
RickForFun's Avatar
Looks like I'm going to be spending a few weeks in Chattanooga. Very little on this board for that area. What is the "go to" site or sites for Chattanooga? I need to start doing some research. Thanks.
Big Doggie. Check H'ville as well/ ladies travelling @ that area = NC to nash, Hville To Kville etc.
RickForFun's Avatar
Thanks Babee.
and what are you doing that far north mister?? last time I saw you you were sitting on a bar stool in the Quarter watching topless bull riding....dont think they have that in Chatt.
RickForFun's Avatar
Starting a new career. I'll be all over the country in the future rather than just the south. I'll miss my monthly trips to New Orleans. Did you forget the dinner after the topless bull riding that night? If I remember correct you had a few, maybe a few too many that night. lol It was a fun evening!