Isabella Mercy says goodbye...

Hi everyone!

Just an FYI😀
I am retiring from the hobby.
It has been a very interesting experience; I have learned a lot in the past few years. Thank you😘
I'm very blessed to have met some incredible gentlemen that have truly enriched my life forever.
The past year has been hell for me. I have had two 360 spinal fusions. I didn't know from day to day if I'd be able to walk. I have had to cancel on so many people; I feel terrible for being so unreliable!!!
Most of you have been extremely understanding and supportive.
A few of you have not been as nice...
Again, I'm very sorry for disappointing you.
I haven't worked since May.
I used my summer to contemplate my future and my goals.
I don't want to be in the hobby anymore.
Honestly, I have experienced the most pain from the man I have been married to for six years... I met him in the hobby and I fell madly in love with him. It has been the biggest mistake of my life.
He knew exactly who I was when he married me yet he spent six years reminding me of the fact that I am "nothing more than a whore". I could never live up to his expectations nor could I ever truly gain his respect. He tore me apart, fractured my spine, and used me up until I had nothing.
I lost count how many times he yelled at me calling me a whore and a cunt.
However, he had no problems with spending the money I made nor did he hesitate to continue hobbying.
He is a hypocrite and con man. I was blind and ignorant.
In hindsight, I believe he was my informal pimp.
We've now been separated since May. He left me completely destitute and crippled.
I will never understand how someone could do that.

Ladies, especially body rub gals, my soon to be ex husband is charming, cute, and funny. He easily admits that his MO is to get as much VIP service as he can for free. He is a smooth talker and gravitates towards spinners who are young and naive.He's the most manipulative person I've ever met. Protect yourself gals! I don't want anyone else to make the same mistakes as I have!😳😧
I'm finally starting to recover from the immense damage I allowed him to inflict on me.😻☺️
I have enjoyed being a provider. However, my experience with marrying a client has left a horrible taste in my mouth. He has become the only regret I have in the hobby.
My clients were more kind and loyal to me than the jerk I married!

Just my humble opinion:
Do not fall for your client.
Do not fall for your ATF provider.

She's a novelty. You enjoy how she makes you feel but that's not enough to sustain a long term healthy relationship.

I must say that some of my closest FRIENDS are former clients.
In the face of adversity, we truly see a persons character.
I have had nothing to give since May.
Crippled and poor, I wouldn't have made it through this nightmare without the help of some of my former clients. I know they are true friends because they stood by me through all of the bad when I had nothing to offer. I can't thank you enough!!!
New clients: I apologize for not returning any calls or responding to emails since May.
If any of you wish to say farewell to me, you may email me directly at
My hobby phone will be shut off soon and I will be deleting my gmail account as well.
Reach out to me soon... Before it's too late.😘😱
Take care.
Isabella Mercy
PS-I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for😻☺️😘💗
TheEccie214's Avatar
Never met you and thought this would be just another goodbye and then we'd see you again in 6 weeks. Very nice post, wish you the best in your mental and physical quest to be normal again. You sound like a very nice person, don't let guys in your future tell you otherwise.

I honestly don't know how many guys could really handle knowing their girl was a hooker. It may be sexy at first, but that would wear off when you're trying to think of her as a life mate. Really good wisdom you've passed along.
God bless you darling
Hugs doll i hope are ok find somw groups to talk about this. I am really touched by this kinda made me cry. I really wish i could just give you a hug. Pm me this pos so i put him on my black list. Much love baby.
And i dont know what you see but you hot
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-13-2015, 12:18 PM
Sorry to hear about your struggle with this pos, that's why its never a good idea not to cross the line in this hobby, hope the future is better for you. good luck
Wow! So sorry to hear this! While I have never met you, this is the thing I really worry about! I worry that though my hobby, I some how support evil like this, modern day slavery that you hear about on TV and read about in news papers.

I pray for your healing and wish you all the blessing you can possibly handle!
I'm sorry that happened you Isabella!

There are so many emotionally toxic and physically abusive people out there. Unfortunaly we don't see it until the very end.

Love makes a hard rock feel like a soft place.

Nonetheless, thank you for sharing your story with us. It's the truth. I'll be sending positive vibes your way.

Bbud1959's Avatar
Lovely Isabella, a sad story and I hate that you have gone through this. Sending you good thoughts and well wishes. I've also sent you an email. Best of life to you and yours
GingerKatt's Avatar
Isabella, I did the same thing girl. BUT, I made him swear, he would never, ever, ever, use the words whore, ho, or any variation when talking to me. Only lasted 18 mths but that was enough. You are so much better off. I LOVE my clients and friends so much. Screw the dirt bags that TRY to hurt us.
ManSlut's Avatar
Wow Isabella, I'm sorry to hear this.

This HOBBY, no matter which team you play for, has nothing to do with LOVE. In hindsight, you remaining a Provider and him allowing you (probably encouraging you to because of the informal pimp, money thing) was your Red Flag to not continue the relationship much less, get married.

Leave this manipulative piece of shit ASAP and leave NO DOOR whatsoever opened for this ANIMAL!...He will always try to patch things up and manipulate you, these types are all the same, they never truly move on...Close this door HARD and board it up with locks and chains and drop the keys in an ocean!! Don't EVER look back or let him contact you girl...EVER!!

Wishing you all the best and a full recovery - Physically, emotionally and SPIRITUALLY Isabella...Heal your spirit first and everything else will fall into place Dear.

daddyo67's Avatar
So sorry Isabella! you don't deserve this!
I was thinking how many times I had seen you as a client in the last 6 years and I lost count at 43!
also as a friend we have gone out to eat and gone to Winstar a few times! you ask to borrow money one time and I gave it to you thinking I probably wouldn't get it back, but the next week the cash came in the mail just as promised! you are a wonderful person and I hope to keep you as a friend forever!
as for hubby! I could see this coming for a long time! but love is blind! been there myself before!
he was happy as long as he was playing and you were working he was having a ball!
that pos don't deserve you and in the end you will be much better off!
I know he's on this site but I don't know his handle! good thing or I would probably stalk him! funny thing is I know his real name!
anyway girl hang in there! your the best!
pyramider's Avatar
The OP should post taint photos as a farewell ...
Isabella, I have truly enjoyed getting to know you over the past 6 years and you have always impressed me with what a good person you are and have become a very close friend, which I will cherish for ever.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care!
Sorry to hear whats been going on with you, I can relate to the back situation, I have 4 herniated discs and spinal stenosis its challenging everyday, so sorry to see a manipulative asshole has hurt you while you are dealing with all like to tell you that all men aren't assholes.......but most are, especially dealing with providers, they hold them to a different standard...unfortunately.

anyways, im adding you to the people I pray for, and I hope you can recover your health.....we all take it for granted until we no longer have it......