The Biggest Treasure Trove On A Laptop Since bin Laden

Remember when Huma was illegally working for the Secretary of State, The Clinton Foundation and the front firm of Bill Clinton at the same time? Even when she was "working from home" while pregnant or after having the baby? I wonder if she was handling emails for all three positions (and perhaps some emails accounts from both Hill and Bill) on that laptop that Weiner got pinched with. If so that laptop would be a huge political gold mine. One could prove (ok, I'll humor you even disprove) every allegation ever made about the Clintons from 2008-2014.

Now Huma, once Hill's right hand woman for almost a decade, is no longer on the campaign trail. This reeks of guilty.
Wiener got him some life insurance out of the deals! or is it Death Insurance?

  • DSK
  • 11-01-2016, 09:20 PM
I think the big prize will be if some of those emails Hillary deleted are found and turned out to be evidence she should have turned over to the Feds. That is obstruction of justice.

After she wins the election, which unfortunately will likely still happen, she could be facing a Grand Jury after all. It could be a constitutional crisis. No one really knows how to navigate this situation.
DSK, I agree that is the way likely forward.