The time has come

After giving it some long thought I think it's time to retire my Mr. Smith persona. I'm going to ask Elgato or the Colonel to close my account.

For the last few years this has been mostly a social place for me and I haven't seen many Eccie girls, and lately the social part of this hasn't been as fun. We used to seem to cut up and have some good banter on a regular basis and most of the time now it's all much too serious.

I met some great girls through this site, spent a lot of money on them and had a lot of fun. I will smile to myself when I think of some of them.

I also made some great friends. Some of whom I know outside the hobby now, and I'll continue those friendships.

A fella who helped me learn the ropes in this hobby used to say that a hobby should be fun and if it wasn't you should find another hobby. Eccie's just not that much fun anymore.

Oh, in case anyone is wondering, I am not giving up the pursuit of young women, I will just continue to find them in the places that I have been.
Also, if I'm on any providers bucket list, it's now or never, but remember ,,, I'm a cheap bastard. LMAO.

Take care my friends.
Elgato69's Avatar
Sniff sniff
Smitty, it has been a fun ride and I am damn glad that I had the chance to drink a beer or 30 with you. Take care my friend!

willyboy's Avatar
The new utr posting rule will probably cause a few more to come with you.
ck1942's Avatar
Fair winds and following seas, shipmate!
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 06-28-2014, 02:32 PM
And now requesting providers to send in ID to get verified. Hope its not for providers who are already verified or this site will going down soon.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-28-2014, 04:43 PM
I always enjoyed your musings. It is unfortunate that I was not able to meet you in person.

May the winds be at your back!

All the best to you!
Smitty you were never on my bucket list (LOL) but I hoped to have had a beer with you someday. You've brought a lot of humor and guidance to this site. Goodbye old friend.
keep playing safe and having fun
PhillipMcCondom's Avatar
I've been there before bro, halfassed there now. Wish you the best homie and it's true: this is a hobby and it's supposed to be fun. If it's not fun anymore, find a new hobby...

See you around I'm sure, I'm due for a Friday lunch in the near future.
bistraight69's Avatar
Sorry to see you go, Smitty, but we understand your reasons why. Thanks for the sage wisdom you have passed our way over the years, it helped us out, so we wanted to send you off into the sunset with these words, "You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away, Know when to run."
Live long and (continue to) prosper.
jughead1171's Avatar
Hadn't met you but like others enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck to you.
e_l traveler's Avatar
Retiring from Eccie, but not from the hobby.
Will miss reading the funny threads you made. Take care.