I don’t do Twitter so Mr Trumps tweets are not relevant

oilfieldace's Avatar
Simply put his policies were fantastic and had America on the right track until the Dems unleashed Covid on America. Kill a million Americans no biggie, we have to try some way to beat Trump, they couldn’t rely solely on ballot harvesting.
I thought it was China that unleashed covid?
winn dixie's Avatar
the orange cucks tweets are relevant! They helped dupe America in electing him. They also were instrumental in his fall!
It was china and the u n that unleashed the biological weapon on the world!
We wont really know if his policies were really any good for years. Like any other presidents. But its looking like HIS policies were not what we thought!
oilfieldace's Avatar
I thought it was China that unleashed covid? Originally Posted by reddog1951
With the aid and blessing of the esteemed left.
oilfieldace's Avatar
the orange cucks tweets are relevant! They helped dupe America in electing him. They also were instrumental in his fall!
It was china and the u n that unleashed the biological weapon on the world!
We wont really know if his policies were really any good for years. Like any other presidents. But its looking like HIS policies were not what we thought! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You need new material rino. I guess sick is all you know,
Precious_b's Avatar
Simply put his policies were fantastic and had America on the right track until the Dems unleashed Covid on America. Kill a million Americans no biggie, we have to try some way to beat Trump, they couldn’t rely solely on ballot harvesting. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Well, with his Presidential Library, you won't be able to peruse through it since the massive of his communiques happen to be on that forum. Ima waiting for the digital site that will store these dictums for aeternum.

Gotta thank #HeWhoShallBeNamed for sitting on his haunches (sp) for a month without lifting a finger for this *bug* that he stated "It's going to disappear." How many thousands of deaths in the USA during that period of inaction? A BIG number. And virulent outbreak, the sooner you try to contain it, the bigger the affect down the road.

You have to remind me which one of those half dozen dozen court cases was the verdict supporting ballot harvesting?

I thought it was China that unleashed covid? Originally Posted by reddog1951
Amongst other things like....

With the aid and blessing of the esteemed left. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
The Flu? I swear, everyone screams about Covid doing every bad thing around but no one questions the flu.
Flu is in China. Major phara biz always develop latest flu shots from flu variants in China. People take flu shots without question. Why the big stink about Covid?
Hypocritical if you ask me coming from those that get these shots.

Guess someone is too <insert adjective here> to blame the flu on the Left.
ICU 812's Avatar
Slightly off-topic, but relavent in tangent:

I am blissfully Twitter-less. Not on Facebook either, or whatever they call it now. Not Redit, Instagram, Tumbler . . .none of them.

I do participate here of course and on boards oriented towards gun collecting and photography. My blood pressure is good and only a few liberals here think ill of me.

So n o Twitter? No problems.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Well, with his Presidential Library, you won't be able to peruse through it since the massive of his communiques happen to be on that forum. Ima waiting for the digital site that will store these dictums for aeternum.

Gotta thank #HeWhoShallBeNamed for sitting on his haunches (sp) for a month without lifting a finger for this *bug* that he stated "It's going to disappear." How many thousands of deaths in the USA during that period of inaction? A BIG number. And virulent outbreak, the sooner you try to contain it, the bigger the affect down the road.

You have to remind me which one of those half dozen dozen court cases was the verdict supporting ballot harvesting?

Amongst other things like....

The Flu? I swear, everyone screams about Covid doing every bad thing around but no one questions the flu.
Flu is in China. Major phara biz always develop latest flu shots from flu variants in China. People take flu shots without question. Why the big stink about Covid? Are flu shots mandatory? Does your employer require you to get a flu shot or lose your job? Covid vaccine's are a relatively new type vaccine that doesn't have a long history of working.
Hypocritical if you ask me coming from those that get these shots.

Guess someone is too <insert adjective here> to blame the flu on the Left. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Inaction? Did you want Trump IN THE LAB with a white coat figuring this out? Even Democrats, the sane ones, give Trump credit for putting together "Warp speed". How many lives did that save?

What's the big stink about Covid

I'll take "it will probably disappear" ( like flu does every year ) against "if you take the vaccine, you will not get or pass Covid". Now that is an outright lie and the evidence is beginning to show that they all knew this from the jump.

How about "do it for your fellow Americans because if you are vaccinated, you can't pass Covid". How much damage do you think that did. "This is an epidemic of the un-vaccinated".

Up for lie of the century.
Precious_b's Avatar
Inaction? Did you want Trump IN THE LAB with a white coat figuring this out?
HELL NO! He'd be bird dogging any skirt in a white overcoat. That' have put the death toll into hyperdrive! Even Democrats, the sane ones, give Trump credit for putting together "Warp speed". How many lives did that save?

What's the big stink about Covid

I'll take "it will probably disappear" ( like flu does every year ) against "if you take the vaccine, you will not get or pass Covid". Could you give a link to this quote? Now that is an outright lie and the evidence is beginning to show that they all knew this from the jump.

How about "do it for your fellow Americans because if you are vaccinated, you can't pass Covid". How much damage do you think that did. "This is an epidemic of the un-vaccinated".

Up for lie of the century. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
HEY! Old Biz first: I asked for some recommendations on Providers in Miami! Cough up some leads and live up to the eccIE here!

There are plenty of time lines posted about the first announcement of Covid and when donny decided to move on it. The incessant 'not to worry' statements sure don't jive with the seriousness of the threat.

With the ad naseum (sp) shots/vaccines for Covid, i'm not going to knock them. Being one who hardly ever sees a doctor (open admission: I have one current medical condition and after various treatments, the doc says I do as well with no prescribed drugs than what he has already given me. Hence, I take no drugs whatsoever except caffeine daily.) I have to say there was more of a benefit with the first few initial vaccines than without. The stats show the places where people shunned the shot the deathtoll was higher than where people rolled up their shirts. I'm no NEJM contributor, so I can't give a yea/nay on the different boosters and such. *I* do believe that I got Covid when it first came out (can't confirm since I don't go to doctors and I rarely get sick.) Since than, haven't been ill. But I do notice I don't breath the same. Could be age. idk. But *I* will say it is a lingering result of said illness.

So, I can believe people being skeptical on the shots after the first ones. But I have no say with all the stuff on the boosters. I see no advantage in bad mouthing them to hell. Ima sure mortality stats would be the guide in this.
winn dixie's Avatar
you too stupid to DO TWITTER? We know the answer ace