(QUIZ) How Many Tapeworms Could Live In Your Stomach?

tia travels's Avatar
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My results:
4 Happy Ones.
Me too.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
one lonely
one lonely also
Guest092815's Avatar
Yucky topic. one lonely for me. One of my biggest fears in life has always been parasites. Banish the thought!!

peace and love,
DEPmic05's Avatar
A tapeworm couple for me...yuck!

Funny that I've seen a lot of shows about parasites lately. Plus the recent news stories about bedbugs. Bleigh!
one big fat one LMAO
eccietime's Avatar

OMG I'm overrun with tapeworms!!!

:l aughbounce2::lau ghbounce2::laugh bounce2::laughbo unce2:
zach01's Avatar