Sting Got Police Chief

mad469s's Avatar
Nice find and read. News like this makes me LMFAO.
Plastic Man's Avatar
uncle jack come clean ... your real hobby is surfing for hooker stories... please post more about pimps!
... please post more about pimps! Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Looking to improve your game are ya stable boy......

Nice find and read. News like this makes me LMFAO. Originally Posted by mad469s
IMHO, no sting is a laughing matter. I know it's seemingly comical that a police chief got snagged, but it just goes to show how sexual addiction can happen to anyone.

I'm sure he just liked sex like the rest of us and wanted it just as bad (possibly more since he risked so much) as we do.

I hope his life isn't totally fucked.
pyramider's Avatar
Sexual addiction? Just a horny goat got caught.
ToriStarr's Avatar
I know I've probably bored many of you gentlemen with my long lecture in favor of legalization....I can get a bit winded on the subject lol....and this is just another example. When I first read sure I thought it was a bit comical, him being the police chief...but then when you think about it, resigning and the outing in the news, it's very sad. It's very sad that these arrests RUIN and DESTROY peoples lives...not just those directly involved but also are awfully mean, and I think that's the worst case scenario...someone's kids being tortured for their parents so called mistakes
trojantide's Avatar
I agree with you 100% Tori but it's hard to feel bad for a guy who likely conducted his own stings and felt no remorse for ruining others lives.
It's the biggest reason for not becoming a cop. You have to enforce laws you do not agree with.
BTW, I believe you should support decriminalization of prostitution over legalization. Legalization implies tax and regulate (not good things). Decriminalization implies sex work as a job like any other job. If legalized I believe most would still operate outside the law. Like now in Nevada.
tounge ring's Avatar
If they did legalize it the girls charging $250-$300 would not be making the money they've been making. The client's will be the winners their. Also look how long it took to legalize weed (somewhat legal) to many Christians in government. If we make it legal because of the lives it ruins when they get busted, than you'll have every crack dealer to meth head crying to legalize that to. I guess it's that old saying you play you pay!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Fuck him. He played and he lost.
I am sure he got the reports of the hookers and johns that got busted. Now be can read his own.
I'd like to screw the newscaster.
pyramider's Avatar
Could he have been a participant on Undercover Boss and got popped by mistake?
cowboy8055's Avatar
I'd like to screw the newscaster. Originally Posted by clearlylost
cowboy8055's Avatar
If they did legalize it the girls charging $250-$300 would not be making the money they've been making. The client's will be the winners their. Also look how long it took to legalize weed (somewhat legal) to many Christians in government. If we make it legal because of the lives it ruins when they get busted, than you'll have every crack dealer to meth head crying to legalize that to. I guess it's that old saying you play you pay! Originally Posted by tounge ring
Don't know how much the price structure would change. Maybe not much at first. Would depend on how much new competition floods the scene.

Christians in government? Hmmm... Many in government may call themselves Christian but are they really true Biblical Christians. I kinda doubt it.

If you play you sometimes do pay. It's sounds good to want to legalize all kinds of things. But at least realize loose reckless living often comes with a price.
ToriStarr's Avatar
I agree with you 100% Tori but it's hard to feel bad for a guy who likely conducted his own stings and felt no remorse for ruining others lives.
It's the biggest reason for not becoming a cop. You have to enforce laws you do not agree with.
BTW, I believe you should support decriminalization of prostitution over legalization. Legalization implies tax and regulate (not good things). Decriminalization implies sex work as a job like any other job. If legalized I believe most would still operate outside the law. Like now in Nevada. Originally Posted by trojantide
Hmmm yeah I guess I never really thought about decriminalization vs. legalization...good point!!! But, I don't think I really have a problem with taxes and regulations(reasonable regulations like obtaining and keeping a license). I would happily pay taxes if I were guaranteed some effing respect and protection by the of my many many arguments, girls get hurt and they're either too scared to do anything legal about it or they do go to the authorities and they're dismissed because of what they do. Being a prostitute, sex worker, call girl, escort, hooker whatever anyone wants to call it does not make someone sub human or their life or safety any less valuable. Plus I'm hopeful enough to think that maybe if it were legalized and taxed it may solve some of the country's debt problems...yeah yeah I know I'm a dreamer. So yes in some ways if I were guaranteed protection etc I would happily pay taxes but as it stands, my government doesn't care or do a damn thing to help me in this endeavor so fuck em, I'm not giving them a penny