Exposing real names/identity?

TabithaToy's Avatar
Yes, I do care, very, very much. Why else would I use a fake name and hide my face otherwise? I have Never exposed anyone. It is Wrong to do so. In fact, I think it is against the code. Anyone that does such, should be banned for life and POSSIBLY exposed too.

Everyone's life is important. Think about it. Maybe your life is important to you, just as my life is MORE important to ME (than yours anyday, anytime.)

Karma. Putting people at risk is very uncool. But go ahead, I have a very, very good memory and I can also play that way, but I would rather not.

Please delete any and all references to TABITHA TOY. Thank you!
Bloodhound's Avatar
What brings this up? Kinda out of the blue seems like.

Never mind I found my answer.

Sorry Tabitha.
TabithaToy's Avatar
Exposing and putting me or anyone at risk? Very wrong. I know exactly who you are too. Think about it!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Someone needs to take him out back and kick his ass!
Duke of G's Avatar
So are you just admitting to having access to Men's Lounge information? Because that makes this pretty easy.

The information was not an "outing" by intent, only links to works in the public view. When it was discovered that they were possible links to real world info, they were promptly removed.

If this is a counter threat of outing, you should read the site guidelines again.
TabithaToy's Avatar
It has not been deleted.
Duke of G's Avatar
Thank you for the clarification regarding access to ML information. We'll be dealing with that promptly too.
Texasquest's Avatar
Just my thoughts. But this isn't the first "unintentional " outing lately. Maybe if the mods addressed that first. Then some of this other stuff wouldn't keep coming up. But lately it seems like people outing others has become standard fare. With no repercussions. IMO
Duke of G's Avatar
That perception would be incorrect. There was no intentional outing here, nor has any that has been brought to our attention, ignored.
Texasquest's Avatar
There was a time not so long ago that outing someone( intentionally or not). Would get you a vacation, some permanently.. Does not seem to be the case now. Especially when it is deemed as unintentional . Was just such a case a week ago. There mY have been points given or not. No way to tell. But for sure no vacations given out. My point is it looks like it's ok to out someone now as long as you say oops I didn't mean to.
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you out someone you should be banned for life. A person can loose their job or screw up their family relationship from that bullshit.
It's ok for hobbyists to out a provider, but not for a provider to out a hobbyist. That's what I've seen anyway. Just sayin'.
pyramider's Avatar
Outing anyone is not good. I would never want anyone to know I am a world renown midget wrestler.
KenMonk's Avatar
Its never ok either way around. Even when someone gets all angry, its never ok to just out someone.
Its never ok either way around. Even when someone gets all angry, its never ok to just out someone. Originally Posted by KenMonk
A) Angry? Why would the mechanics get so twisted? B) Anyone who exposes another from either side of the field deserves perma Ban (not reality)! Everyone has a life which superceeds the fantasy. If you don't, Bummer for you, your missing out. Its both parties duty to NOT do something so stupid. Let Charlie Sheen be the goof that makes a fool of himself. Leave us all out.