Any providers going to the Margarita Ball?

travelling_man's Avatar
The Margarita Ball is the largest formal charity event in the country. It is a place to be seen if you are in the social circles and care about that kind of thing. I have been many times and I always look at the dazzling array of ladies and dresses and wonder how many of those girls are "working" and are truly being an "escort". There have been many times when I've seen a couple and the thought has crossed my mind - he must be paying her.

How many girls here are going to attend this year? I would be curious to find out if there might be any girls from here that I might recognize.
xperiment's Avatar
Obviously due to discretion of their gentleman, Im sure they wouldn't say even if they are. Definitely have to respect that because someday it could be your arm they are draping off of in a public place.
I am going!!!!
xperiment's Avatar
I am going!!!! Originally Posted by Jolie Star
But WTH do I know.
Man I was going to post about this. I love going to the Margarita Ball i thought I had already missed it. I lost contact with the guy that used to give me and a few of my girlfriends tickets and not sure how to get them. It is lots of fun! If yoou need a date let me know!
Obviously due to discretion of their gentleman, Im sure they wouldn't say even if they are. Definitely have to respect that because someday it could be your arm they are draping off of in a public place. Originally Posted by xperiment
True but this is a little different. So many people are there you don't know who's who. I saw a housemom one year and a ton of girls from the strip club I worked at who went. As well as some of the afterparties in the rooms are invite only and can be compared to a swingers type of thing. If someone did recognize a "working" lady they would never say so. Besides that who would charge to go? I would love to be someone's "free" escort that night.
travelling_man's Avatar
OMG - what a great night it was. I am back in my hotel room right after the MB has ended. I wish I had known Kim wanted to go - it could have made for a very interesting evening. My date ended up toward the end of the night trying to hook up with every sexy girl we could find and we almost ended up with a couple different girls coming back to our room. But in the end the margaritas won the battle and it was a challenge just to manage to get her back to our room so I could take advantage of her.... I had an extra ticket and I wish I had checked this thread earlier. Kim could have come with us and would have had a great night coming along as our date. We danced and drank margaritas, and danced more and drank more margaritas and had an amazing night. Wish Kim had been with us to enjoy it. Maybe next time......who knows?
Dammit : ( Well I will be definately ready for next year! Your date sounds fun if you take both of us next year then we need to all go out and hang one night then me and her can get closer and go pick out our MB gowns together for next year ; ) You will have 2 hot dates!
I too had an absolute blast at the 2009 Margarita Ball which I attended with my Sugar Baby.

After we had dinner she headed up to the room to do her hair & I said I was going to walk around a bit. She asked, "To do what, find us a third?" ReadCT blushed, and wished he had thought of it earlier!!!!

And at some point--between dancing, some serious people watching, bidding on amazing auction items, drinking free top shelf margaritas, & playing craps--she asked how many of our fellow party goers did I think were "working girls." Couldn't bring myself to say, "only two so far that I've actually been with." Hehehehehehehehehe.