Mob mentality

cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 07-22-2010, 06:42 AM
I did not want to Hijack another thread, what motivated me to write is a post by China Doll in another thread …..
“Yeah. I know that if an alert were ever posted on me, I would be helpless against the mob mentality that can build here sometimes, and I ain't no pushover, either!”

With all due respect to all the Guys and Galls...
Why is the "mob mentality" becoming the norm on this board lately?

Is this board becoming Hostile???
I just do not get it!!!!

What is going on here gentlemen?
I have been noticing a trend lately, maybe it is just me?
Some Galls and Guys do not post, participate in the Coed Discussion, post availability, post reviews potentially for fear of being attacked.
This is a community for the benefit and safety of all.
We are all in this together, no one is better than the other.
If people shy away (Galls & Guys), this board will lose any meaningful participation and exchange of information.
If we keep this attitude and drive the Ladies away from participating, we will be left with a bunch of guys talking about how good it was when the ladies were her.
I apologies if I have ever offended anyone, not that I remember doing that!
Please, Please, Please lets learn how to be civil to each other. We can disagree but continue to be respectful.
Some guys think that their remarks are funny and that is what it is all about, having fun. Please consider the feelings of other people when you post a remark.
Amen +1
ben dover's Avatar
I'm a little taken back by the amount of bitchin here, I don't remember the old place being this harsh.
edr1322's Avatar
CNYM very well said. Ed
Dr J's Avatar
  • Dr J
  • 07-22-2010, 08:31 AM
"Mob mentality" is a well-known psychological phenomenon. It is promulgated by emotion and anonymity. Given that eccie readers bring the former, and are provided the latter, it is not surprising to find it here. However, that does not mean it should be tolerated. When it occurs it is up to moderators - and the rest of us - to respectfully call it out.
taggert's Avatar
For me, its much tougher to gauge someones personality or motivations via written text. I read whats posted, take it for what i think its worth and move on. The contributions of members here has helped me greatly and without those contibutions, this place becomes useless. Its also more fun and interesting when the ladies contribute. China and chloe most always have something interesting to say and I'm certain that there are others that would as well. Different points of view are part of what makes the world go 'round but bitchin and piling on is another thing. There are lots of interesting people here, and i'd rather they didn't fall back into the shadows
Cnym- I agree but it should be noted these forums are designed to maximize good experiences and safety for the hobbyists as well as the providers. Many of us are fearful of confrontation, to call out providers for less than stellar services. So when someone breaks the negativity-ice, many feel like-wise and jump in. So yes, there does appear to be a mob mentality here, a bit.
Overwhelmingly this is a very positive forum-almost too positive at times. By that I mean, the reviews here are, by my rough estimation, over 90% positive. With the reviews here, one has to read in between the lines to find any negatives about a provider. So I think for the most part, this is a civil and fair board. If a provider has consistently positive reviews, I don't think they will run away from this board.
The opposite happens too. A hobbyist writes a stellar review and we all high five- another aspect of the mob mentality.
I think a slight bit of negativity serves us all well, but I don't know if we can ever get away from the mob mentality.
Mob mentality is also a point of view. Utilitairian in its form. The majority is or becomes the mob and the minority is the victim for all intensive analogies. Depends on whose side you look at it from. Oft the minority will dub it a "Mob" cause they are outnumbered and it's natural to take that stance. It's human nature. If you have 5-10 people that say they believe this, think this, agree about this, it's a Mob to the opposing side who is smaller and vice versa.

To me this place is not a mob mentality site, it's either this side or that side taking a stance and there are of course a few middle men mixed in as well. As far as hostility, moot point cause hostility is by definition conflict and conflict is a definition of two opposing forces at debate. This place is just as hostile as ASPD from the view point of people that felt ASPD was hostile and vice versa to those that thought it was hunky dory brotherhood land. Again whatever side they are on lies the answer to is it hostile.

One thing anyone has to remember is neither side is really Censored here though. Either side has the right or ability to plead their case and present their points etc. Some sides in some threads are more outspoken than others in many instances...But that hardly makes it mob mentality it just makes it a ratio of this side vs that side and usually one will apparently stand out. Bottom line anybody can argue their point and it's up to them to take the opportunity to defend/promote an issue or to argue against one.

Remember if both sides become even in number it's a stalemate. And you never see anyone saying I hate this site cause it has a "stalemate mentality" But you see people saying "I hate it there cause of the "mob mentality"... its got more copy"
Mob mentality is also a point of view. Utilitairian in its form. The majority is or becomes the mob and the minority is the victim for all intensive analogies. Depends on whose side you look at it from. Oft the minority will dub it a "Mob" cause they are outnumbered and it's natural to take that stance. Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
I cannot speak for the majority of "the minority," but I will say this: I disagree with you wholeheartedly that your assertion applies to the thread we are ultimately referring to. I used the phrase "mob mentality" because I saw a lot of unfounded hostility toward this provider. I am not taking sides here; I will not take a guess as to whether or not she ripped this fellow off. I do think that there was clearly insufficient evidence to warrant the barrage of attacks that she had to endure. As a result, I stick to my usage of the phrase "mob mentality" with all possible negative connotations included.
I understand your point. I also understand your usage of the term. The assertion was not meant to be directed at your original thread/posting per say rather as a commentary of general forum behavior. That is... I was pointing out the whole "Mob mentality phrasing" in context to this whole forum in general. The thread that spawned this was on my mind but the content of my post was merely thoughts on group forum activity/psychology in general. That is to say I was not thinking of "mob" as hostile behavior merely as being general behavior of a mean spirited nature if you follow. There are "mobs" of people at the taste of Buffalo for example... I'm not meaning it as a "Negative group" in that instance rather I'm using it as a sociologist would just say describe a quantity of people. That's what my meaning to "mob mentality" was in regards to my said selection. It was merely a take on the numbers game of opinions if you follow.
I cannot speak for the majority of "the minority," but I will say this: I disagree with you wholeheartedly that your assertion applies to the thread we are ultimately referring to. I used the phrase "mob mentality" because I saw a lot of unfounded hostility toward this provider. I am not taking sides here; I will not take a guess as to whether or not she ripped this fellow off. I do think that there was clearly insufficient evidence to warrant the barrage of attacks that she had to endure. As a result, I stick to my usage of the phrase "mob mentality" with all possible negative connotations included. Originally Posted by China Doll

China - I must so respectfully disagee, with the exception of the OP, there was only myself and one other who seemed to think there was problem with the young lady in question. I would hardly consider that a mob. Most recently a new poster lakefrontguy chipped in with his personal experience. Before I posted anything, I searched for other reviews here and on to check on the validity of the OP's complaint. I am not a member of a mob and my experience here has nearly always been one of reason and civility with a few exceptions.

This being said you can count on me to rush to your support if you ever need assistance!
Thanks for the potential future assistance, Perryay!

Wlhrgfan, I do believe that you are trying to say that I am mistakenly referring to the majority opinion as "the mob mentality."

Mob mentality - Unique behavioral characteristics which emerge when people are in large groups.

I am not referring to the common opinion here as the "mob mentality." I am referring to the ways in which people react to certain kinds of posts. Based on the definition of "mob mentality," it doesn't matter how many people react this way, because the "mob" refers to the total number of people, not those affected by the presence of it.

Let's talk about the most recent example. People here have an overwhelming tendency to believe every word of an alert without question. This goes for the boys and the girls. It's completely understandable that we want to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure I've been guilty of it at some point. It's not necessarily a bad thing when these unique behavioral characteristics emerge. I do think it's a bad thing, however, when people allow themselves to get so into the "+1" rush that they maliciously attack those who are just trying to use logic to play devil's advocate.
Wlhrgfan, I do believe that you are trying to say that I am mistakenly referring to the majority opinion as "the mob mentality." Originally Posted by China Doll
I'm not and never was trying to say you were referring to or presuming to say anything. I was explaining that my in post I was referring to the term "mob mentality" from a certain standpoint (a utilitarianistic view of it). Akin to Dr. J's post: "Mob mentality" is a well-known psychological phenomenon. It is promulgated by emotion and anonymity" Both were generalized statements about the act of mob mentality as it can be seen in web forums.

I am, repeat "I" was just talking about the general phenomenon of mob behavior as one often may encounter on a site. I'm not quoting you the OP or anyone else here in this thread I'm just making a commentary on mob mentality as I've at times seen it on forums. I am not attacking your stance, your definition or trying to presume anything for that matter about the phrase in your original post from the other thread. Like the OP posted he was inspired to start this thread from something that was from another post thread. I took it as apples and oranges to be honest with you. I took this post thread as a general talk about mob mentality and approached it as such.

All I can say is I am talking about Mob mentality in forums in general and Not anything specific written by you or quoted by you. I'm not trying to presume anything other than to present a specific definition and say outlook to the act of Mob mentality that occurs in forums in general. Like I say i stress in general cause my focus has never been on any specific quote/incident by you or anyone here. I was just saying mob mentality exists at times and here is a reason why is all my post was about. Like I say I took it as apples and oranges in terms of post threads. Both were related in terms of subject and thats all I took it as.
All I can say is I am talking about Mob mentality in forums in general and Not anything specific written by you or quoted by you. I'm not trying to presume anything other than to present a specific definition and say outlook to the act of Mob mentality that occurs in forums in general. Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
Fair enough. I apologize for taking your words the wrong way.
dearhunter's Avatar
Information is a hobbyists friend...........even bickering.........nuggets of truth come out when people post in anger.