Obama says more than 7 million have gotten coverage; but as every thinking person knows, it is all lies....

Has Obama ever been truthful to the American public ?

Georgia insurers received more than 220,000 applications for health coverage in the Affordable Care Act’s exchange as of the official federal deadline of March 31, state officials said Wednesday.

Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, though, said premiums have been received for only 107,581 of those policies, which cover 149,465 people.

“Many Georgians completed the application process by the deadline, but have yet to pay for the coverage,” Hudgens said in a statement Wednesday.

Whoops: Half of Georgia’s Insurance Enrollees Haven’t Paid Yet.
LexusLover's Avatar
Which half? The one's who can pay or the one's waiting for their "exemption coupon"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your point?
My point is your a dumb schmuck for swallowing (defending) the lies of Obama.
Even the Sunday Morning Talk Shows, which are usually just a shill for Democrat Talking Points, hinted that it is strange that they can give you an exact number of sign-ups, but can't give the number who had insurance in the first place, or how many actually have paid for the service.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.............

In the mean time, it is business as usual at Business's like mine. The only thing that has changed since Obama Care took affect is we are now paying about 25 percent more for the insurance we furnish our men.

But any body in their right mind knew this was going to happen, so you just accept it as another cost of doing business.

We simply passed it on to our customers, most who are in the same boat.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
My point is your a dumb schmuck for swallowing (defending) the lies of Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Excellent explanation of your position.

I happen to believe (based on tons of imperial evidence), that you're a dumb schmuck for swallowing (defending) the lies of every RWW fanatic online,even the spotty bottomed 13 year olds holed up in mamas basement.

Kool aid swilling ditto head!
The Georgia Health News source isn't a fanatical RWW on line publication dipshit !

It quotes the Georgia State Insurance Commissioner idiot !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2014, 10:21 AM
Which half? The one's who can pay or the one's waiting for their "exemption coupon"? Originally Posted by LexusLover

some of you idiots believe people are automatically covered by an insurance company the very second you enroll.. take a number and get in line then stfu

7 million applications .... abra ka dabra, presto change-o, POOF, you're in the system COVERED!!!!!!!

simple minded little rightwingers
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Georgia Health News source isn't a fanatical RWW on line publication dipshit ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How does this prove I'm a schmuck for "swallowing (defending) the lies of Obama?" How does this prove Obama lied? You're a fucking idiot. It shows that some folks haven't paid their premiums yet. OR, and this is more likely, that the insurance plans in Georgia haven't been able to process all the new enrollees yet... OR BILL THEM? (God forbid the insurance companies' record keeping is behind.) Do you pay your bills before you get them, Whirlyturd?

Read the whole story... or better yet, POST THE WHOLE STORY. What are you trying to hide?

You use the word "lies" so often that it means nothing anymore. It's just a reflex action. Kinda like bleating, squealing and crying like a little girl in every fucking thread you start.

Typical Whirlyturd pattern:
  • Blaring headline in ALL CAPS.
  • Cut and past an unrelated post...highlighting ONLY the part that supports your ideas and leaving the rest out.
  • When challenged, respond with an insult and a unrelated generality based on personal opinion (er, bias), not fact.
  • Shift the debate to proving the credibility of your unrelated generality.
  • Insult, spin, lie and repeat.


You should seek counseling... truth management.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Excellent explanation of your position.

I happen to believe (based on tons of imperial evidence), that you're a dumb schmuck for swallowing (defending) the lies of every RWW fanatic online,even the spotty bottomed 13 year olds holed up in mamas basement.

Kool aid swilling ditto head! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did you get your "imperial" evidence from the Imperial Army of Russia?
Do you have any empirical evidence any of these posters are in their mama's basement?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking autocorrect! Oh well, I guess it happens to everybody from time to time. Happens to me a lot. Gives self-important douchenozzles like you a chance to snipe at a post without addressing the content.

And yeah, cupcake, I can hear the fucking echo when they post. That's empirical!

Now why don't you provide a substantive argument that Whirlygay's post proves Obama is lying about something, specifically in Georgia.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Fucking autocorrect! Oh well, I guess it happens to everybody from time to time. Happens to me a lot. Gives self-important douchenozzles like you a chance to snipe at a post without addressing the content.

And yeah, cupcake, I can hear the fucking echo when they post. That's empirical!

Now why don't you provide a substantive argument that Whirlygay's post proves Obama is lying about something, specifically in Georgia. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you catering the Doctor's lunches today, friend?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's not my business.

But your answer indicates you can't defend your brother in gums...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's not my business.

But your answer indicates you can't defend your brother in gums... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
OK - what is the question?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2014, 12:58 PM
OK - what is the question? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

does your wife whip your ass at her leisure or are you on a schedule?