Sorry for my lack of response

Max Rax's Avatar
to any emails or phone calls I've been trying to keep up with them as much as possible, if I haven't gotten to yours i do apologize. In the past 2 weeks i have dealt with 2 family members passing, caught the flu along with other things which have made it difficult for me to work or even answer the phone or respond to emails.

I have noticed numbers calling more then once, but for 1 reason or another i was unable to answer. Please accept my apologies and don't count me off as a flake or something I'm hoping to return within the next few days, but wanted to state the reasons there hasn't been much communication from me.
dearhunter's Avatar
We hope you feel better and are sad for your loss.
Sorre for your losses. Just take your time and get well.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
We still love you baby girl.

Sorry for the loss of your loved ones and hope you get back on the road to recovery.
Max, that's life as we know it. Take care of your family first. I am sorry for your loss. Get well soon.
blowpop's Avatar
Max, I'm sorry for your loss - my thoughts are with you. Your priorities are in the right place, and you've gone above and beyond by letting us know what's going on. Even during stressful times you remain a class act.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Girl what the hell are you doing posting!!!!!!!! Get your ass in bed and stay there till you get better

You know I am sorry for your loss as well.
Wayward's Avatar
Max I'm also really sorry for your loss, hope you are feeling better and come back to us in this thing of ours when you can.
srvfin's Avatar
Sweets.... Sorry for your losses and all the sorrow you must be feeling.... Time heals....
DarthMaul's Avatar

I was unaware. I hope you feel better soon and I am sorry for the loss of your family members.

You are in my prayers Babe!
Max Rax's Avatar
Girl what the hell are you doing posting!!!!!!!! Get your ass in bed and stay there till you get better

You know I am sorry for your loss as well. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
as if you didn't know that's pretty much where i've been last few days, miss talking to you need to get back on track soon


I was unaware. I hope you feel better soon and I am sorry for the loss of your family members.

You are in my prayers Babe! Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Now you know why I haven't been driving you nuts with texts lol, but i thought u did know i found out about my family at the poker game so a few guys here knew just put a smile on my face to cover the pain and i admit i lied to get out of there didn't want to explain anything to anyone.

Thank you everyone for your condolences time does heal, sometimes you just need to take a step back and observe what's important in your life and make sure that you take care of these things be it people or things
The G.O.A.T's Avatar

Sorry for your loss, and I owe you a special present for something you did for me.

I've kind of been a dork and with everything else going on forgot that you were still going through this very recent loss. Take care, and to echo EA, get back to bed.
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 01-27-2011, 11:22 PM
I love you still... I am so sorry for your losses. Hugs and KISS!!!!!
proper's Avatar
Max - sorry to hear about your loss and hope you get well soon. i was out late tonight and almost gave you a call while driving back. I know i should have.
