Are We Going to Allow WFAA to Disrespect Kara?

Chung Tran's Avatar
they have not.. yet. but we all know WFAA has its priorities fucked up. consider this story they proffered just 2 months ago.. the retirement of Jason Witten.. Jason Witten!

a fucking Tight End on a team that hasn't won a playoff game in 2 decades. Kara is one-finger tight, and has been entertaining men for 2+ years in Dallas.. GROWN MEN with grown up activities, not some Dude who played a child's game for a living. Witten caught a few balls, sure, but Kara has played with many more balls, and always two at a time

we should gather about 20 of us to March on Victory Plaza.. demand that Kara get a retirement story from WFAA.. hold signs and press our faces to the glass window at Channel 8, when they sign on for the 6:00 News tonight. bark at John Mcaa to get cameras positioned at Blue Saturday morning. while we are at it, someone should tell Colleen Coyle a white girl with her look and body could "Bank" at Blue.. couldn't hurt.
mikehammer002001's Avatar
LOL, off the meds today? But always entertaining Tran
slimpickens54's Avatar
Now that would be a breaking new report I’d watch!

I bet it would even get picked up on the National broadcasts. Now if we could just get the Dallas Mayor to declare a day of mourning and order flags flown at half mast (although in honor of Kara, not sure half mast is possible).
Ghostrider's Avatar
Damn Chung,

Chung Tran's Avatar
you guys chickened out, I'm here in Victory Plaza by myself.. Mcaa ignored me at 6:00, like I was some lone crazy Bastard.. I'm trying again tonight, I caught Colleen Coyle just now, as she was rehearsing her weather report. I told her she should work at Blue, she would make a ton of cash, but only if she does BBFS.. she slapped me across the face.

I guess that means Ashley will corner the White Provider market. Dale Hansen heard me talking about Kara, and said he might show up Saturday.. I hope he doesn't crush Kara with his huge body.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Film of Chung and Kara @ 10 PM.