The wheels are blown off!!!!

bambino's Avatar
The week in review:

*ACA rates going thru the roof
* Comey reopens Clintons email scam, on Weiners computer to boot!
* CNN fires Donna Brazile for stealing debate questions to help Hillary cheat
* Hillary now calls Huma a "staffer", Huma is no longer by Hillary's side
* Doug Schoen, longtime Clinton pollster and supporter says he can no longer support or vote for Clinton. Citing a constitutional crisis if she's elected
* Chicago Tribune asks for Clinton to step down citing a constitutional crisis if she's electected
* Obama says Comey is not trying to influence the election for either candidate
* NY Times says Trump is not connected to Russia or Putin
* NBC/Wash Post poll has Trump +1pt!

Did I miss anything?
The week in review:

*ACA rates going thru the roof
* Comey reopens Clintons email scam, on Weiners computer to boot!
* CNN fires Donna Brazile for stealing debate questions to help Hillary cheat
* Hillary now calls Huma a "staffer", Huma is no longer by Hillary's side
* Doug Schoen, longtime Clinton pollster and supporter says he can no longer support or vote for Clinton. Citing a constitutional crisis if she's elected
* Chicago Tribune asks for Clinton to step down citing a constitutional crisis if she's electected
* Obama says Comey is not trying to influence the election for either candidate
* NY Times says Trump is not connected to Russia or Putin
* NBC/Wash Post poll has Trump +1pt!

Did I miss anything? Originally Posted by bambino
The only thing that you might have missed is that EKIM is in a near dead heat with his mentor the barrow pig and Lubed Wide Ass . Other than that, looks like you covered all the bases, bam !
Bill Clinton's son Danney Williams
bambino's Avatar
Early AA vote for Hillary in Fla is way down.
Early AA vote for Hillary in Fla is way down. Originally Posted by bambino
Guess shrilLIARy's campaign will have to send out some thugs to the AA neighborhoods to do some " voter registration ". And go to the cemeteries for the same ! Mebbe they can appeal to impeached former Federal Judge and current Rep. ( D-Fla) Alcee Hastings to take some " walking around money " to the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharptongue wanna-be " Reverends " down there to " git out da vote " !!! Mebbe Alcee will ONLY keep 3 dollars of ever 4 that the CHEATING Clinton campaign gives him. Kinda like they do with their " charitable " contributions !
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

"What about Tuesday’s forecasts? FiveThirtyEight says Trump now has more than a 25 percent chance of winning the election, while Clinton’s chances have dropped to 74.1 percent. For Clinton, it’s a more than 10 percent dip since last Tuesday, when she had an 85 percent chance of victory. It’s also a four point decrease from Monday, when she had a 78.9 percent chance of winning.

Over at The Upshot, Clinton has an 88 percent chance of winning next Tuesday, compared to Trump’s 12 percent. While this forecast is better for Clinton than FiveThirtyEight ’s, it’s still an increase for Trump and a slight slump for Clinton. The last time each candidate had those numbers was on October 11, according to The Upshot. That was just after the second presidential debate and few days after the leak of a 2005 audio tape, when the world heard Trump tell Billy Bush that he grabs women "by the pussy.""

"Yes, Trump might be happy about one poll that puts him one point ahead, but perhaps he should take a look at this Moody’s Analytics model. The model, which has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential race since 1980, predicts that Clinton will win next week. More specifically, the model forecasts that she’ll take 332 electoral votes, while Trump will receive 206. Swing states Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Florida are all set for Democratic victories, according to the model, which is based on three economic factors and three political factors."
bambino's Avatar

"What about Tuesday’s forecasts? FiveThirtyEight says Trump now has more than a 25 percent chance of winning the election, while Clinton’s chances have dropped to 74.1 percent. For Clinton, it’s a more than 10 percent dip since last Tuesday, when she had an 85 percent chance of victory. It’s also a four point decrease from Monday, when she had a 78.9 percent chance of winning.

Over at The Upshot, Clinton has an 88 percent chance of winning next Tuesday, compared to Trump’s 12 percent. While this forecast is better for Clinton than FiveThirtyEight ’s, it’s still an increase for Trump and a slight slump for Clinton. The last time each candidate had those numbers was on October 11, according to The Upshot. That was just after the second presidential debate and few days after the leak of a 2005 audio tape, when the world heard Trump tell Billy Bush that he grabs women "by the pussy.""

"Yes, Trump might be happy about one poll that puts him one point ahead, but perhaps he should take a look at this Moody’s Analytics model. The model, which has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential race since 1980, predicts that Clinton will win next week. More specifically, the model forecasts that she’ll take 332 electoral votes, while Trump will receive 206. Swing states Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Florida are all set for Democratic victories, according to the model, which is based on three economic factors and three political factors." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Or you can believe this guy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Or you can believe this guy. Originally Posted by bambino
Or this one:

We'll know in about 7 days and maybe 9 hours.
bambino's Avatar
Or this one:

We'll know in about 7 days and maybe 9 hours. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
True. If your girl Hillary wins, we're fucked. Another Nixon.
Or this one:

We'll know in about 7 days and maybe 9 hours. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That is 3 months old. A lot has changed.
True. If your girl Hillary wins, we're fucked. Another Nixon. Originally Posted by bambino
She will win and I am taking all bets. You probably said the same thing about Obama in 08 and 12 America will be just fine.

what many of you are failing to realize is that Trump has to turn 2 Blue states Red and win 6 of 7 contested toss up states to have a path to 270. Although it's not impossible it's very highly unlikely. If you check the early votes Clinton has the advantage

In retrospect I think Wikileaks is doing more harm than help to Trump because it's making appear that Trump or someone close to the GOP is trying to sway the election by invading people's privacy and hacking accounts which is illegal. No one has yet to hack into any of TRumps emails which makes it seem that perhaps he is encouraging espionage and it will back fire.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
True. If your girl Hillary wins, we're fucked. Another Nixon. Originally Posted by bambino
The lesser of 2 evils in my opinion.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The week in review:

*ACA rates going thru the roof
* Comey reopens Clintons email scam, on Weiners computer to boot!
* CNN fires Donna Brazile for stealing debate questions to help Hillary cheat
* Hillary now calls Huma a "staffer", Huma is no longer by Hillary's side
* Doug Schoen, longtime Clinton pollster and supporter says he can no longer support or vote for Clinton. Citing a constitutional crisis if she's elected
* Chicago Tribune asks for Clinton to step down citing a constitutional crisis if she's electected
* Obama says Comey is not trying to influence the election for either candidate
* NY Times says Trump is not connected to Russia or Putin
* NBC/Wash Post poll has Trump +1pt!

Did I miss anything? Originally Posted by bambino
Yep. *Hillary still wins in a landslide.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That is 3 months old. A lot has changed. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Fair enough. Here is a link to the same person's opinion as of a day ago. Tighter race but Clinton still winning rather easily. Clinton with 293 electoral votes and only 21 (NC and Nevada) "leaning" Democratic (as opposed to Safe or Likely). Even if you move those 21 to Trump, Clinton still has 272, enough to win. And Trump would have to win Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Arizona, and Utah.
bambino's Avatar
Yep. *Hillary still wins in a landslide. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I miss you when your gone sap sucker.