client asked why my dog was locked up

Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
so i have a beautiful dog. he is CRAZY though. im sitting here waiting for a guy and my dog starts running in circles around the coffee table, jumps on each couch as he passes them then up the stairs jumps down half. wtf my dog is on some cat nip lmao anyways, client asked if he was aggressive said no just crazy lmao... awkward moment i guess.. are you guys really scared of the dogs?
I have a blue heeler they are related to the Dingo

I under stand exactly about nutty dogs ^_^
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
lol thank goodness im not the only one with a crazy dog lol
Lol I think I should find my old friend Syri she had an attack Ferret that would put crazy dogs to shame XD

But have no fear we can start a group for CDO (Crazy dog owners) let people know they are not alone ^_^
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
lmao yes, i should video the shit lol
And the CDO insanity start lol
Gipper4's Avatar
My dog started a group called CO'ers.
I'm only scared of your dog if he's 150# or more and aggressive torward me...if the dog is just running around acting crazy. I have no problem.
Just had session with a lady the other night and dog was in room with us the whole time sat up watched a few times ..laid back down fell asleep then woke up at end of session wanting to go out...acting little hyper...but that's what dogs do !
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
lol i cant keep him out he has to be up he goes crazy lol
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-14-2012, 06:26 PM
Not afraid of them, I'm a dog person.
plainjoe's Avatar
Dogs are intuitive - so in addition to providing companionship and comfort to the ladies, they can also act as protection and another layer of screening - dogs know if a person is good or bad...