Eccie providers on Backpage, screening?

How many Eccie providers advertise on backpage? Just curious as today I ran across a hot girl (aka simone) who after making initial contact with her from her backpage ad then later realized she was on here with lots of good reviews should be a great time! Score right? Not so much.

She (simone smith 214-881-0654) politely asks me on the phone while booking if I had a provider reference. I said no as I don't have any recent referrals and haven't recently done any reviews on here..I have been seeing backpage girls mostly who run away or are never to be seen again so a review is pointless on here...therefore leaving me with no credible provider referral which is why I immediately answered no when she asked...also not knowing that she herself was a valued eccie provider. I did follow up my "no" with "I'm an eccie member" and gave her my handle. She was to check me out and text me.

So little later get a text "need a referral, made me nervous that you said no when I asked for a referral and it made me uncomfortable when you fibbed"

I again explained myself as to why no current referrals and have always just given my eccie handle, the provider will message me to prove I'm the account owner and away we go..

Apparently I am a dangerous person who "might have just got arrested" or "might beat you up or rob you" lol

I understand discretion, I understand safety..but come on. A valued Eccie member should be as good or better than a recent referral. AND on top of that..if you are advertising body rubs on Backpage who really is going to have a referral OR be a reputable member on this board for the last 4 years? SMH

I'd really like to know from providers..if someone calls you and gives their eccie handle is that not good enough now? Do you have to have a recent review to be seen?

And how many of you advertise on backpage and expect the same level of client there as what you get here?
pyramider's Avatar
Just because a woman places an ad on bp does not mean she should not screen. How is being a member of a SHMB make you safe to see? I do not thinck the owners, and staff, of icky vet the members. There have several cases over the last couple of years where p411 members with well over 100 okays went off the deep end and hurt some ladies.
You must know the person in question lol. I am not even close to saying that screening shouldn't be done, regardless of the source of the post. If you can't trust Eccie, or P411 what do you trust? And if your that scared of getting beat up or robbed you probably shouldn't hobby much less post on Backpage
I think your just booty hurt that she didn't trust your word. And she's right for it !! After all you are trying to bash on her cause you didn't get your way. If I was her I would be counting my blessings for being safe and not messing w a hot mess! After all you are trying to bash her and you haven't even met her.
Better safe than sorry (for both parties).
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-19-2014, 03:06 PM
Having an account here means jack shit.

Having a reputation means more, but only if the provider likes what she sees/knows.

I would have ignored your ass. You obviously think you are golden just because you have an account. Crying no refs then trying to squeak in with "oh, I am on eccie".... Should have told her that to begin with if it pretty much gets you laid. Instead of trying to sneak around.

P411 and Eccie are just one of many tools ladies use to keep themselves safe. From who knows what. Mostly assholes in every generic sense of the word.
Mostly assholes in every generic sense of the word. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.
stationmidget's Avatar
Having an account here means jack shit.

Having a reputation means more, but only if the provider likes what she sees/knows.

I would have ignored your ass. You obviously think you are golden just because you have an account. Crying no refs then trying to squeak in with "oh, I am on eccie".... Should have told her that to begin with if it pretty much gets you laid. Instead of trying to sneak around.

P411 and Eccie are just one of many tools ladies use to keep themselves safe. From who knows what. Mostly assholes in every generic sense of the word. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
she's just an angry old woman...
i very rarely see ECCIE members who have less than 20 reviews and lots of posts and are well known with screening almost all of my appointments are strictly P411 with several okays, still think its allot safer this way than not screening. I know even this way theirs a risk involved but its less at least
Grace Preston's Avatar
She may have also noticed your plethora of "no" reviews. You seem to have some bad hobby luck.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-19-2014, 03:43 PM
she's just an angry old woman... Originally Posted by stationmidget

Jake B's Avatar
Your ECCIE account could have been compromised. Relying on just the account itself, is foolish.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 08-19-2014, 05:11 PM
I'm still surprised at how many providers will meet without checking my p411 profile or references. Better safe than sorry.
Having an account here means jack shit.

Having a reputation means more, but only if the provider likes what she sees/knows.

I would have ignored your ass. You obviously think you are golden just because you have an account. Crying no refs then trying to squeak in with "oh, I am on eccie".... Should have told her that to begin with if it pretty much gets you laid. Instead of trying to sneak around.

P411 and Eccie are just one of many tools ladies use to keep themselves safe. From who knows what. Mostly assholes in every generic sense of the word. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Really Ze? Is that what you think? Well I think its far past time someone has said this to you....

So call me maybe?
My point is, advertising on Backpage for business then saying "Oh I'm very strict, some guys it takes 2 weeks to get approved" is DUMB. Most people who find pussy on backpage don't have references much less accounts on here..which is where I contacted her to begin with. I didn't "fibb" or "lie" I told her I had no recent referrals but was on here, how in the hell is that a lie?

IF you wanna screen for 3 weeks go for it..but why advertise on BP then turn down reputable people lol

AND also she said well just have 1 provider say "he's cool" for you and I'll change my mind, haha. This is great..I am very strict but I'll take any females word that you won't beat or rob me.