Prostate massage

DFWClubgoer's Avatar
For providers and clients, NOTE the last line in this paragraph. Thrusting should not be part of the massage! I've had this done 4 times, twice correctly and it was good. Gentle pressure applied in a circular motion. Both successful times the provider knew I was about cum before I did. She was able to feel the prostate swell. If not done properly it can be painful and dangerous. Ask your provider about her technique.

A prostate massager is a device for massaging the prostate gland, mainly for sexual purposes. The shape of a prostate massager is similar to a finger, since prostate massages are traditionally given digitally (for example, via fingering). They usually have a slightly curved head to effectively massage the prostate. Lubricant is usually inserted into the anus. A prostate massager should be used with care because of the sensitivity of the prostate.

Correct use involves a medium to light repetitive massage, or circular motion—the tool should not thrust.
Well it looks like I'm off to the sex supplies store soon for one of these prostate massagers for my clients! Any advice on the best ones?
DownForWhatever's Avatar
I have an ATF in another city that uses something like this. It has adjustable vibe settings:

I think Miss Banks' gloved fist would make the best prostate massager. At least for me.....Nothing better than 5 knuckles rubbing across the ole prostate......except 10 !!!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Now this is a subject I definitely have expertise in!

Here is my favorite prostate massager, the Njoy pure wand. In my mouth.

Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Worth noting: the prostate usually enjoys being stroked on the way OUT, but not rubbed on the way IN. Thus with a curved toy, a slight rocking motion is ideal to really hit that sweet rhythm.