
I hate to bring all of this crap to the board but I don't "do" drama.
There are 3 providers on here who have received threatening text messages, one provider who has been attacked by the source of these text messages and one provider who is living in constant fear because of them.
Two of these providers took time out of their day today to meet with certain pepple and try to come up with a solution to get rid of threatening stalker texting guy.

All this provider has heard today is completely untrue backchannel crap that someone is continually spreading.
I don't like drama, I try and stay away from anyone who is known to talk shit or spread rumors. Enough is enough.
If your interested in the truth, ask me and I'll answer it to the best of my capabilities otherwise there is NO reason to discuss me, because I won't talk about you in an appointment.

Sorry for the typos, I'm on my phone.
noleftturn's Avatar
Drama has even chased people away. I thought this was suppose to be a place to connect for happy times. If on TV it would be a reality series called "Pussy Drama".

But seriously Grace I agree too much drama and bs.
I've realized since all of this started, that the drama, for whatever reason, seems to continue around certain people.
So when all is said and done, I think I'll happily climb back under my rock. Lifes about having fun!
Why would anyone want to threaten anyone ?
Thequeen's Avatar
I came back because I missed it here but coming back to everything that has been going on makes me want to get my tin foil hat and go back under my rock, I have yet to post an ad due to everything...

Everyone won't get along.. Never has and never will happen but to threaten, stalk and attack people is just taking to too far, If you don't agree with someone then disagree, bring out the CAPS and leave it on the board.

Im hoping this can all stop and go away.. To those 3 providers I hope you all stay safe and can come up with a solution and even figure out who is behind this...

Really Kaylen? First you tell your clients that I am being pimped because I SAID that meeting was a bad idea, and that our stalker would know about it, which was why I didn't intend to go. Welll guess what? I WENT anyways knowing it was risky. So, by your logic I guess that means I'm not pimped, right? And, just as I said, he knew exactly where we were, and what we were doing. How shocking.

Meanwhile, where were you? YOU were the one too busy to take a dick out of your mouth long enough to suit up and show up, then you got pissed when I wouldn't fill you in on all the details. So, by your logic does that mean you are the pimped one? Not accusing of course, just applying your own logic.

The reason I will not share any further details with you is that you have absolutely NO concept of how to keep your mouth shut. You aren't safe. We are dealing with someone who's intellect is far beyond my own. No problem with me admitting that. I can't even go there to underestate your capacity to understand this situation. I have tried, and tried, and TRIED to impress on you what is really going on, but OH NO, Kaylen knows best. Kaylen hears what she wants to hear and disregards the rest. Well, you deal with it how you see fit going forward. Don't bother texting, calling, or PM'ing me. And for damned sure, stop blowing my phone up because I don't answer you as quickly as you think I should, or tell you what you want to hear when you want to hear it.

GROW UP!!!!!!!! This isn't about you. For once in your life figure out that not everything is about you. I honestly can't remember being this pissed and this completely disgusted in a long time.

I have gone to bat for you time and again, defended you, cut off one of my REGULARS because of the way he treated YOU. But we are DONE. Completely, totally until the end of time, DONE. You do nothing but lie and back stab, and you honestly believe this entire world revolves around little old you. You stabbed me in the back once, and I forgave it. Now you try to stab Grace in the back the same way. Fool me once, shame on you Kaylen. Fool me twice, shame on me.
WTF did I do please tell...
WOW ...That's all im going to say..
You are two faced, people are right. Talking shit about my family to clients and im the bad person.I didn't do shit to your ass. I didn't tell MexMex to stop seeing you. Stop blaming people for problems. You grow up...SMH
I sure hope your threatening text rant drummed up business for you. You were able to come to the board and cry about it, but when it is time to actually do something where are you? Conspicuous by your absence of course.

For you, this was just another business opportunity. For Grace and I, this is a hell of alot more serious than just some she said/he said typical drama.

I haven't taken a single appointment since I realized that my apartment is being watched. I am taking steps to correct that because I will be damned if I will let my clients walk into such a risky situation. Tell me again how absolutely certain you are that you are not also being watched, and tell me again how absolutely certain you are that your clients are not also at risk. Because you certainly seemed absolutely positive that ohhhhhhhh no, he's not watching you too, even after he has made it abundantly clear that he is keeping tabs on every single thing I do. I will be damned if I will put my client's personal security at risk by allowing them to walk unwittingly into an incall that is being watched. Meanwhile you haven't slowed down one bit. I suspect some men may be sleeping very uneasily tonight.
You could have simplified your post to "I didn't do shit" as in you haven't done shit to protect yourself or your clients. You haven't done shit to actually address what is going on.

Wait, I'm sorry. You did do something. You told guys that I am being pimped. Hooray for you!

Where were you Kaylen when I was going out of my mind with worry because I couldn't find Grace? There are a whole lot of folks who can attest to the fact that I called or PM'ed them, in total panic, frantic to find Grace and find out if she was OK.

Where were you when I called you in a wall eyed panic to make sure you were OK and BEG you to stay in Topeka where you would be safe? I was terrified for your safety, and for Grace's safety. What if it had been me? You wouldn't even have known I was missing, much less given enough of a shit to tell the next guy to take a number long enough so you could give me a second's thought before saying "NEXT!!!!!"
I would never put a client in danger.Never, I worked here in Kc for 2 years and never had trouble and now you wanna start some with me. .Why. I didn't do nothing.
OK ...I having same text that you have so whatever..Im done here omfg.
WOW you are a BITCH for real.
THis is truly mind blowing. Stalker finally revealed himself. The reason Kaylen wasn't at the meeting was because he had booked an appointment with her. No wonder she didn't care when I called her in terror after Grace was attacked. She came back to KC the very next day because she knew she was safe.

I've seen providers do some low things. But never in my life anything this low. Kaylen, if you thought Grace and I were a threat, my God, you should have just said something.
confused. wow.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
...and these are the Days of Our Lives...
So who's the stalker?