Ecciesburg Address

Four whores and seven pimps ago, our foreskins brought forth, upon the internet machine, a new website, conceived for community, information and general debauchery, and dedicated that all men are created equal as long as they have cash in their wallet.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether this hobby world can long endure. We are met on a great battle field of trolls, haters, NCNSers, drama queens & despicable outers. We come to dedicate a portion of it to the hobbyist that have left or gone UTR.

It is rather for us, the fun loving, drama free clients and providers, to dedicate to the great task remaining before us to make this site about having a good time and escape from the reality of regular day life, and that these hobbyist come back. For a House Divided, Does Not Fuck!

We as a community, shall have a new birth of a fun-fucking-tastic forum, and that a web destination, by the Hobbyist, for the Hobbyist, shall not perish from this glorious internet machine.

And to conclude I leave you with these solemn words…..

**Disclaimer: This is not a picture of honest_abe but does share a striking similarity to him.

And pyramider, yes, need more taint pix!

And damaaaaan, FUCK YAAAAAA!!!!

Okay, I'm done. Happy Labor Day!!!

Great Going Gatsby !!!! Always a pleasure reading your notes / reviews / threads !!!
well done bud.... happy labor day...
You&Me's Avatar
AMEN to that, Gatsby!!! This is what this forum is ALL ABOUT. Party on and enjoy great time with these beautiful ladies!

Thanks for sharing and contributing your fun with the rest of fellow hobbyists!
CowboyFan1943's Avatar
Oh so true. I appreciate your insight and humor.
KittyLamour's Avatar
My name is Kitty Lamour and I approve of this post 110%.

Great job Great Gatsby!
AshleyKay of Dallas's Avatar
Gatsby you are always so wonderful with words. I need to come back to dallas I'm missing some of my favs!
Redsan's Avatar
Agree Mr "G" have a great holiday
and always play safe!!!
Fuck a Duck Party On!!
Great read my it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
that is some nice wit on Labor Day.. Gatsby for Mount Rushmore!
Gatsby is really code word for -Shakespeare -
Jam out with my clam out Love your positive spirit and your literate writing skills