Does any one miss dirty girls

Ripmany's Avatar
I remember first few women pick up how dirt legs were worst than when play in sand box as kids. There street chicks and out mud all day very seldom took a bath plus did want rob in shower so almost never took a bath.
TongueInGroove's Avatar
Short answer: No

Long answer: Too many dirty girls (awful hygiene) on LC along with catfish bait & switch, etc. And PLENTY of clean girls available in Dallas with DIRTY minds. What's to miss? LOL
Gross! I pass on Dirty Girls.

This post reminds me of a GF I had back in college who would only bathe once or every two weeks. She had unusually large boobs for her frame (yes they were real) and she wore thin bras and her nipples would point threw her bras and shirt. I loved it and was smitten.

After a couple of romps the not grooming herself turned me off and one night in the middle of sex I couldn't deal with it any more. As soon as I finished I left. The next morning dumping her.