What Makes a life Sexy ...

Who better to answer than the most oversexed 'creature' you know... btw, do u like & can u see my new avi

What makes a life sexy...

feeling good, comfortable about all aspects of your life
realizing the world isn't against you, it's with you, made for you
feeling perfect because you are
tapping into others sexual energy (everyone wants to feel desired, this isn't hard)...
being the best you can be, because you are essentially inspiring, affecting others life thru this
making silly mistakes and laughing together while ure ego crashes to the ground ... (I love this)
Eating cake & other naughty treats together ...because this is ure playtime. because ure human, not boring barbie & ken
letting ureself go....

*being the best you can be for ure soul, not ure ego - which will leave u feeling empty, instead full n sated when u take care of ure soul

flying down the xpway at 120 because you can't wait to scoop up ure romeo or juliette ...n if u die this way, it'd be all worth it
following ure passion because it's all ure made for

setting rules, boundaries, fears ..then breaking them

knowing u have so much life left

being able to see inside somebody's soul

waking up n knowing it's starting all over again

Life is like one long never-ending orgasm.

you feel resistance ...then freedom
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Knowing tomorrow always brings a new day, yes I like your avi, hot, that is what is sexy!

Nothing makes a life more sexy than the mindless, overnight babbling of a hooker that has had a little too much to drink, should have gone to sleep hours earlier and thinks that everything she has to say is soooo deep and thought provoking that she must share it - ALL THE TIME!!

C'mere you sexy thang!!

You got that right!