No, Jeb is NOT a good choice for the GOP in 2016...

George Will misses the mark in this column:

Even if I knew to a mathematical certainty that Jeb would win and be a good president, I STILL would not vote for him.

What IS it with this country and family dynasties? What are we - a 3rd World country?

Repeat after me:

No more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Gores, no more Romneys, no more Browns, and worst of all - NO MORE KENNEDYS.

Fuck Hillary, fuck Jeb, fuck George Prescott, etc.

It is just matter of time until we start to hear how brilliant Chelsea Clinton is and how she can help mold this country.

And after that, we will read putrid hagiographies in the NYT and on HuffPo of Malia and Sasha Obama and how they want to dedicate their lives to helping America through high level politics - with the special gifts that only they possess.

If you love your country, do NOT re-elect from the same family. It is a sign of national sickness.

Jimmy Carter's wife and daughter stayed out of political office. Ronald Reagan's wife and kids stayed out of political office.

That is the way it should be. Can we please get back to THAT?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 10:18 PM
works for me too.
Ok I will go along, but who is left?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 10:36 PM
Hildabeast will get elected but that doesn't mean I'll vote for her, unless of course the GOP magically comes up with a candidate that isn't a total idiot and gets within 5 points of her forcing me ..
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Yeah, cause you wouldn't want to visit a doctor from a multi-generational medical family or an attorney whose dad was also an attorney. Heaven forbid! No engineers, pilots, or bankers either who had family members as inspirations and mentors. That would be horrible!

In fact if each of those professions were limited to three two year terms in their jobs and had to change to another profession (and go back to school to learn it) the country would be in a whole lot better shape, right?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
George Will misses the mark in this column:

Even if I knew to a mathematical certainty that Jeb would win and be a good president, I STILL would not vote for him.

What IS it with this country and family dynasties? What are we - a 3rd World country?

Repeat after me:

No more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Gores, no more Romneys, no more Browns, and worst of all - NO MORE KENNEDYS.

Fuck Hillary, fuck Jeb, fuck George Prescott, etc.

It is just matter of time until we start to hear how brilliant Chelsea Clinton is and how she can help mold this country.

And after that, we will read putrid hagiographies in the NYT and on HuffPo of Malia and Sasha Obama and how they want to dedicate their lives to helping America through high level politics - with the special gifts that only they possess.

If you love your country, do NOT re-elect from the same family. It is a sign of national sickness.

Jimmy Carter's wife and daughter stayed out of political office. Ronald Reagan's wife and kids stayed out of political office.

That is the way it should be. Can we please get back to THAT? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Excellent well as the ones you mentioned, all the puff pieces on Mrs Richard's daughter Cecile make me want to puke!
Chelsea did marry well, though.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah, cause you wouldn't want to visit a doctor from a multi-generational medical family or an attorney whose dad was also an attorney. Heaven forbid! No engineers, pilots, or bankers either who had family members as inspirations and mentors. That would be horrible!

In fact if each of those professions were limited to three two year terms in their jobs and had to change to another profession (and go back to school to learn it) the country would be in a whole lot better shape, right? Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
You make a great argument for experience in professions, but it seems like in politics they just entrench themselves in power, not service.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
You make a great argument for experience in professions, but it seems like in politics they just entrench themselves in power, not service. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Thanks! Can't quite believe it, but that's cool. I think there are a number of factors at work with politicians, but we mainly hear about the bad acts so that is what we believe is the majority or even the entirety.

Personally I think politicians, like doctors and lawyers, mostly get into the profession to do good and make change for the better. They then tend to be co-opted by the system and surrounded by people who want favors or to tell them what they want to hear. Hard to resist and few do. It is human nature after all.

I'm reading "High Price" Dr. Carl Hart's biography where he basically tells us that everything we have been told about drugs is a lie. There is no pharmacological difference between crack and powder cocaine. The tales about high addiction rates and instant addiction are lies. Cocaine, just like nicotine, alcohol, opiates, meth and most everything except perhaps marijuana physically addicts at a rate somewhere between 10% and 20%. Now politicians didn't come up with this shit on their own, people with serious agendas did. There are other people with serious agendas against politicians as well so who you gonna believe?

Not sure of the answer, but IMHO money isn't speech (and corporations aren't people - I'll only believe it when Texas executes one) so leveling that playing field a lot probably wouldn't hurt.
lustylad's Avatar
Chelsea did marry well, though. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You mean the Nigerian email scamming Mezvinsky family? Yeah, Chelsea married well. Liars and fraudsters are extremely compatible.

"...federal prosecutors said Ed Mezvinsky habitually dropped the Clintons' names and boasted of their friendship during the 1990s as he defrauded friends, family members and institutions out of more than $10 million... Ed Mezvinsky was sentenced in 2003 to serve 80 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to a massive fraud that prosecutors said amounted to a Ponzi scheme... An ABC News investigation revealed that Mezvinsky, a former Democratic Congressman from Iowa, had been caught up in a series of Nigerian e-mail scams and began to steal from people to further his schemes..."

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
George Will misses the mark in this column:

Even if I knew to a mathematical certainty that Jeb would win and be a good president, I STILL would not vote for him.

What IS it with this country and family dynasties? What are we - a 3rd World country?

Repeat after me:

No more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Gores, no more Romneys, no more Browns, and worst of all - NO MORE KENNEDYS.

Fuck Hillary, fuck Jeb, fuck George Prescott, etc.

It is just matter of time until we start to hear how brilliant Chelsea Clinton is and how she can help mold this country.

And after that, we will read putrid hagiographies in the NYT and on HuffPo of Malia and Sasha Obama and how they want to dedicate their lives to helping America through high level politics - with the special gifts that only they possess.

If you love your country, do NOT re-elect from the same family. It is a sign of national sickness.

Jimmy Carter's wife and daughter stayed out of political office. Ronald Reagan's wife and kids stayed out of political office.

That is the way it should be. Can we please get back to THAT? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Historically, this cycle is often broken by a man rising out of a major event, usually a war. Jackson in the War of 1812, William Henry Harrison out of the Indian Wars, Zachory Taylor out of the Meican American War, grant out of The Civil War, Teddy Roosevely out of the Spanish Smerican War, and the llatest being Eisenhower out of WW-2. These are just a few notable high ranking Military Men that used their success in a wartime arena to vault to the head of the field.

Some were great Presidents, some among the worse.

I have no solution as to how to break this cycle of political dynasties that we as a Country actually fought a Revolution to do away with.

We will probably have to settle for what we have now, a Demogogue who can appeal to the masses, get elected, and not have a clue as to what to do after that.

That being said, I will still take what we have over any other Country.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You mean the Nigerian email scamming Mezvinsky family? Yeah, Chelsea married well. Liars and fraudsters are extremely compatible.

"...federal prosecutors said Ed Mezvinsky habitually dropped the Clintons' names and boasted of their friendship during the 1990s as he defrauded friends, family members and institutions out of more than $10 million... Ed Mezvinsky was sentenced in 2003 to serve 80 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to a massive fraud that prosecutors said amounted to a Ponzi scheme... An ABC News investigation revealed that Mezvinsky, a former Democratic Congressman from Iowa, had been caught up in a series of Nigerian e-mail scams and began to steal from people to further his schemes..."

. Originally Posted by lustylad
OK, other than that....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-03-2014, 07:01 AM
It is the system....not the families to blame. This is the system we have. What do you propose to change the system?
It is the system....not the families to blame. This is the system we have. What do you propose to change the system? Originally Posted by WTF
I doubt you can "fix" it. It has been going on from the beginning. John Adams-John Quincy Adams.

We actually have "royal classes" in this Country. Political Dynasties, and entertainers, (I fit professional athletes into that category) are two that come to mind.
We pay pro athletes and top entertainers extravagant amounts of money to do nothing more than take our minds away from life's everyday problems. We keep sending the same politicians back to office, time and time again, if for no other reason than we think "the crook we know" is better than the one we don't.

Yes, we have a flawed system. But then, like I said before, I will take it over anything else.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Historically, this cycle is often broken by a man rising out of a major event, usually a war. Jackson in the War of 1812, William Henry Harrison out of the Indian Wars, Zachory Taylor out of the Meican American War, grant out of The Civil War, Teddy Roosevely out of the Spanish Smerican War, and the llatest being Eisenhower out of WW-2. These are just a few notable high ranking Military Men that used their success in a wartime arena to vault to the head of the field.

Some were great Presidents, some among the worse.

I have no solution as to how to break this cycle of political dynasties that we as a Country actually fought a Revolution to do away with.

We will probably have to settle for what we have now, a Demogogue who can appeal to the masses, get elected, and not have a clue as to what to do after that.

That being said, I will still take what we have over any other Country. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Funny you should mention that bunch. Jackson was childless, but Harrison's grandson became president, and then TR's cousin became president. Zachary Taylor's son-in-law, Jefferson Davis, was the one and only president of the Confederacy.