So is Austin scene dead?

So is the Austin scene dead?
Seems to be
I’m surprised how dead it is here honestly...guess nature of what we’re doing
I’ve received more requests and could have booked more in my home city ...

Met a few very nice gents...
Not sure about anyone else. But, I'm nervous after eccie shut down
Since eccie being back I’ve had to deal with a lot of bs. Why doesn’t anyone have references. That’s my biggest problem. Oh wait and donations.
Business is slow in Austin because 1) asking rates are too high and 2) screening process is bs. When product is not worth the asking price and the customer has to jump through too many hoops to acquire the product then the business pace slows. For most of the "mongers" this is an occasional adventure and we try to be careful about our privacy so contact info likely changes periodically. Since the contact info changes and we likely don't use real names in our meetings it makes the screening process a pain in the ass. Sure I know providers want to protect themselves I'm just stating how it works from the monger side.
msguru's Avatar
I do think that after everything that went on with craigslist, backpage, the temporary shutdown of this board, and restructuring of others, it does have many a little less eager to "pull the trigger. " I think it is a bit on both sides. The ladies are a little more strict on screening (understandable) and the guys are a little more hesitant because to supply screening info, if they do not have the references. I things will adjust down the road but for now, it is the sticky wicket we currently have before us.
RustyBalls's Avatar
Many guys have LTFs with which they get grandfathered rates. Why take a chance on a new provider with higher rates and screening hurdles when the LTFs are ready and waiting. Many guys are no longer writing reviews because of new laws, so it may appear that things have slowed down while a lot of activity is still happening--it's just not being talked about on eccie or in public.

Things seem a little more active over on the OH2 board, but how long will they be able to operate with new laws taking effect? Suggest the use of both eccie and OH2 to assess current level of activity. Maintain your private contact list, just in case either or both boards go away in the future.
chencho's Avatar
Bulaninni1 and rusty balls are pretty spot on for this one.
I understand where you guys are coming from....I truly do...

As a DFW based provider with many reviews including 10 since Eccie has returned...I put a lot of pride and effort into my craft....I don’t see newbies pretty much guys with great references...

I did screen a guy like a newbie yesterday...and of course he was hesitant however the way I explained it to him is a little effort and patience right now will pay off in the long run...everyone is safe...he gets a new reliable reference and we both part ways feeling good about the situation...

Ladies must be quoting you guys outrageous rates...sorry that’s happening...

In Dallas I am am kinda a go to girl because I’m nice, friendly and mature and offer a fantastic time for what I ask for...
Lol some guys get what they pay for. Especially when they beg for a cheaper donation just because they don’t do certain performances. When you start haggling that’s when it becomes a problem. My rates are pretty decent if you ask me. It’s not our fault most don’t have references to screen. I mean if you know about these sites then you’re not new to this at all!!! Some gentleman don’t even tell the truth about how much they pay when haggling.
Now that is truth - you get what you pay for. There's a reason for that saying - it's not hard to figure out! Also, it's slow due to being in the middle of summer. That's just a typical slow season here in Austin due to school being out,family vacations,being with the family ect.....harder to get away......
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I dunno, my biz is great, and my rates are high, I'm double 20 year old, and I'm a deep screener so...there are still plenty of gentlemen around.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
For me, it's been far from dead.
I've seen 4 Austin ladies,this summer,all for the first
time, and all rocked my world.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
For me, it's been far from dead.
I've seen 4 Austin ladies,this summer,all for the first
time, and all rocked my world. Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson

Get 'em tiger! Atta boy! RAWR!