Important public service announcement

I have something important that I feel I must share with you for the benefit of all concerned, but before I get to that, I would like to get a few small things out of the way.

Firstly, I'm back. (sort of). I'm taking a few monhs off from the hobby, however, there are 3 dates I have set, one in July, one in august, and one in september, which I plan to keep. The rest of the year, eh... . To those of you I was going to date in june, my apologies, ther were ..."extenuating circumtances", and I wasn't feeing very sexual at the time.

To all of you wonderful people on ECCIE. Thankyou. When I posted my "final post" I was in a state of mental delirium. I honestly didn't expect the responses that came. Sometimes I meet providers who are so "business" that I wonder if there is even a heart beating in their chest. You all have shown me that I am amongst a group of special people with heart and soul.
Kudos to all of you! Your thoughts and prayers were needed and appreciated.

In the interim, I am going to continue to read and post threads, trying to find new ways of offending people. By the way, who is this "assfuck350" person with the obnoxious posts?

To E.W., thankyou for acting as a diaper while I dump my emotional shit on you. The dinner thing is still open. I'm not big on fish, but grilled talapia sounds better all the time.

To C., haven't forgotten about you, just give me some time to heal, baby.

To D.L., You were the first to p.m. me after the news. I was realy touched. The p.m.'s helped. I still haven't packed any of her things yet, and I plan to keep wearing my ring; can't bring myself to take it off. not ready to cross that bridge yet. Hearing from you has realy cheered me up. I look forward with anticipation to the starfish deflowering. Mayby you can help me to persude "the Dannie" into being my next victim...

To my "harem girls", Thankyou for your kind words of caring, hope, and inspiration. I look forwad to seeing you all as well.

Again, to all of you, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. Y'all Rock!

Now, on to my public announcement...

It is difficult for me to type this but I will do the best I can. Sorry 'bout all the typos, I am visualy mpaired, and myeyelids are wet at the moment.

Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted transgendered individuals,,,,

Do you have an S.O. in your life? Have you told them lately that you love them? have you? I recently lost my S.O. . The day before she passed, we had goten into a little tiff about something, like all married couples do. It so utterly kills me, that some of the last words I spoke, to the one person I love most in the world, may not have been the kindest of words. And there isn't one dmn thing I can do to change it; I must carry it with me forever. Now all I can do is pace empty hallways staring at old photos and nick-nacks, rememberinggood times that will never happen again. God, o god, what I wouldn't fucking give to be able to hold her hand one more time, to look into those deep blue eyes, to hear that voice, to run my fingers through her hair, and tell her everything she means to me, tell her everything that is in my heart. I get in bed at night, and the cats all jump on top with me, and we lay there and stare at the vacant side of the bed. The cats then look at me with big sad eyes that say,"where is she? when is she coming back?". There is nothing I can do to change the situation.

There is nothing I can do.

There IS something you can do.

When your S.O. gets ready to head out the door for work, or whatever, grab them by the hand, swing hem around, plant one on their kisser, and TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM. They may give you a crazy look, fuck it, just do it. For once they walk out that door, there are no promises pof return. Dont let your love go unrequitted. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the "present". Use that gift.

Tell them you love them.


Tell them you love them.

just do it.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Garland, Your a good man and I appreciate you sharing this.
Nice Words Garland.... Sorry for your loss... We all sometimes forget the ones that really matter.. We all need to take the extra moment to tell the ones we love how we feel...
Best Wishes
ginaissosexii's Avatar

...Im in LOVE!!!
DustyHands's Avatar
Strong stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
Sorry to hear what happened i myself have lost my husband 5 years ago so i know what it is like. all you can do is talk about her everyday to keep her memories.It takes time to heal.I also want to welcome you back.
tsrv4me's Avatar
The "good things' will always be with you ..I"m happy for you that you are reconsidering ...if you ever want to stop for the day and get a bite to eat and some dull conversation with an old fart like me.....PM me ....I am retired and would love to meet you ..I am Straight so no problem there ...LOL you can talk and tell me about your SO..she sounds very special ...T
Iaintliein's Avatar
Think about tomorrow, but live in the moment because tomorrow is only an idea.

Sage advice sir, once again with my condolences and best regards,
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-18-2010, 01:07 PM

Such powerful words.

Hang in there,

Garland Bone.
Mayby you can help me to persude "the Dannie" into being my next victim...

To my "harem girls", Thank you for your kind words of caring, hope, and inspiration. I look forward to seeing you all as well.............

..............Tell them you love them.


Tell them you love them.

just do it. Originally Posted by Garland_Bone

STARFISH: You're relentless!
(I'm still checking out the 'couples anal' stuff, so all hope is not lost LOL)

Wonderful post, and a great reminder to let the people in your lives know how much they mean to you. I've had regrets about not saying "I love you" to a family member the day before he died, and ever since then, I go overboard with it to my friends and family. I don't think people say it enough!

You're a good man, and I look forward to serving in your harem
Int3rested's Avatar
You are right on...thnks
mtabsw's Avatar
Thank you so much for the inspiration. Today's been one of those bear bites man days, when it seems no one I care about, cares for me. You've renewed my determination to stay my course of husband, father and friend even when it doesn't seem I'm part of anyone's life.

I hear this a lot from friends in my circumstance, and I know it's wrong to feel this way. Please join me on Garland's high road and don't let the small shit bug you.
Now my eyes are wet. Very powerful words. Thank you for sharing such an important reminder with us.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
Garland Bone, my sincerest apologies and I hope you find peace and comfort in knowing you have offered priceless advice that may bring some much needed motivation to do the things we all take for granted...

Thank you!!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-18-2010, 02:14 PM
Garland, sorry for your loss. I lost my SO 5 years ago. The one thing I have learned is you can't change the past.You have to know that in your heart she knew it was just words said in the heat of the moment and not the way you guys felt about each other. It is easy to beat yourself up over things that you think of now that you could have done differently. I told my wife everynight before bed that I loved her, kissed her before I left to go anywhere. The only thing you have left is memories of the times you all had. Put your energy into that instead of the negitive. I know it is easier to say than do it, been there done that. I had the privilege to sit w/ my wife and hold her hand until she took her last breath. Most painful thing I have ever had to do. Its been 5 years now and do I still miss bet, everyday but I am thankful for every minute we had together. Hang in there and just know that you are not alone. From the posts I have read, your not.