The Rats are scurrying

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Wow, someone woke up the White House Press Corp with revelations of Senile Biden's corruption

Today not one, but two extended instances from the press

First - White House National Security Council Coordinator WALKS OUT after being asked about Hunter Biden's WhatsApp messages with China implicating President Biden


"I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made was not fulfilled. Tell the director I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.

And Zhi, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the Chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows, and my ability to forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

Is this proof Joe Biden WAS involved in his son's dealings while in office?

berryberry's Avatar
NEXT - MULTIPLE Reporters from various outlets TURN on Karine Diversity Hire about Senile Biden's Bribes

They gang up on her for 4 minutes straight asking about Senile Biden's connection to Hunter's overseas business dealings after bombshell text messages reveal criminal corruption scheme while she tries to stoenwall them
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Those reporters will be taken to the woodshed by their bosses and be lucky to be in that room again, let alone allowed to ask actual questions.
berryberry's Avatar
Those reporters will be taken to the woodshed by their bosses and be lucky to be in that room again, let alone allowed to ask actual questions. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That or they see the writing on the wall with all of Senile Biden's corruption and knowing he is unlikely to win in 2024 his time as the left's useful idiot may be coming to an end

The leftist puppet masters may be unceremoniously dumping his criminal senile ass before the 2024 campaign gets too far down the road
Jacuzzme's Avatar
To replace him with who, RFKJ? I like him other than the environment wackjob stuff. Clearly he’s a free thinker who’s not afraid to piss people off, both left and right. Someone who manages that has principles.
berryberry's Avatar
To replace him with who, RFKJ? I like him other than the environment wackjob stuff. Clearly he’s a free thinker who’s not afraid to piss people off, both left and right. Someone who manages that has principles. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh no, not RFK Jr. The leftists dislike him. They want to replace him with the failed far left TDS addled Governor of California - Gavin Newsome
berryberry's Avatar
Meanwhile after ignoring this for a day it seems the media finally got their marching orders

Watch the TV news reports


CNN is throwing some serious truth bombs today. They’re actually reporting on the IRS whistleblowers alleging the DOJ gave preferential treatment to Hunter. They even show Hunter’s text message that says Joe was sitting right next to him as he threatens his Chinese business partner


NBC's Chuck Todd: "Two credible IRS whistleblowers" say the "U.S. Attorney leading the probe was blocked in his efforts to charge Hunter Biden with more serious crimes" by Biden's DOJ

Even on Heavy DNC bootlicking CBS:

After AG Garland disputed interference allegations, IRS whistleblower said his claims are easily corroborated. Hunter Biden’s lawyer did not address CBS News’ questions about specific allegations.
... That Jean-Pierre earbore won't last three more months
if she has to take questions everyday. ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... That Jean-Pierre earbore won't last three more months
if she has to take questions everyday. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
berryberry's Avatar
Any journalist in this country who is not chasing down the Hunter Biden coverup story as laid out in Shapley and other whistleblower testimony is a fraud. This makes Watergate look like kindergarten play.

berryberry's Avatar
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Things got tense in the White House briefing room today after several journalists in the press pool asked Jean-Pierre to answer some questions.

"Listen here — it's not my job to stand here and answer your questions all day like some sort of press secretary," said Jean-Pierre while furiously flipping through her 3-ring binder to find a pre-written comeback that would shut the journalists down once and for all. "For goodness' sake, I'm a human being, not some wind-up toy or magic 8-ball you can shake up and ask whatever question you want to! What do you take me for? A member of the White House communications team?"

Several journalists in the audience rudely raised their hands to ask further questions, apparently unaware of how poorly they were behaving.

"Come on, we all know the drill here. You ask the questions given to you by my team, I recite the answers given to me by my team, we pretend it's spontaneous, and we all go home, ok? Get off your high horse, everyone!"

At publishing time, Jean-Pierre had informed the journalists that any more out-of-turn questions would result in them being sent to the time-out room with no cookies or juice boxes.
... That Jean-Pierre earbore won't last three more months
if she has to take questions everyday. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

... SEE? ...

... Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Wow - even the Washington Post can no longer ignore the Senile Biden Crime Family scandals
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.
That shit is right out of Goodfellas. They’re caught, red handed. The only question is if there’s actually justice in this country, or if it’s as corrupt as any astute observer would assess. I’m betting on the later.
berryberry's Avatar
That shit is right out of Goodfellas. They’re caught, red handed. The only question is if there’s actually justice in this country, or if it’s as corrupt as any astute observer would assess. I’m betting on the later. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
They are caught indeed. You know its bad when even the DNC mainstream media starts reporting on it.

But we still have two standards of justice in this country so whether actual justice comes of it, I would not count on it. But what could come of it is the leftists decide Senile Biden has outlived his usefulness to them as their leftist idiot puppet in the White House because he will lose in 2024 and they take him out