Thanks for an amazing visit to Dallas ladies, it's a shame.......

micktoz's Avatar
....... that you have such a lousy group of arseholes on your local board that take the pleasure out of the hobby community. Hobbyists and some providers alike .
I now understand why so many beautiful providers have stopped being involved on the boards here.

You guys have some of the best ladies in the country but you wouldn't know it by getting on this board.

There, I'm done.
See you next trip.
I agree..............most of the frequent posters on the Dallas forum are condescending assholes whose fun in the hobby is to see how much shit they can cause and continue to stir the pot, making it stink for everyone. There is nothing wrong with opinions, but where it gets out of line is stating those opinions as facts. Most of it is making mountains out of molehills if not making up shit to bait a reaction. What is also bad is the joiners who obviously cannot think for themselves requiring others to think for them and carry the torch for those with an agenda say the same thing and they have no idea what they are talking about. It is sad to see that an adult board have very few adults on it.