wellendowed1911's Avatar
Michelle Bachmann made one of the biggest mistakes EVER- how can she boldly say that if elected POTUS she would get rid of the Department of Education??? As I stated in a previous thread I personally would NEVER for any candidate- regardless of party- who would even remotely thinking about cutting the Department of Education. If anyone gives a rats ass of the future of America you don't want to cut education hopefully you want to send as many children to college or trade school as possible.
But wait it gets better: When asked if she would try and overturn Roe v. Wade, which gives women the right to an abortion, Bachmann said she would put forth a human life amendment and do everything in her power to restrict abortions.

Ok keep in mind that Bachmann is for smaller government, but
..... "Bachmann highlighted her understanding of the Constitution and the need to return to a limited federal government."
So which is it? Either she wants the government in a woman's uterus or she doesn't! Talk about talking out of both sides of your head-jeez!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, education has gotten SO MUCH better since Carter established the Department of Education. We could NOT afford to lose their expertise.

The Dept; of Ed is one of the three most useless cabinet posts ever. I don't support Bachmann, but she's right on this one.
The Dept; of Ed is one of the three most useless cabinet posts ever. I don't support Bachmann, but she's right on this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is one thing to say the Department of Education is "useless." To not explain why it is "useless" is in a word........"useless!"

Sort of like tits on a boar hog!
  • Laz
  • 09-06-2011, 06:30 AM
It is useless because the only way it gets money is by taking it from the states and the sending it back minus the overhead costs. Education is a local issue and should be left as a local issue. They can allocate the money needed far better and more efficiently than the federal government.

As for all of the college grants I have stated in other posts that they have had the effect of raising the cost of college not making it more affordable.

As for Bachmans stance on abortion I have two thoughts. First is I want the government out of peoples personal lives. I am Libertarean and want small government like many other republicans and tea party advocates. However, abortion is one of those difficult issues where a life or at least a potential life is being terminated. I hope we can all agree that supporting a new life is the best option. That being said I do not support a legal ban on early term abortions. Late term abortions are another issue. I do support programs that provide the pregnant women with viable alternatives to abortion so that the practice is minimized.

Either way she will not be the candidate so don't worry about it.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I woulnd't get rid of the education system in this country but it does need a serious MAKEOVER and needs to be revamped. Schools only prepare students to become wage slaves. Teachers need to stop pounding the mantra of; "If you don't get good grades your not going to get a good job," using fear tactics to encourage students. In this ever changing world they need to make economics and financial education necessary classes for ALL students that graduate from HS to give them a fighting chance! If the parents aren't doing it then the schools need to hire people who are qualified to teach such subjects such as entrepreneurs.

I don't know if this story is true but I read a story last night that Bachmans campaign manager and one of her top aides for her campaign quit on her! Their calling it quits. Is this the beginning of the end for Bachman even though she won the Iowa Straw Poll by buying up 4000 votes? Maybe they see that the ship is starting to sink.
akito237's Avatar
I am getting sick of the extreme right thinking that the only way to fix something is to smash it apart first.
surcher's Avatar
I am getting sick of the extreme right thinking that the only way to fix something is to smash it apart first. Originally Posted by akito237
I'm sick of the extremes on both sides! I'm also sick of those who don't want the president reelected so badly, they will try to kill anything he or the dems propose to try to help the economy, education or this country, as gettng Obama out of office is priority 1, not the betterment of the country.
Don't lose any sleep over her candidacy.............
TexTushHog's Avatar
Education is a local issue and should be left as a local issue. Originally Posted by Laz
Then I trust you support the repeal of Bush's All Children Left Behind law? And State mandated standardized tests?
The problem isn't with No Child Left Behind, but with the intransigent Unions and their sweetheart contracts that favor teachers over students............

As Steve Brill argues in his new "Class Warfare" book...teachers unions are the main cause of our failing public schools because they value teachers more than students. Without self-interested unions, Brill argues, a system where educators are judged on their effectiveness in improving student performance can "overcome student indifference, parental disengagement and poverty."

More local control would likely dilute union power and favor students in the process.

Then I trust you support the repeal of Bush's All Children Left Behind law? And State mandated standardized tests? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
  • Laz
  • 09-06-2011, 08:37 PM
Then I trust you support the repeal of Bush's All Children Left Behind law? And State mandated standardized tests? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
At the federal level yes. I also support a voucher program where the money is tied to the kid and the kid can go to the school that does the best job for them. The public education system has failed. With vouchers the public schools will have to compete and kids will no longer be forced into crappy schools because their parents cannot afford to move to a better school area.
  • Laz
  • 09-06-2011, 08:44 PM
I am getting sick of the extreme right thinking that the only way to fix something is to smash it apart first. Originally Posted by akito237

And you would have us keep doing what does not work just to be consistent?
JRLawrence's Avatar
Yeah, education has gotten SO MUCH better since Carter established the Department of Education. We could NOT afford to lose their expertise.

The Dept; of Ed is one of the three most useless cabinet posts ever. I don't support Bachmann, but she's right on this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Agree. Education is the most important activity for everyone. However, the Dept of Education is not a function of the FEDERAL government. It is a make work department that only creates jobs for new government workers (read that as members of the Democrat Party).

Carter is an idiot, and so is Obama! However, that being said I happen to agree that the growth of government is out of control and that only the Republican party gives us a hope to stabilize this mess. It is so sad that it makes me sick that there are so many ultra conservative unthinking people who have taken over the Republican Party. The ultra conservative portion of the Republican party (tea party) is a threat to democracy and the Democrats are a threat to democracy.

I would like to throw them both out and start over, but that isn't going to happen.

N2SEX46's Avatar
(The Dept. of Ed is one of the three most useless cabinet posts ever. I don't support Bachmann, but she's right on this one. COG)

(Agree. Education is the most important activity for everyone. However, the Dept of Education is not a function of the FEDERAL government. It is a make work department that only creates jobs for new government workers (read that as members of the Democrat Party). (JRLawrence)

Both of you are right on with these issues. The Department of Education has never educated anyone and it seems to create more problems than perform in a smooth manner to be worth their justified existence. I disagree with you assessment of Carter on having created the DOE. He established the DOE with the best of intentions, but as Ronald Reagan wanted, that to abolish it, it should have been done in the 1980s. It was one of those things that just hasn't worked out, except as pointed out that it is a branch to make work for government employees. As an education services officer during one of my tours in the military, I found only one employee who seemed to know anything about education and she had a maasters. The other dozen or so had doctorates and were dumber than a box of rocks, who never could advise me about scholarships, grants, accreditation or anything to help students. NCLB isn't teaching our kids to think, it is teaching kids to take tests. BHO should get rid of it, too. JR, there are a lot of my fellow Republicans who are employed in the Dept. of Education, the ones I know will defend their department as one of the most important. I suppose their paycheck is more important to them than party platform. Still, I agree with you on its worth, or worthlessness in our case.

Question COG? What are the other two worthless cabinet posts in your opinion? I would suggest the Dept. of Homeland Security and Department of Energy.