What makes you reach out to a certain provider?

What is it that makes the switch flip in your head to reach out and contact a provider..? is it her pics that she posts here.? Her rates..? etc.. for me its the pic and to know they are avail without having to text and wonder.
Looks rates service. U sacrifice looks and service for price u expect more in those area in price is higher

Lowest price isn't what I'm after 100 good looking girl w good service better that 50 slob w poor skills but best value might be 150 hottie w great skills and amazing skills. 300 hottie outta my range despite other considerations
lilylivered's Avatar
Service and looks for ones I've already seen. Other times its chance because it might be the second or third choice
Next Best Thing's Avatar
100% whether or not I am immediately physically attracted based upon the pictures.
H5678J's Avatar
Also how sexy she sounds as she expresses her enjoyment in those activities and how her reviews sound.
lilylivered's Avatar
Reviews do weed out quite a few
How much she is willing to pay, followed by attitude and looks. After all, we all have bills to pay.
H5678J's Avatar
How much she is willing to pay, followed by attitude and looks. After all, we all have bills to pay. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Hehe, Don't you mean how much she charges?
Hehe, Don't you mean how much she charges? Originally Posted by H5678J
No. I have taken a more forward thinking approach.
100% whether or not I am immediately physically attracted based upon the pictures. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
haha I'm guilty of the same...
Next Best Thing's Avatar
haha I'm guilty of the same... Originally Posted by jmilton
Everything else is secondary. If a hook looks good I can work with it, whether she is pretending to like it, hates it, actually likes it, or whatever else. The money these girls charge is child's play, especially when you're booking anything less than a weekend, although taken in context they're obscenely overpaid.
Looks, menu, price (in that order). I think most clients choose based on looks 1st. Seems only natural to choose someone you're attracted to.
cowboy8055's Avatar
It's a combo of looks, personality and menu. I need reviews to help make a determination on seeing them. If I think I'll have fun then I'll try seeing them. I have to have a good idea of what I'm getting into. I've become too particular to play this game blindly.
Appearance / Menu / Price / Location
lickidyclit's Avatar
Location, price,and swallowing!