Star Wars

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 12-10-2015, 11:25 AM
Have heard that people are starting to camp out in order to be at the head of the line when the movie opens.

When the original movies came out, I loved them. The next three were IMO, pathetic. Poorly written, poorly acted. Not looking forward to the new movie.

Are peoples lives so empty that this is all they have to look forward to? Same for those who wait in line to buy the latest iPhone.

Guess I'm at that age where there are a lot of things that I really don't give a shit about.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I don't care as much as I did thirty years ago and especially since the last three were so disappointing, but I'm sure I'll go see it, just not the first couple of weeks to avoid the true believers.
I'm apprehensive to see Harrison Ford as a feeble Hans Solo!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Have heard that people are starting to camp out in order to be at the head of the line when the movie opens.
Guess I'm at that age where there are a lot of things that I really don't give a shit about. Originally Posted by KCJoe
what gets me is what those people give up to be FIRST. or 3rd or 10th.
money(I assume they have jobs, or maybe they just blow thrur PTO to camp on a sidewalk? and sit, FOR DAYS?

Maybe they enjoy the "adventure" of sitting on a sidewalk/sleeping there for days to be one of the first to get a phone or see a movie
but are they proud of that? Who would they tell this tale to who would be impressed"?

a girl? do girls get wet over hearing about a guy sitting on a sidewalk for days, not showering, shiting in a bucket/porta jon, to be FIRST/tenth to get a phone or see a movie, etc?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I don't care as much as I did thirty years ago and especially since the last three were so disappointing, but I'm sure I'll go see it, just not the first couple of weeks to avoid the true believers.
I'm apprehensive to see Harrison Ford as a feeble Hans Solo! Originally Posted by Smoking Monkey
that' sums up my fear as well
that the old actors are just going to ruin this by causing me to think about the first 3 movies too much so I can't enjoy the new material
and I fear they will have SOME character be the new "jar-jar"

I never understood why the "empire" is bad

then again, maybe I played too much TIE FIGHTER as a kid
I'll wait till it hits Netflix.
I 100% agree with what has been said about the last 3 movies, but i have to ask the following question. If it's something they like then who gives a shit if they take time off to wait in line to get tickets to a movie they like? If i were to ask them what they thought about "we" who are involved in this community what do you think they'd say? lol? If it's something they like to do, or in this occasion "watch" then who gives a fuck?
Personally, I no longer pay to see movies as there are plenty of free passes available online. Gonna try to see it in 3D tonight just because I'm close and have the time. Of course, if any of the lovely eccie ladies would like to join me.............
I know a girl named Jaycee is excited
stimulatethemind's Avatar
I know a girl named Jaycee is excited Originally Posted by BigDeal
She's actually much more of a "Trekkie" girl. Doesn't really get into Star Wars and is moderately pissed that Disney now owns the franchise. She does love her some Spock though!!
JCM800's Avatar
I'll check it out eventually.
I saw it this morning. I got to the theater about 9:20, stood in line about 2 minutes, they still had tickets for the 9:30 showing in 3D. I bought a ticket, the theater was about half full so there was a good selection of seats. I enjoyed the movie, the visuals were great in 3D, the age of the previous actors did not spoil it in my opinion. When I left the theater around noon, the parking lot was full and the ticket line was pretty long, so I recommend going to an early show if you want to get in without waiting around. ::::::Spoiler Alert::::: My only complaint is that the script could have been a bit more original, it was just too close in plot progression to the original first movie, seemed almost like a remake than a totally new movie, but I still enjoyed watching it and look forward to the next installment. Just hope they make the plot less like the first trilogy.