A message from the White House on Super Tuesday

DNinja69's Avatar

So no I did not really expect Biden to address the nation today and likely he won't get anywhere near a debate stage but the message sent by the White House today is a clear indication how inept and out of touch the old man really is.

His solution to rampant inflation?

Tell companies to stop charging so much.

Even Democrats should be getting tired of this bullshit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

So no I did not really expect Biden to address the nation today and likely he won't get anywhere near a debate stage but the message sent by the White House today is a clear indication how inept and out of touch the old man really is.

His solution to rampant inflation?

Tell companies to stop charging so much.

Even Democrats should be getting tired of this bullshit. Originally Posted by DNinja69

they are. this far left radical nonsense isn't what the majority of Democrats support. now they know they were lied to and Biden is losing the base of the Democratic party because of it.

there's a reason Biden didn't campaign in 2020 and the same reason he won't be allowed to in 2024. he's a walking fucking idiot retard.

of course he's running unopposed so as far as the DNC is concerned they'll keep him in the White House basement until October when he'll conveniently drown in a bowl of chicken soup so Gavin Newsom can save America by turning it into Kalifornica

winn dixie's Avatar

So no I did not really expect Biden to address the nation today and likely he won't get anywhere near a debate stage but the message sent by the White House today is a clear indication how inept and out of touch the old man really is.

His solution to rampant inflation?

Tell companies to stop charging so much.

Even Democrats should be getting tired of this bullshit. Originally Posted by DNinja69

There is some truth to price gouging.
DNinja69's Avatar
Examples are welcome.

I would argue that truth is not much of an impact overall and Biden trying to wipe billion$ and billion$ of student loan debt away while seniors suffer and struggle is confusing and troubling. We have been promised reduction in medicine expense and a couple of carrots but not nearly enough is being done.

To me the current administration just wants to blame we the people for the not being able to afford food, gasoline, and other necessities. Nah. I call bullshit on this current finger pointing effort. If he doesn't feel he has the tools to address these issues its time to step down and let someone with a better grasp of the job take over.
DNinja69's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
President Carter tried price controls and rationing in the 1970s.

Didn't work then and won't work today . . .not to keep prices down.

Policies like that only encourage scarcity and create a black market.
eyecu2's Avatar
There are TONS of examples of price gouging out there. Take a look at teh beverage industry- specifically those who produce Soda. Sugar- a main ingredient of these beverages, along with corn syrup, had gone up 20% since 2020 and the pandemic, but prices rose 50% to the consumer. Prices for suger have continued to dropped steadily now, yet the prices are steady at the 6.99 -7.99 per 12 pack. That's more expensive than beer, or other premium beverages in particular. It's a clear example of when the quiet pricing stays static due to so few players in the soda industry; and the grab for as much money as they can get in the short run till consumption starts to drop. So far- it seems like consumption must just be starting to cut into revenues, due to no change in price.


These companies who fix prices all live by the sword and die by the sword.

Overall, some of the new drugs to lose weight and strategies towards caloric intake are having an impact on the sugar industry and those who rely on sugar for the ingredients. But to be sure- there has been gouging going on for the past 2 yrs alone. Eggs were another one due to the avian flu outbreak, and finally have ebbed. Car manufacturers were another one during the post opening after the pandemic.

I don't begrudge anyone making a profit, but there are many companies that should be held in check to ensure that they are not doing so simply off the backs of American's who are living day to day.
President Carter tried price controls and rationing in the 1970s.

Didn't work then and won't work today . . .not to keep prices down.

Policies like that only encourage scarcity and create a black market. Originally Posted by ICU 812

No, that was Nixon.
There are TONS of examples of price gouging out there. Take a look at teh beverage industry- specifically those who produce Soda. Sugar- a main ingredient of these beverages, along with corn syrup, had gone up 20% since 2020 and the pandemic, but prices rose 50% to the consumer. Prices for suger have continued to dropped steadily now, yet the prices are steady at the 6.99 -7.99 per 12 pack. That's more expensive than beer, or other premium beverages in particular. It's a clear example of when the quiet pricing stays static due to so few players in the soda industry; and the grab for as much money as they can get in the short run till consumption starts to drop. So far- it seems like consumption must just be starting to cut into revenues, due to no change in price.


These companies who fix prices all live by the sword and die by the sword.

Overall, some of the new drugs to lose weight and strategies towards caloric intake are having an impact on the sugar industry and those who rely on sugar for the ingredients. But to be sure- there has been gouging going on for the past 2 yrs alone. Eggs were another one due to the avian flu outbreak, and finally have ebbed. Car manufacturers were another one during the post opening after the pandemic.

I don't begrudge anyone making a profit, but there are many companies that should be held in check to ensure that they are not doing so simply off the backs of American's who are living day to day. Originally Posted by eyecu2

Price gouging could also be called trying to cover increased government regulation costs.

It isn't easy to say there is price gouging, especially with products related to commodities.
ICU 812's Avatar
Saw Corned Beef brisket at $50 in Korger yesterday.

Drove through McDonalds. Got breakfast for two at just over twenty bucks.

In the 1990s, the spot price of gold was around $250-$300 per oz. Today it is something over 2,000. This does not mean that gold is more expensive. It means that the value of a dollar is now eight time less. than it was thirty years ago.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No such thing as gouging, you charge what the market will bear. In fact, what many describe as “gouging” is good, as it directs resources to where they’re most useful.

Example: A flood takes out power in a city for an extended period of time and there are few generators to go around. At the normal rate, let’s say $50/day rental fee, some guy might take that resource so his kid can play Xbox. When the rental company 10x’s the price (gouges) that guy won’t do it and the resource becomes available to the butcher with $100k worth of steaks in his freezers. To the butcher, the $500/day rental fee is money well spent.
winn dixie's Avatar
Good butchers should already have their own generators. And most do.
That example is more entitlement than price gouging.
Americans are paying more for everything and getting less. Yet ceo's are racking in millions. No one should make that much when folks are suffering. Those ceo's could take significantly less to pay employees more and at the same time lower costs. All while maintaining a worth while profit for the company.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sure thing, Karl. Let’s get that command economy rolling forthwith.
DNinja69's Avatar
No such thing as gouging... thats funny.

Collusion. Price Fixing. Strong arming retailers to set high price points. Nah...never happened.

If we are talking about cookies shit you can buy 1000 different options so its a pretty free and open market. Gasoline. Prescription drugs. Not so much. All that said a President who blames across the board inflation on greedy businesses is an idiot
winn dixie's Avatar
No such thing as gouging... thats funny.

Collusion. Price Fixing. Strong arming retailers to set high price points. Nah...never happened.

If we are talking about cookies shit you can buy 1000 different options so its a pretty free and open market. Gasoline. Prescription drugs. Not so much. All that said a President who blames across the board inflation on greedy businesses is an idiot Originally Posted by DNinja69