Lights On vs Lights Off

iomega's Avatar
What is your preference during both personal and hobby encounters?

I strongly prefer lights on during both.

I don't have one single close friend who hobbies, but the close friends I do have all seem to want to kill the lights before having sex with their conquests. I just don't understand why they'd want to do this. I am an extremely visual person, as most guys are, so I love to see who and what I'm doing. It just adds to the excitement.

If I had an appointment with a provider and she wanted to kill the lights I'd have to leave. I would automatically assume that she is trying to hide something from me and it would just dull the experience altogether.

I have read a few reviews here on the boards where a provider's room was extremely dark and visibility was low. What a shame. I just hope I'm never in a situation where I'd have to actually walk over something so trivial to most.

Guys/Gals, what is your preference?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I like candle light. I keep about 10 candles in the room. Bright light ruins the mood for me.
theshortone's Avatar
Soft lighting...
carkido45's Avatar
Lights on but I have been in FBSM sessions where they kill the lights or have a few candles it's ok.
Now I did go to a quickie hotel once where they had a disco light ball that spun around and made crazy light patterns in the room I turned it off.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I agree with Brooke Wild.....

Bright lights kill the mood, but candlelight or a soft light that still puts more than enough light into the room is best.

I don't like getting on with the lights off either. I want you to be able to see me and vice versa.

~Genesis Nicole~
Timk48's Avatar
Soft light rocks!
thundachicken's Avatar
Definately lights on... they don't need to be bright but there should be enough for me to see her facial expressions, the contrast in our skin tones etc... I'm very visual so on for me!!
I like the softly lit rooms, and the ambience the soft ligting brings. I always think it makes both the man and the woman look good, but also has such a calming and soothing affect over both.

CivilBarrister's Avatar
several candles or indirect light, as in turn light on in closet or bathroom and have the door opened slightly

There needs to be enough soft lights to see

Of course, I understand why the ladies want complete darkness when they are with me
I'm comfortable with only one spotlight on me, and limited applause. I find standing ovations distracting.
thundachicken's Avatar
I'm comfortable with only one spotlight on me, and limited applause. I find standing ovations distracting. Originally Posted by GymRat
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I'm comfortable with only one spotlight on me, and limited applause. I find standing ovations distracting. Originally Posted by GymRat
If you're still able to get a standing ovation anytime you want....Be grateful young fella.. I'm just sayin'...
Low lighting. They look better to me and I look better to them.
blowpop's Avatar
Soft mood lighting is perfect.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I saw this one provider ... she had one of those "Clapper" lights they advertise on late night TV... we were doing it Doggie... and every time I slapped her butt... the damn light would come on ... that constant blinking was awful ... so she got a strobe light instead.. it was pretty cool.. made it look like I was doing more than I actually was...