Smokin' Sessions That Stink When They Are Over

Invisible1's Avatar
I love smoking hot sessions. Who doesn't? BUT: Ladies, if you are a smoker, chain or social, please dont make us hunt and research to figure it out. I dont care if a lady smokes. I really dont. I do care if my clothes smell, even a little bit, like cigarette smoke when I leave your incall. I cant go back to the office, I cant go home....basically I am screwed (not in a good way anymore). Non-smokers can smell cigarette smoke as soon as they get close to me. Then they ask that question, "Where have you been?". They know I dont smoke. I can smell cigarette smoke as soon as I enter an incall. I walk into an incall, smell smoke and think to myself..."her bio said non-smoker" ...... "her reviews said that the guy could not tell if she smoked (wk liars)" ... "Damn, not again." If I know a girl is even a social smoker, I bring a gym bag to put my clothes in. Please dont make us non-smoking guys never want to see you again because we were not prepared for the smoke scent. Just indicate that you smoke in your bio. Put social smoker or dont smoke during sessions or whatever. And guys, if you smell smoke at a session, please put it in your review.

Hey, if you are into vapor, thats ok too. Just let us guys know. I have been surprised by too many smokin hot non-smokers that smoke in this hobby and I just needed to vent.
pyramider's Avatar
You are only screwed because you want to be screwed.
Ravasher's Avatar
Put a bottle of febreeze in your car. Problem solved
Girls should just be honest about in their showcases. That's even better than febreeze.
Brass Balls's Avatar
^^^^^^^^What she said^^^^^^^^^^