Baltimore: Most Libertarian City In America?

ICU 812's Avatar
Just read a news story that said the city of Baltimore will no longer prosecute anyone for prostitution, drug possession and other "low level crimes".

I didn't really want to go there before, but . . . .

Maybe its an economic stimulus effort. You know turn Baltimore into a non-carabiner, non-Asian domestic destination for sex tourism.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just read a news story that said the city of Baltimore will no longer prosecute anyone for prostitution, drug possession and other "low level crimes".

I didn't really want to go there before, but . . . .

Maybe its an economic stimulus effort. You know turn Baltimore into a non-carabiner, non-Asian domestic destination for sex tourism. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Prostitution fine, sex trafficking of anybody that doesn't want to do that, put them under the jail.

Possession of drugs? Why not as long as you didn't have to steal the money for the drugs, you aren't using around, selling to minors and you don't hurt anybody as a result of your drug use.

And of course if weapons are involved in either activity, that's a whole nother story.

Prosecute people who hurt other people. Very simple but effective policy. If you aren't hurting anybody but yourself, leave them the fuck alone.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 02:00 PM
HF - Amen

Our 'war on Drugs" - and imprisonment of thousands for possession and person use - is a disaster and fails to address teh American drug problem.

we pay for the cartels to dominate Mexico and other countries with our drug money flowing south.

Addicts should be in treatment programs - prisons do nothing to help addicts.

Agree - traffickers, dealers, those who hurt others - deserve imprisonment.
Let's send them all to live with the LA DA - Gascon.

Baltimore - hardly 'Libertarian' - they have a series of corrupt DPST mayors in prison - who did nothing to improve the shit hole that is Baltimore for most of its' residents.
to the great approval of the LSM - which ignores the corruption.

Baltimore is solidly entrenched in a DPST created morass - with little way out due to the corruption of the DPST nomenklatura currently Ruling Maryland with graft. corruption, and handouts to placate the voters they keep in poverty - rewarded by more enslavement for their Votes - every election. .
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 02:11 PM
Immediately comes 'w' - to post in favor of the 'wisdom' of incarcerating People for simple possession -

Texas used to give up to 30 years for a seed .
I wonder what the DPST 'model DA Gascon thinks of that????
Best join the DPSTs who just know that criminals need no punishment, 'w'!
don't stray from teh DPST narrative - or risk expulsion to the Republican party for teh 'crime' of 'common sense' (Gasp in horror).
According to thegatewaypundit this is what's not being addressed

CDS (drug) possession
Attempted distribution CDS
Paraphernalia possession
Minor traffic offenses
Open container
Rogue and vagabond
Urinating/defecating in public

It's being pushed by that racist Marilyn Mosby. I'd bet she's not trying theft cases <$1000 too. Its a travesty. We are not a nation of laws any more.
ICU 812's Avatar
So Baltimore will become another San Fran.

I was hoping for s few Macau-style hotel/casino/sex spa places to spring up.

Sex Tourism in America!
bambino's Avatar
According to thegatewaypundit this is what's not being addressed

CDS (drug) possession
Attempted distribution CDS
Paraphernalia possession
Minor traffic offenses
Open container
Rogue and vagabond
Urinating/defecating in public

It's being pushed by that racist Marilyn Mosby. I'd bet she's not trying theft cases <$1000 too. Its a travesty. We are not a nation of laws any more. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Just a rogue DA overriding the Maryland legislature. Like than goon DA in LA. You have to give it to Soros. He put these losers in office.
Rogue Mayor. Rogue DA. Rogue Judges. Rogue Governor. Rogue Appeals Courts...

Laws don't matter anymore in the certain areas.
So Baltimore will become another San Fran.

I was hoping for s few Macau-style hotel/casino/sex spa places to spring up.

Sex Tourism in America!
Originally Posted by ICU 812
You should go there and start a trend. Just make sure you have adequate amounts of D-con or a couple of big hungry alley cats,because Baltimore is a rodent infested shit hole.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Baltimore dim-wit run shit hole ( PESLOISSS FATHER MAYOR BACK INTHE DAY )
They don't have time for minor crimes , only like homicide , shooting and the like