanting to sleep with them, are the ones that don't attract me sexually.

As far as this lesbian hottie...I would be friendly with her and even half ass flirtatious...but I wouldn't want to get the point of being in the "friend zone" LOL.
simpleton's Avatar
I have a friend who is a very commited Lesbian but not in a significant relationship at this time. She is so hot it's crazy, what are the odds of being able to get her back to play on this team but understanding that it is not likely to be a long term deal. Originally Posted by turboteko
You know her better than any of us! How the fuk would anyone here know?